Looking for 2.0 passive desktop speakers
Dec 13, 2010 at 2:09 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 2


Oct 18, 2010
I'm looking to replace my M-Audio AV-30's with something more suited to my tastes. After some research, I've decided I'll forgo active monitors and opt for a T-amp plus passive bookshelf speakers.
Purpose: Computer speakers (95% music, 5% games/movies)
Budget: $150-250
- First and foremost, I want "forward" and "lively" sound. The M-Audio AV-30 set I've been using sounds far too sterile and dead for my tastes. I'm no audiophile, so I'll just give the best description I can: music sounds as if it's "trapped" inside these speakers, rather than being projected out to me, sitting 3 ft. in front of them. Drums are the worst; I feel like I need to rip open the speaker and stick my head inside to hear cymbals as crisply as they were intended. More than anything else, I'd like to see a significant improvement on this front with my new purchase.
- Thunderous bass is not a priority (obviously, or I wouldn't be looking at 2.0!). In fact, my AV-30's annoy me so much with their boomy, bloated mid-bass that I've stuffed socks in their ports.
- Crisp, clear highs *are* a priority. I'm currently using a slight EQ boost in the high frequencies plus a "noise sharpening" DSP plugin to get music to my liking. It would be nice if my new speakers sounded more like that without any tweaking.
- Speaking of music, it's really the only thing I care about. I listen to all sorts of rock, but mainly alternative and progressive metal type stuff (think Tool). I want this music to sound the best it can in my price range, and don't mind if movies and games end up sounding far from optimal.
- To reiterate, these will be used as computer speakers, and they'll only be 2-3 ft. from my ears. I've never owned bookshelf speakers before, and I'm slightly concerned that I'd be sitting inside of their optimal range.
Any advice is appreciated, particularly if you can offer qualitative/subjective comparisons between various options and how the peculiarities of their sounds differ.

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