Looking for CDP in $300-400 Range
Apr 17, 2003 at 1:28 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 10


New Head-Fier
Nov 24, 2002
Been Reading the Forums, and I'm still kinda clueless as to what I should look at in this Range.. I'm mainly looking for a plain CDP, I don't care about SACD/DVD-A/HDCD/etc since I probbaly won't own anything encoded in those formats for awhile. (That's not to say I don't want those features, I'd rather just have a player that's great at redbook, than that's just good at redbook and good at sacd)

My CD Library consists mainly of live recordings of rock shows at the moment (smashing pumpkins, ben folds, weezer, zwan, etc) but I also listen to Blues, and '70s and '90s rock music. A little classical, but not enough to base a system for it.

I hope to spend around $300, but I could go as high as $400 if it's worth it. Also I'm planning on getting a Corda HA-1 for a headphone amp to go a long with it, and possibly a set of those copper bolder ics and a monster 1100 power filter/surge protector. If you have a good suggestion for a cdp that pairs better with a tube amp or some such, then I'd like to hear it..still open for suggestions as nothing is set in stone except my HD600 headphones.


- Kevin
Apr 17, 2003 at 2:30 AM Post #3 of 10
A lot of people here will reco the 963, which seems to be the one to beat in your price-range for Redbook (it upsamples) and as a bonus it's a DVD player and a SACDP.

BTW-- it's a myth IMO that SACDPs make lousy Redbook players, or that DVD players make lousy CDPs.

Apr 17, 2003 at 2:41 AM Post #4 of 10
Was looking at that one, but since it's a DVD player figured that I could do better for the same price range, but if that's not true then I probably should go for it. I'm sure one day I'll have a TV to hook it up to
Apr 17, 2003 at 2:54 AM Post #5 of 10
I would go for it in that price range. SACD is looking more and more like the hi rez format winner, thanks in large part to Hybrid SACDs and better software. That Phillips supposedly also has good cd playback. You can also upsample or upgrade it with an outboard dac later.
Apr 17, 2003 at 3:06 AM Post #6 of 10

I'm sure one day I'll have a TV to hook it up to

Maybe a 963 owner can chime in here, but don't you need access to on-screen menus with 963? I'm certain that I've read you need to access the screen to switch on upsampling or something like that...
Apr 17, 2003 at 3:21 AM Post #7 of 10
>> Maybe a 963 owner can chime in here, but don't you need access to on-screen menus with 963? I'm certain that I've read you need to access the screen to switch on upsampling or something like that... <<

Well, I have a TV Tuner card (ATI Wonder, works in linux..doesn't work in win2k..heh) that I could hook it up to if I need to configure it that way. Just don't have any use for the DVD decoding since I have a dvdrom drive.


that reminds me.. the other CDP that I was looking at besides the 963a.. was the Music Hall MMF CD25. how is that player bundee? A little out of my range, believe I saw it in a bundle on two seperate sites for about $550.. but I'd be able to wait and get that one if it's worth using over a 963.. (though sacd does catch my eye a bit.. I'm not sure if there's enough sacds out there that I'd buy that'd warrent buying for the sacd playback)
Apr 17, 2003 at 12:17 PM Post #8 of 10
Very smooth and detailed with a wide soundstage. Im very happy with its sound. The build is very solid. The only thing wrong wiuth it that I can see is the transport. Its a very good transport, but when you rewind it goes to the previous track, not to the beginning of the track you were listening to. Im just nitpicking though. Get one with the new remote, the old one looks like a cheap plastic star trek phaser. There is a review of this unit on 6moons.com For around $500 it cant be beat.

If you dont have the cash maybe you could pick up a SONY scd 222ES sacd/cd changer. Its basically an scd ce775 with a better
chassis. Ive got my music hall but im also fiending for SACD so I going to get a cheap SACD player and maybe get it modded in the future.
Apr 17, 2003 at 6:52 PM Post #9 of 10
I think you would be satisfied with a NAD-player, I myself found the C541i to be a very appealing player.

By the way... DVD-players aren't bad at playing regular CDs, but when compared to dedicated CDPs they really aren't any good. (IMO of course
). Now, a DVD-player costing a thousand dollars may sound better with CDs than a dedicated CDP costing USD 300 or so, but if you have already made up your mind about the budget and feel that CD-playback is the most important I think you should buy a dedicated machine.
Apr 17, 2003 at 7:07 PM Post #10 of 10

DVD-players aren't bad at playing regular CDs, but when compared to dedicated CDPs they really aren't any good.

And you would be wrong. The Philips DVD963SA is better at playing CDs than a lot of dedicated CD players.

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