Looking for IEM under $500 for phone
Aug 4, 2021 at 8:36 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 13


500+ Head-Fier
Dec 28, 2009
Within the milky way
Will be my dedicated IEMs for my phone. I like a warm sound with a large soundstage. Dynamic driver preferred. I primarily listen to lofi and its analogs, so something that has some kick in the bass is strongly desired (basshead). I know my way around equalizers to balance the resonances and other nasties along the fr curve. Ultimate transparency and technicality is not a big deal to me. I like my stuff smooth, something my ears can tolerate for long sessions.

So again:
Big big soundstage
Under $500, but willing to stretch if it is what I need to do.

I have been out of the IEM game for years, so all of these new names and chi-fi IEMs have my head spinning. Much appreciated.
Aug 6, 2021 at 6:20 PM Post #3 of 13
100% Moondrop Blessing 2 or Dusk. In my opinion undesputed best and safest IEM pick but there are also people who don't like it at all. So make sure you agree with Crinacle in general first.
Aug 7, 2021 at 12:19 PM Post #5 of 13
If you can find yourself a pair, I'd suggest the Dunu DK-3001 Pro or, if you need more of a bass lift, the DK-2001. Plenty capable on a mobile source, even better when given some good power. Dunu has the best stock cables and best pack-ins in the industry for their price bracket, hands down.

Tonality is extremely balanced without being sterile or lifeless. Scales fantastically well and tends to follow the source device's tonality more easily than some of my other pairs, the B2 included.
Aug 7, 2021 at 4:56 PM Post #6 of 13
I have just sold the Blessing 2 after getting the Variations. Variations is exceptional from a good source, but not much difference to the Blessing 2 from a phone.
Variations has excellent (sub)bass from Hugo 2, lean and tight upper bass/lower mids, excellent, clear upper mids.
Not warm, rather neutral with sub bass boost.

Sounds like you are looking for a warm DD, maybe JVC wood series?
I am somewhat tempted to suggest the UM 3DT with filter mod and cable upgrade, but again it’s not a warm IEM. Excellent bass, smooth, wide soundstage and very dynamic, but not warm…

But the 3DT is my IEM for listening from the phone because it seals very well and sounds so engaging. It was hard work though to find the right tips, cable and tame the treble spikes a bit with the filter mod.
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Aug 8, 2021 at 12:54 AM Post #7 of 13
I would not consider the Dusk to be warm if that's what you're looking for. It has a colder, drier midrange with less body. Not a ton of mid-bass kick either, but decent sub-bass rumble. You might want to avoid Harman tuning if you want a warm, fuller sound.
Aug 8, 2021 at 3:11 PM Post #8 of 13
I have just sold the Blessing 2 after getting the Variations. Variations is exceptional from a good source, but not much difference to the Blessing 2 from a phone.
Variations has excellent (sub)bass from Hugo 2, lean and tight upper bass/lower mids, excellent, clear upper mids.
Not warm, rather neutral with sub bass boost.

Sounds like you are looking for a warm DD, maybe JVC wood series?
I am somewhat tempted to suggest the UM 3DT with filter mod and cable upgrade, but again it’s not a warm IEM. Excellent bass, smooth, wide soundstage and very dynamic, but not warm…

But the 3DT is my IEM for listening from the phone because it seals very well and sounds so engaging. It was hard work though to find the right tips, cable and tame the treble spikes a bit with the filter mod.
Agree. Variations has one of the best bass, besides UM MEST MKII.
Aug 9, 2021 at 7:03 AM Post #10 of 13
Aug 9, 2021 at 11:37 AM Post #12 of 13
How would the Variations compare to the Thieaudio Monarch?
Some people with a lot of experience have rated the Variations even higher than the Monarch. Check Precigvision’s excel sheet, I think it gives you a good picture. Toranku also put it on his exclusive favorites list.

I had the Monarch on my wish list but when the opinions from the 2 guys above came in I changed to the Variations.

YMMV as always!
Aug 9, 2021 at 2:45 PM Post #13 of 13
Some people with a lot of experience have rated the Variations even higher than the Monarch. Check Precigvision’s excel sheet, I think it gives you a good picture. Toranku also put it on his exclusive favorites list.

I had the Monarch on my wish list but when the opinions from the 2 guys above came in I changed to the Variations.

YMMV as always!
Thanks for those two great resources! Looks like the Variations is the one to get, and it's also easier to drive than the Monarch which will give me more volume overhead on the phone. Crinacle also said good things about it in his latest review.

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