Luxury & Precision (LP) Portable USB DAC/AMP W1 and W2 (The new W2-131 Version is Available, Related Info on Post #1)
Aug 23, 2021 at 1:05 PM Post #3,826 of 5,321
From what I read, W2 would be a lot more than enough for EM5 (take it with a pinch of salt, I never had hand on them).

For IEMs/earphones I'd pick W2, but tastes and all...

[EDIT] If you manage to find a second hand S9 (AKM), it would be good candidate too. I prefer it over ESS S9 PRO. The only con I find is the little bit recessed highs (in comparison to S9 PRO). But I find W2 better than both of them, unless you plan to drive current demanding planars (again, was fine with Hifimans I mentionned above though).
not planning on using on any headphones for that matter....just for iems and earbuds.

I was almost convinced on w2 but after reading this post
& this
I am not sure anymore coz I am sensitive to sibilance. And also all the hassle with support and drivers it is kinda hard to consider it. I will overlook all for sq and volume control buttons if there not sibilant.

Unfortunately I cant get the s9(AKM) in my place..only the s9 pro is available.
I have also looked at shanling ua2 vs s9 pro which stated that shanling has its mid bass boosted little bit and with less treble and it sometimes causes the bass to bleed into the mids. So only options I have are the s9 pro and w2 and ofcourse the dragon flies which i think is not that liked in this thread.

i have read that em5 require as much as meze 99 classics and the sennheiser momentum 2's so....if w2 can drive them and not sibilant then i will pick the w2 over s9 pro.
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Aug 23, 2021 at 1:10 PM Post #3,828 of 5,321
thanks man
i think i will prefer the s9 pro then....seems w2 is thinner sounding.????

@ORF30 thanks for your input aswell.
I am planning to use it with fiio em5...what do you guys think is better for it. I believe em5 requires quite a bit of leaning towards s9 pro...going by @OspreyAndy 's words.
No worries. What we tend to forget at times is how important synergy factor is. From my own extensive tests with so many Dongles, W2 appeared to be an excellent performer for an already efficient and technically competent pairing partner. This suggests that the tuning optimization for W2 as I see it does not account much for anything more demanding. While others like PEE51, S9, S9 Pro, Apogee Groove, E1DA 9038SG3 and Ovidius B1 has shown great prowess to drive the more stubborn ones while similarly adept with the sensitive ones as well. And always remember that a DAC/Amp can only be judged by the listening endpoint device they are connected to. So knowing your IEMs/Headphones well before deciding on the pairing will make or break the end results. Then there's a matter of taste and preferences.
Aug 23, 2021 at 1:17 PM Post #3,829 of 5,321
not planning on using on any headphones for that matter....just for iems and earbuds.

I was almost convinced on w2 but after reading this post
& this
I am not sure anymore coz I am sensitive to sibilance. And also all the hassle with support and drivers it is kinda hard to consider it. I will overlook all for sq and volume control buttons if there not sibilant.

Unfortunately I cant get the s9(AKM) in my place..only the s9 pro is available.
I have also looked at shanling ua2 vs s9 pro which stated that shanling has its mid bass boosted little bit and with less treble and it sometimes causes the bass to bleed into the mids. So only options I have are the s9 pro and w2 and ofcourse the dragon flies which i think is not that liked in this thread.

i have read that em5 require as much as meze 99 classics and the sennheiser momentum 2's so....if w2 can drive them and not sibilant then i will pick the w2 over s9 pro.
As 2nd post is from me:
I have indeed tested lots of szenarios with different DAPs and yes W2 belongs to the more reveiling ones in upper mids where I am also a tad sensitive.
I think though that different DAPs have their pros and cons.
So e.g M8 though it's Shanlings TOTL DAP is way bigger and heavier and more expensive than W2 and can for some songs like modern fast paced ones like EDM where I want to enjoy the clarity and sub bass punch vs M8s full bodied mid bass emphasis and forgivingness I'd prefer W2 over M8.
What I want to say is that there's always a tradeoff even at TOTL level and W2 isn't perfect for 100% of music for me but for a good part of it depending on mood and taste (and music mixes / sensivity to upper mids) and not to forget gear: if you have a very lush and dark IEM W2 can be the perfect complement.
The mentioned song example is very extreme and not the average example Imho...
Aug 23, 2021 at 1:20 PM Post #3,830 of 5,321
No worries. What we tend to forget at times is how important synergy factor is. From my own extensive tests with so many Dongles, W2 appeared to be an excellent performer for an already efficient and technically competent pairing partner. This suggests that the tuning optimization for W2 as I see it does not account much for anything more demanding. While others like PEE51, S9, S9 Pro, Apogee Groove, E1DA 9038SG3 and Ovidius B1 has shown great prowess to drive the more stubborn ones while similarly adept with the sensitive ones as well. And always remember that a DAC/Amp can only be judged by the listening endpoint device they are connected to. So knowing your IEMs/Headphones well before deciding on the pairing will make or break the end results. Then there's a matter of taste and preferences.
After reading all these even I realized tuning options of w2 doesnt matter as much as the synergy and its ability to drive them.
Aug 23, 2021 at 1:32 PM Post #3,832 of 5,321
As 2nd post is from me:
I have indeed tested lots of szenarios with different DAPs and yes W2 belongs to the more reveiling ones in upper mids where I am also a tad sensitive.
I think though that different DAPs have their pros and cons.
So e.g M8 though it's Shanlings TOTL DAP is way bigger and heavier and more expensive than W2 and can for some songs like modern fast paced ones like EDM where I want to enjoy the clarity and sub bass punch vs M8s full bodied mid bass emphasis and forgivingness I'd prefer W2 over M8.
What I want to say is that there's always a tradeoff even at TOTL level and W2 isn't perfect for 100% of music for me but for a good part of it depending on mood and taste (and music mixes / sensivity to upper mids) and not to forget gear: if you have a very lush and dark IEM W2 can be the perfect complement.
The mentioned song example is very extreme and not the average example Imho...
I came to realize that aswell. There is chance of getting bright gear....

So I am kinda thinking of getting shanling ua2 & w2 since the ua2 is warmer than s9 pro....I'd like to have something more significantly contrasting in tonality @14christ
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Aug 23, 2021 at 1:43 PM Post #3,833 of 5,321
As 2nd post is from me:
I have indeed tested lots of szenarios with different DAPs and yes W2 belongs to the more reveiling ones in upper mids where I am also a tad sensitive.
I think though that different DAPs have their pros and cons.
So e.g M8 though it's Shanlings TOTL DAP is way bigger and heavier and more expensive than W2 and can for some songs like modern fast paced ones like EDM where I want to enjoy the clarity and sub bass punch vs M8s full bodied mid bass emphasis and forgivingness I'd prefer W2 over M8.
What I want to say is that there's always a tradeoff even at TOTL level and W2 isn't perfect for 100% of music for me but for a good part of it depending on mood and taste (and music mixes / sensivity to upper mids) and not to forget gear: if you have a very lush and dark IEM W2 can be the perfect complement.
The mentioned song example is very extreme and not the average example Imho...
btw thanks for the very much cleared all my doubts about the w2 tonality.
I had experiences in the past with some earbuds with sibilant vocals and hated them...I am new to this audiophile language but by upper mids u mean vocals than yes I am sensitive to vocals especially female.
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Aug 23, 2021 at 1:44 PM Post #3,834 of 5,321
I came to realize that aswell. There is chance of getting bright gear....

So I am kinda thinking of getting shanling ua2 & w2 since the ua2 is warmer than s9 pro....I'd like to have something more significantly contrasting in tonality @14christ
Very good idea - am actually doing the same.
Haven't really tried so many dongles.
Getting some mix of detail plus lush sound I found only at summit level unfortunately so far with M30 - nothing too portable 😉
DX300 can be a good choice too if ever going along the DAP route
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Aug 23, 2021 at 1:55 PM Post #3,835 of 5,321
Very good idea - am actually doing the same.
Haven't really tried so many dongles.
Getting some mix of detail plus lush sound I found only at summit level unfortunately so far with M30 - nothing too portable 😉
DX300 can be a good choice too if ever going along the DAP route
U mean shanling m30?
not going the dap route though...dont like carry an extra device other than my phone and laptop.
I will mainly use the dongle with laptop so i dont mind higher power draw also.
Aug 23, 2021 at 2:12 PM Post #3,836 of 5,321
U mean shanling m30?
not going the dap route though...dont like carry an extra device other than my phone and laptop.
I will mainly use the dongle with laptop so i dont mind higher power draw also.
You might also realize different sound signatures driving dongles from your laptop vs mobile phone and then having options like equalizing, upsampling etc.
Enough room for tweaking sound to your liking.
Aug 23, 2021 at 3:07 PM Post #3,838 of 5,321
not planning on using on any headphones for that matter....just for iems and earbuds.

I was almost convinced on w2 but after reading this post
& this
I am not sure anymore coz I am sensitive to sibilance. And also all the hassle with support and drivers it is kinda hard to consider it. I will overlook all for sq and volume control buttons if there not sibilant.

Unfortunately I cant get the s9(AKM) in my place..only the s9 pro is available.
I have also looked at shanling ua2 vs s9 pro which stated that shanling has its mid bass boosted little bit and with less treble and it sometimes causes the bass to bleed into the mids. So only options I have are the s9 pro and w2 and ofcourse the dragon flies which i think is not that liked in this thread.

i have read that em5 require as much as meze 99 classics and the sennheiser momentum 2's so....if w2 can drive them and not sibilant then i will pick the w2 over s9 pro.
It's a shame AKM S9 is no longer an option brand new, because among the dongles I tried recently it could be the best pick to my understanding of what you're looking for. I got a second hand one in classified here in France just a week ago for a friend of mine (70€). Maybe if you search a bit...
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Aug 23, 2021 at 7:16 PM Post #3,840 of 5,321
No worries. What we tend to forget at times is how important synergy factor is. From my own extensive tests with so many Dongles, W2 appeared to be an excellent performer for an already efficient and technically competent pairing partner. This suggests that the tuning optimization for W2 as I see it does not account much for anything more demanding. While others like PEE51, S9, S9 Pro, Apogee Groove, E1DA 9038SG3 and Ovidius B1 has shown great prowess to drive the more stubborn ones while similarly adept with the sensitive ones as well. And always remember that a DAC/Amp can only be judged by the listening endpoint device they are connected to. So knowing your IEMs/Headphones well before deciding on the pairing will make or break the end results. Then there's a matter of taste and preferences.

There's been lots of great info the last couple of days regarding matching. We are all looking for what sounds the best with personal gear.

I already know that W2 pairs exceedingly well with Monarch: tighter bass and meatier, more forward vocals. A match made in heaven.

I tried W2 with my ThieAudio V14 today. V14 is a tricky iem. Out of the box, upper mids can be a bit harsh and treble extension very slightly lacking.

But give V14 the right P-EQ adjustment and it becomes one marvel of an iem. Its sound signature is punchy and forward while being extremely resolving. Bass is probably the best you can get with BAs. it's the iem I own or have tried that sounds the most like a full size headphone (Focal Stellia being the closest comp). Monarch in comparison has more of a typical iem sound.

With the W2, V14 sounds as good as I have heard it with any source. Compared with Qudelix, the stage is much bigger and imaging significantly better. Vocals are more forward, guitars take a step back but are meatier. Pianos sound great. There's a whole "atmosphere" with W2 that Qudelix 5K simply can't reproduce. V14 with Qudelix also sounds more "flat", there's not as much 3d effect as with W2.

Listening to the Sgt Peppers intro gave me chills. It's immersive and you feel you're in the theater.

V14 and Monarch are both extremely resolving. V14 can get fatiguing but I didn't notice any harshness with the W2.

I will do one more test with my ThieAudio L3 to check pairing with a more budget iem.

The sound is out of UAPP connected to Quboz. Samsung galaxy S10+. Both Qudelix and W2 on high gain balanced output.

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