Lite DAC60 - PCM1704 R2R tubed DAC Mod Project
Mar 26, 2015 at 12:41 PM Post #46 of 362
  Found the same Hammond model in Italy because I'm in Switzerland :) For the tubes I already have 6N23P in my Project Pre Box RS but what do you think about these links?

Hi Zaccio - are you modding a Lite DAC60?  I'm loving mine! 
Those are generic 6n23p's not very good.  Here are the ones you want the '75 Voskhod Gray Shields (my #1 Voskhod), my #2 Reflektor with silver shields and single wire getter posts, or my #1 'Holy Grail' '75 Reflektor silver shield single wire getter post.
Here are the links to my reviews: post #8606   posts #1914-1918
I sometimes have extra matched pairs available - so PM me.
Mar 26, 2015 at 1:30 PM Post #47 of 362
Hi rb2013, I'm waiting an used dac60 soon :) I already had one 3 years ago but changed only tubes and the 2.2uf caps with v-cap but wasn't impressed by the result. I owned the Mhdt Havana heavily modified that I loved and now I have the EE Minimax Dac Plus with discrete Audio-Gd AOP but I'm looking for a more "organic" sound so I want to try again with the dac60 and your mods inspired me :wink:
Mar 26, 2015 at 2:00 PM Post #48 of 362
  Hi rb2013, I'm waiting an used dac60 soon :) I already had one 3 years ago but changed only tubes and the 2.2uf caps with v-cap but wasn't impressed by the result. I owned the Mhdt Havana heavily modified that I loved and now I have the EE Minimax Dac Plus with discrete Audio-Gd AOP but I'm looking for a more "organic" sound so I want to try again with the dac60 and your mods inspired me :wink:

I had the Minimax Dac +  it has the ESS Sabre chip.   I think with the right tubes and a few mods you'll like the organic rich tone of the Lite60.  Highly rec the Mundorf Supreme Silver/Gold/Oil caps
Mar 26, 2015 at 4:49 PM Post #51 of 362
I use 2 Audio-GD OPA-EARTH double very close of the Burson V2 didn't change the 2 simpe AOP and I was ready to try the new Burson V4 but I've changed my mind with this thread :wink:
Mar 27, 2015 at 12:44 AM Post #54 of 362
  Update - the sound of this unit is just blowing me away!  What tonal purity!  Natural, rich and smooth.  Yet incredible detail.  This unit is easily on a par with my $7K APL DAC, in some ways better.  I have it running in my office 8 hours a day - what a pleasure.  Especially on a great Glen Gould Bach piano recording.  I have never such a realistic piano recreation on a stereo before.  Like he is humming along in my office.   I am sold on the R2R design and will start saving to build another of these for my main listening room. 
In the meantime I began a Soekris R2R DAC build project.
I will update this thread with the details on the stage 2 and 3 mods.
Possible further mods and upgrades to my existing Lite60:
I've been toying with the idea of going up the Mundorf film cap line -from the Silver/Oil to the Gold/Silver/Oil.
I'll also will be trying the 3M AB-5100S EMI absorber paper on the chips and case - should be here soon.

This DAC is really incredible.  I have only upgraded the tubes, but it is completely awesome as it is already.
Mar 27, 2015 at 4:57 PM Post #56 of 362
Hi rb2013, what is the fuse amperage and do you plan to upgrade the clock  and the resistors aroud the tubes 
Mar 27, 2015 at 6:41 PM Post #57 of 362
  Hi rb2013, what is the fuse amperage and do you plan to upgrade the clock  and the resistors aroud the tubes 

I forget what the fuse rating was - I replaced it with a HiFi tuning of the same value.  The stock fuse assembly is made of brittle plastic and actually cracked on me.  I replaced it with a nice high quality cyro treated one from Digikey. 
The Dale military resistors I think are fine - and I did not do the extreme resistor mod that was mentions on DIY.  As I posted I do not hear a bit of congestion on loud and complex passages.  Same goes for the bridge recs.  Some had even replaced the SRPP tube stage with a whole new board!

 If I could buy a turnkey board I would give it a shot if it wasn't to expensive.
Here is a picture of the IV resistor mods:

I've just completed a major 6922 tube shootout with 17 of the best of the best tubes.  Congestion I think is very much based on tube selection.  Some tube hit the wall and turn muddy and rough.  Some seem to have an endless reverse of energy!  The tube I saw mentioned did not impress me - in fact they didn't even make it to my 17 cut.
I'm writing up the review as we speak and will have it posted in a couple of weeks.
I have a pair of early '60s Siemens CCa gray shields going up for sale that were part of the review, if you're interested.  They're not cheap though.
Now on the clock - this is something I have been toying with - maybe a Neutron Star or Tent board.  That would require some pretty extensive mods.  I do have a very good USB interface the Gustard U12 - and it has some good clocks as well.  And there are other options - so I think the clocking can be handled from the digital side of the equation.  The clocks are not SOTA, but not bad either.  And the purity of the sound I'm hearing is some of the best I have heard from a DAC - no digitius from excess jitter that I can hear.
If you have some suggestions I'd love to here them.
Mar 27, 2015 at 9:55 PM Post #59 of 362
what purpose to bypass the big electrolytic and is bigger value better ?

I guess better filtering -because of better caps - I don't know who did this mod - so I can't explain.
PS I replaced those generic 400V 120uf's with much better Rubycon BXW 400V 120uf, added the Hammond transformer and replaced the white box (Rifa?) with a Mundorf Supreme.


Also replaced the PAG 63V 400uf radials with a really sweet (and expensive) dual High Voltage 47uf + 47uf Mundorf M'Lytic HV MLAL


Mar 28, 2015 at 10:56 AM Post #60 of 362
This DAC is really incredible.  I have only upgraded the tubes, but it is completely awesome as it is already.

Hi Walfredo!  Great to hear you like it!  Wait until you hear it with some upgraded coupling caps!  What tubes are you using?

Philips PCC85.  Detailed and 3D, yet musical with a lot of presence.

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