Looking for near audiophile headphone, Audio Technica, Denon or Panasonic?
Sep 11, 2013 at 11:45 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 9


New Head-Fier
Apr 9, 2010
So after going through everything available (not many brands are available here in India) in my price range (4200 Rs. that would be about 70$), I have come up with the following list. Now I am looking for something with very good midrange, wide sound stage and clear sound. Also I own a Fiio E6 so driving a headphone is not a problem.

I listen to Electronic, Rock, Metal & Jazz. But these days mostly Jazz which is why I'm looking for headphones which can reproduce the sounds of the sax very well and have a good enough soundstage to make me feel as If I'm there. I currently own a Sennheiser HD 202, Sony MDR ZX300, and occasionally listen to my Brothers DT990s. If any of the following can even just touch the quality of the DT990s it would be amazing.

The following are the headphones I'm choosing from. Which one would satisfy my needs the most?

1. Audio Technica ATH-T400
2. Denon AH-D510
3. Panasonic RP-HTX7E
4. Panasonic RP-HTF890-S
5. Panasonic RP-HTF600s (Would be difficult to get my hands on for the moment, every place is showing out of stock, but I can still try)

Also I'm trying to go an off Sennheiser path, no particular reason just wanted a change of brand have had too many of them. But if you want a reference the HD429s are in this range.

Thanks for any help :)
Sep 11, 2013 at 10:26 PM Post #2 of 9
I can't say much here. If you can find a pair of Takstar HI-2050, that would be a great option.
Best Luck!
Sep 12, 2013 at 10:58 AM Post #6 of 9
I can get the Samson SR850 for half the price of any of the previously mentioned headphones. Should I take the plunge?

I own the SR850s and to me they are a good value.
And you can get different ear pads for them (off eBay) for around $15.
So I do recommend the SR850s.
Sep 13, 2013 at 2:33 AM Post #7 of 9
  See if you can get Creative Aurvana Live for around that price where you live.

No :frowning2: would have loved to get those after going through all the reviews unfortunately they are double the price of all the ones i've mentioned. Perhaps because creative has stopped selling them retail in the country the one or two websites that offer them have priced them very steeply (perhaps because they are importing them).
Sep 13, 2013 at 2:38 AM Post #8 of 9
  I own the SR850s and to me they are a good value.
And you can get different ear pads for them (off eBay) for around $15.
So I do recommend the SR850s.

Thanks for the reply :), Can you give me just a little overview of what I can expect from them? Seeing the reviews i'm leaning towards them, but just wanted to know whether they are as uncomfortable as people spell them out to be? Also I see that you have Beyers, can you tell me how these compare to them? I know they will sound very different, but are they complete trash that should be thrown out when compared to them or are they not that bad? My brother has a pair of DT990 Pros, unfortunately he uses them for his studio work so I cant really use them. I do like the sound signature though. If the SR850 are even one-tenth the quality, i'll be very happy. Also I have just recently bought a Fiio E6 portable amp, I'm going to use the sr850s with these, will it help somewhat? Because they did make a huge difference in my current headphones.
Sep 9, 2014 at 3:33 PM Post #9 of 9
Oh crap I didn't reply :p I got the sr850. Initially the treble was a little too harsh for me but its gotten smoothed out by now. Bass is a little weak on a flat eq, but being mixing headphones I'd expect that. But the area where this pair really shines is the soundstage. My god the soundstage! What a fantastic separation of instruments, I can hear every little detail, and in some songs that are well produced you can actually make out where in the recording room the instrument was placed.
These headphones for the price are incredible. One should blindly purchase them at this price point.

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