Looking for a ~300$ pair of headphones.

Oct 5, 2015 at 9:55 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 5


New Head-Fier
Aug 25, 2012
Hello guys ! 

So I've been owning a pair of custom ones for around 2 years now and I wanted to change for something higher end. I've looked at other similar threads but can't really decide what headphone to get.

I'm kind of a basshead I guess and I absolutely hate sibilances (mainly why I bought a pair of COPs). My source is a FiiO e18 so not top of the line but does the job I guess.

On other threads, many recommend the HD600 but I'm worried my amp might not do it justice.
I'm also interested in the Fidelio X2 and the HE 400. 

I'd like to have a better soundstage (hence the open back design focus here) while not losing too much on the low end. 

Any other suggestions or advice ?
Oct 6, 2015 at 12:52 AM Post #2 of 5
K7XX, X2, HE-400S, HD558, Soundmagic HP200, lots of choices :).
What music do you listen to?
Oct 6, 2015 at 1:08 AM Post #3 of 5
I listen to Rock, Pop and some electro. I've been searching a bit more on these headphones for the past 2 hours and I think I might go with the X2. Not decided yet, but they are on the top of my list now.
Oct 6, 2015 at 2:28 AM Post #4 of 5
Any chance you can find some places to listen?  Headphones have such different flavors that it really is about getting a few on your head and ears so that you can then see what people are saying.
That said, if it were me, I like Senn's.  I'd wait for a really good deal on the HD650 or HD700.  I also like planars, so the HE400s would be on my list:
And I wouldn't worry too much about the amp/dac not being up to snuff.   There are lots of not too expensive options there.  Pick up a used one.  The only case where I'd shy away is if you really want to power only from a mobile device. 
Good luck
Oct 6, 2015 at 1:39 PM Post #5 of 5
  I listen to Rock, Pop and some electro. I've been searching a bit more on these headphones for the past 2 hours and I think I might go with the X2. Not decided yet, but they are on the top of my list now.

The X2 is the best thing in open headphones under $500, it's the only headphone I have north of $150 where I paid full pirice.  I have absolutely no regrets and it sounds awesome with your preferred genres.  On the bonus its extremely easy to drive.

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