Looking for a specific type of headphone that meets my needs.(details inside)
Nov 19, 2012 at 9:08 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 2


New Head-Fier
Sep 9, 2011
I need headphones for when travelling to and from school, mostly on transit.
I would prefer portable headphones that can fold in some way for easy storage or are just not very big. I am not particularly fond of most IEMs because usually they are not very comfortable and cable noise really bothers me. Most of all I want to be able to normally hear my surroundings and block them out if I so choose(latter is optional but preferred) and most of all not be heard by the others around me.
Currently I can achieve this with IEMs but I have yet to find any that meet my comfort and cable noise standards and I have no idea what headphones would accomplish this.
Also if something exists with these specifications that also has an in-line mic that would just be great but I have high doubts of that.
EDIT: Price range: under $100 if possible.
Nov 19, 2012 at 9:23 PM Post #2 of 2
If you are using them in transit then I would just like to recommend you get something bassy.  Riding buses and cars and biking creates a lot of low rumble and if you are using a neutral-sounding headphone the sound will be very tinny because the bass gets drowned out.
For IEMs I know that the VSonic GR99s are great and punch well above their price point.  So are the JVC FX40s.
For on ears there is the EXCELLENT JVC S400 which I think is your best bet.  
Get some new pads like these for comfort:  http://www.ebay.com/itm/261110634277?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649
..and the total should be $35 or so if you have amazon prime (get student prime)
BUT these won't let you hear your surroundings.  If you want to hear your surroundings maybe something like the HTF600 (semi open meaning they have holes open to the outside world letting you hear) or the PX100s (fully open but leak sound so people can hear it) will do better.  BEWARE OF FAKE PX100s.  If you can't find the original PX100s get the Koss PortaPros or the KSC75s. (both also fully open)
Good Luck!

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