Looking for headphones in the $100 range, think I have it narrowed down to three
Mar 2, 2010 at 4:37 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 15


New Head-Fier
Mar 1, 2010
I've been searching around here trying to find out what the best set of headphones would be for me and I think I have it narrowed down to three. I really only have one requirement: They must be closed. I live with a roommate who frequently goes to bed before I do and bleeding is a no-no with him. I also very heartily dislike IEMs, which leaves me with closed cans.

The headphones will be exclusively connected to my computer, which is still using onboard audio (Sound card is coming possibly this summer). I primarily listen to metal, progressive, classic rock, and the occasional jazz. I'd like to find headphones that sound the best with this kind of music. My music is mostly composed of high bitrate mp3s, with some lower-quality stuff. I'd also like them to be comfortable to wear over long periods. I'd like to keep the price near the $100 mark, but I'm willing to go as high as $150 if it's really worth it.

With that in mind, here's what I've come up with based on searching the forum: M-Audio Q40, Audio-Technica ATH-M50, and Shure SRH 440. I'm mostly looking for opinions on which of those would sound the best with my setup and music and which would be the most comfortable. If I've missed a model that I should be considering I'd be glad to hear it.

I've never had anything but cheap headphones in the past and I'm tired of them breaking all the time (which is why I'm looking for headphones now, my last set broke).

Thanks in advance!
Mar 2, 2010 at 5:01 AM Post #4 of 15

I would recommend the Shure 750dj if you can land it for around 100$ used but mint. You will absolutely not regret it. The best portable set is the Denon D1001 because its very small compared the others, the lightest and shortest cord. The best for rock is the M50 without a dout, but the best out of the crop in general is the 750dj. You will regret the Shure 440, its very uncomfy and not as good as any of the sets I've mentioned. The Shure 750DJ smashes the 440
Mar 2, 2010 at 5:02 AM Post #5 of 15
Might want to look at the HD555's. . .don't know if you have already marked them out or not, but you can pick a pair up from Amazon for right at $100 with free shipping directly from Amazon themselves. My friend has a pair of them and they are EXTREMELY comfortable, and Sennheiser makes excellent products IMO as well as my friend's. The HD555's are open cans, but completely surround your ear (as in none of the foam touches your ear at all). This makes them extremely comfortable.
Mar 2, 2010 at 5:10 AM Post #6 of 15
I've tried the HD 555s and I think they sound fantastic, but they're open back, which causes them to have too much bleed for me.

I'd look a little more closely at the HD448s, but they appear to be out of stock everywhere and I'd like to have my new headphones by the end of the week because right now I don't have anything.

The Shure 750DJs look pretty good though, I'm definitely considering them, though I'd prefer to not buy used. They just barely slip in under my budget and I'm wondering if they're worth the price premium over the other sets mentioned so far.

Thanks for the quick replies so far.
Mar 2, 2010 at 7:55 PM Post #7 of 15
Hi I have the Sennhesier HD438's a step down from the HD448's I have to say the whole Sennhesier experience is a bit of a let down cause I was expecting a good show for 80$ but got a 50$ shrug not saying thier not good but I guess I wanted a totally immerisive experience with my music and only got like 50% imersive but that's what happens with closed cans they however sound good on my X-fi Platinum card the soundstage really comes out on em on that card I still need about 50 more hours for proper burn in but I want to upgrade to the HD448's so I can get a better imersive lifelike sound they boast that it does. But I would like however to hear the Shure 750DJ's they look delightful I wonder though do they fit around the whole ear or just sit atop of them any know?.
Mar 3, 2010 at 1:28 AM Post #8 of 15
I'm going to go ahead and purchase tonight. I think I'm set on the Shure 750DJs unless someone cares to try and convince me otherwise. I'm buying new for $150 from Amazon, I can't seem to find them for any less than that.
Mar 3, 2010 at 2:16 AM Post #9 of 15
the 750DJs will be great for you. The 440s really clamp your head after a while, not the best for comfort.

I guess you've already decided against it but I'd also like to say Sennheiser 448
Mar 3, 2010 at 3:31 AM Post #10 of 15
Another vote for the HD448s here, I've had them for a little over a week and put over a 100 hours of burn in on them and have to say they sound incredible. Highs and mids are crystal clear and the bass is nice and tight... My 5th gen Vid. iPod drives them without a problem(I never need to push it over 3/4 volume). Burn in is a must though, they sound completely different then they did out of the Box. I can see how they jumped onto Headphones.coms top 10 list. My timing must have been great, ordered them from Amazon and had them in a couple days, now they are showing 1 to 2 months until available for shipping, demand on these cans must have hit a fever pitch.
Mar 3, 2010 at 3:38 AM Post #12 of 15
Yeah, I'll vote for the Creative Aurvana Live or the Denon D1001.
Mar 5, 2010 at 2:48 AM Post #15 of 15
Just got my new 'phones, I'm really happy with them so far. They sound fantastic, although now I'm starting to notice just how much of my music library isn't at 320 kb/s. I really couldn't be more happy with how they sound, to be quite honest. IDK, I guess I really don't know enough about headphones and how they sound to describe accurately why I think they sound so good.

They're pretty comfortable as well. They clamp just a tiny bit harder than I'd like ideally, but it's been fine so far. The headband could be a little softer as well, but that's not a big deal either. I'm also pleasantly surprised by the amount of isolation I'm getting with these, it ended up being more than I expected, which is good. I can't hear the roommate playing CoD at all anymore, which means I'll be able to better focus on my homework... or something.

Anyway, I'm a little curious if some burn in would benefit me in any way. Any opinions on that?

Again, thanks for being so helpful!

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