Looking for new in-ear monitor with good bass and very good acoustic sound
Feb 26, 2009 at 1:33 AM Post #17 of 26
the Hepcats know...That the Phonaks really rock the show!
Feb 26, 2009 at 6:06 AM Post #18 of 26

Originally Posted by Zalithian /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Etymotic is something you want to stay away from if you like bass at all.

I don't get this. I guess it depends on what you mean by "bass." Something like the ER-4 is actually quite good with bass response, but it does roll off a little early (50-60Hz). Lower frequencies have good fullness too. They just won't overwhelm. I consider the midbass better then the PFE, but I'll agree the PFE has more pronounced bass (+3dB over most of the range relative to the ER4S/P) and a little more extension on the bottom end that does help fill out the sound. It also helps that the PFE can get pretty loud, so there really isn't any compression, even in the lower frequencies.

Other options will be more pronounced, more extended, and more punchy, but in relation to accuracy, should they be? Part of the goal of sound reproduction is balance. No matter what headphones I try out, I can always seem to go back to my ER4S for a more balanced presentation.

The Denon C751 can be had for $105, great headphone for quiet, critical listening. They do lack output capability though(think half of most headphones before distotion), have very little isolation, and have unnatural frequency boost in the bass and treble ranges, think permanent Loud feature, appropriate and sounds correct at low levels but not at moderate levels. EQing is helpful, and the headphone just gets better the more balanced you make it. The headphone has great dynamics, effortless, and a very realistic sound. Only the frequency response bugs me, that and limited usability due to relatively low output capability and low isolation.

The Phonak PFE is a really good option, extremely detailed. It will hide nothing. The gray and black filters allows some EQing ability to adjust the sound to your liking. These headphones do a lot of things right. My only minor complain is frequency response, at least when considering an even, balanced response. There's a 10dB peak at 10kHz and a 5dB peak at 13kHz, and it is noticeable and makes certain high frequency sounds overbearing. The bass has a 3dB bump from 200Hz down. All of this is forgetable enough not to really care, but EQing can help balance out the whole presentation.

If you don't specifically need an IEM, Yuin buds are mighty good too. The PK1 and OK1 can spank a lot of good IEMs. If you don't specifically need the isolation of IEMs, I would suggest Yuin as much as any other good IEM out there. I own the OK1, and it's quite good, very comparable to the likes of the ER-4 and PFE. For someone looking specifically for bass, it may be a hair light, and you may prefer the PK1 as it offers more bass and apparently better low frequency extension relative to the OK1. The PK1's in your price range.

It's tough to say what you'll really like or not like. I'm on board with the others though. Phonak's PFE is a very good option. My comments are really me just splitting hairs. You'll be hard-pressed not to fall in love with them though.
Feb 26, 2009 at 6:47 AM Post #19 of 26

Originally Posted by mvw2 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I don't get this.

Simple. Look at his title, and look at his genres. I doubt anyone would recommend the Ety sound signature for genres which include Dance and Techno. No doubt their bass is accurate, but he says he wants good bass and generally that means quantity..something Etymotic IEMs are lower than most on, even if it's more accurate. From a purist standpoint there is no doubt Etymotic IEMS are great but that's not what this person is looking for and anyone who is not already an audiophile is unlikely to appreciate the Ety sound signature especially in genres where bass is a priority.

So, to sum it up.. Etymotic is good for people where bass isn't a big part of the music. They tend to be flat and extremely accurate but my assumption is that is not what this guy is looking for and in general anyone who mentions they're looking for good bass - I would never recommend them any Etymotic IEM. That doesn't mean Ety bass is bad, it just means that there's not going to be enough quantity/extension for most people.

My comment may have been a little off. I should have probably said if bass quantity is important for any of your genres, stay away.
Feb 26, 2009 at 6:08 PM Post #20 of 26
It will be the Phonak PFE then. But I read about some discomfort. Does anyone here have experience with the comfort of the Phonak PFE?

Another question. Where can I get the comply sleeves + Phonak PFE Iphone version if they both have to be shipped to The Netherlands? (Lowest price possible please).

Thanks for your advice and this warm welcome to the Head-Fi forum. I really appreciate it
Feb 26, 2009 at 6:45 PM Post #21 of 26
Did you ask about comfort before? One small complaint that I have seen, and that was Martin's review on Anythingbutipod.com. He had some difficulty with the post or something rubbing against his ear. Otherwise, I haven't seen any comfort complaints at all, quite the contrary. Can't help with the Netherleands thing though. Check Comply website for international shipping rates, but it won't be the cheapest, for sure.
Feb 26, 2009 at 7:03 PM Post #22 of 26
I might be a little biased towards the Klipsch, but the Klipsch Custom 2 sounds like it fits your parameters at $124 on B&H Photo Video | Digital Cameras, Camcorders . They dont have loads of bass, but it's good, not over bearing.
Feb 26, 2009 at 7:28 PM Post #23 of 26
Yeah the PFEs sound great and are comfortable. I just wanted to see if this was going the way I thought it would.
I'm so glad the Phonak were affordable. By getting them instead of TF10 I was able to get my 4G Nano and upgrade from 4GB to 16GB. Yes these sound great straight out of the 4G but if you can at some point, look into an LOD and amp later.
Feb 26, 2009 at 10:28 PM Post #24 of 26
No real problems with comfort for the Phonaks. The earphone structure is physical large (relative to many tiny IEMs), but it's light and the cord supports the weight. It's very comfortable to listen to for extended periods of time. Any issues will only come with tip choice, and that's more of a personal issue then one specific to the earphone.
Feb 26, 2009 at 10:49 PM Post #25 of 26

Originally Posted by Zalithian /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Simple. Look at his title, and look at his genres. I doubt anyone would recommend the Ety sound signature for genres which include Dance and Techno. No doubt their bass is accurate, but he says he wants good bass and generally that means quantity..something Etymotic IEMs are lower than most on, even if it's more accurate. From a purist standpoint there is no doubt Etymotic IEMS are great but that's not what this person is looking for and anyone who is not already an audiophile is unlikely to appreciate the Ety sound signature especially in genres where bass is a priority.

So, to sum it up.. Etymotic is good for people where bass isn't a big part of the music. They tend to be flat and extremely accurate but my assumption is that is not what this guy is looking for and in general anyone who mentions they're looking for good bass - I would never recommend them any Etymotic IEM. That doesn't mean Ety bass is bad, it just means that there's not going to be enough quantity/extension for most people.

My comment may have been a little off. I should have probably said if bass quantity is important for any of your genres, stay away.

Agreed, it's kind of sad they just don't know what their missing......"we want bass we want bass" They speak of bass quantity, not quality when their phones that have more quantity then quality. Their satisfied, like they've reached a high point, I guess in their book this they have reached the top of the mountain. Oh well, I'll continue to listen to pin-point accuracy....also this is a matter of opinion and personal preference. I find that phones like the Er-4p and Phonaks, when heard generally sway the.....head in the gutter types. The light-bulb clicks in their brain, they go wow this sounds....so....clear and clean. I find at times the Phonaks bass goes so low, and the thump is so.....in depth and deep and precise, and just...there that it gives me a slight head hump.

(Edit: Sorry for those who read before I edited....I went to <tipepo> heaven....)
Feb 27, 2009 at 8:50 AM Post #26 of 26

Originally Posted by Timaty /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I checked the Denon C751 but they cost more then I can spend ($199,99 at the Denon site).

I read the sticky about IEM's and saw the yellow and black shure earpads and I think I would be really satisfied with them.

What do you guys advise for earpads?

Also I saw the ER6i Isolator and hf5 from etymotic. Are they able to satisfy me?

Thanks in advance

grrr, well if you say dollars people will recommend based on what can be bought in the us for that money.

btw custome 2 going cheap on amazon uk or the ety hf5 is now finaly instock

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