Looking 4 advice on a portable amp
Mar 27, 2009 at 7:25 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 6


Oct 1, 2008
I listen from a Cowon D2, through an iBasso d2 Boa, to Etymotic er4s. The sound that this combo produces is the type of sound that suits my listening preferences. And I listen to everything from acoustic and rock to classical and big band. But... although this has been an extremely satisfying setup, it leaves me wanting to hear just that little bit more.

So, Im wanting to make the next step into higher end equipment. I'll be receiving my new Westone 3's shortly. It shouldn't be too much of a problem listening to them direct from the Cowon. But I'm also wanting to purchase the AKG K701's. I'm pretty sure these are the headphones I want to get first.

I'm thinking about pairing the K701 with the Headamp Pico. In a big headphone I'm looking for a more neutral sound like that of the er4s. The iBasso Boa does tend to liven up the Ety's, but just enough to be a good compliment to the Ety's. Other IEMs I've had are the Q-Jays and Audeo's and the Ety's little bro the er6i. But I still gravitate to the er4s as my favorites. Portability throughout my home is most important and that's why I'm wanting a portable amp to go with the K701's... at least as an interim amp for the time being.

Mar 27, 2009 at 8:08 PM Post #2 of 6
I think the Ibasso is fine for now. It should handle both the 701's as well as the W-3's. I don't think you should upgrade you portable rig other than the w-3's. Unless you start thinking about Headphone w/ impedence >100ohms, your rig is pretty sweet as is.
Mar 28, 2009 at 1:05 AM Post #3 of 6
Ah... I wasn't sure about the iBasso Boa's ability to power a k701. I do find them a little bright tho. But, I also have to agree the Cowon/iBasso/Etymotic combo is sweet, and a surprisingly smooth sound.

Mar 28, 2009 at 1:35 AM Post #4 of 6
The 701's/702's are generaly bright cans which is how I feel about most of the AKG's Ive heard. I know I'm a Denon Fan, but the Denons are an overall warmer presentation than the AKG's. another un-amped choice I would recommend would be the Beyerdynamic DT770 (80Oohm. The Grado SR series would be recommended by many but I have not heard them so I cannot comment. All of the above would be good choices for " straight off the laptop "
Mar 29, 2009 at 9:39 PM Post #5 of 6
Well, I went out to a couple places to see if I could sample the K701's and the hd650's. Unfortunately, at the third place I'd stopped I ended up ordering a set of Grado 325's. I didn't sample them though, none in-store

So I guess my first foray into higher-end headphones is going to be with Grado. But I understand they're similar in detailing to the K701's. So I hope they work out... which I'm sure they will.

Thanks for for your insights boomy.

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