Line Out vs. Headphone jack 1/8"
Sep 20, 2003 at 2:54 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 7

Daniel Bull

New Head-Fier
Sep 17, 2003

I'm new here. . . so please don't flame me - ha!

I'm sure this subject is buried in this forum somewhere. . . but I ran a few different searches and couldn't find it. So. . .How important is it to have a "Line Out" over a Headphone Jack 1/8"? Specifically, I have a Sony D-FJ210 which has NO line out. I did a search within this forum for this model number and nothing came up. . so I can only assume that this is not a portable unit that audiophile's appreciate. But. . it's what I have. I liked the built in radio and remote because I can easily make adjustments while on my motorcycle.

I've ordered some Ety E6's and a portable power amp. . . now I'm wondering if these things will do any good if I don't have line out?!

BTW, I'm assuming Line out means that most of these portable CD players that you all have also have RCA line outs? Or is it some kind of digital line out that I'm REALLY ignorant about?

If I HAVE over bought headphones and an amp for a CD player with only a headphone jack (it's at the end of the remote). . . would you reccomend that I sell this unit on Ebay and buy something else (assuming it really is "the weakest link") in my new system? If so, what things should I consider for my next purchase?

Thank you,
Sep 20, 2003 at 3:07 AM Post #2 of 7

You'll get two schools of thought here, and its up to you on which side of the fence you sit...

On the one side, you have the die-hard line outters, who will accept nothing less.. and on the other, you have the minimalists (like me) who prefer to find (old school) equipment where the headphone out is actually really good - from the days before Sony, and various other companies screwed up their headphone outputs, so doesn't even really need an amp...

There is no easy answer, and it basically comes down to personal choice - neither option is wrong, its just the way you go about acheiving your goal is different

In terms of listening to the headphone out amped... make sure that your unit doesn't beep in your ear through the headphone out... for some weird reason, amplifying the headphone out increases the beeps MORE than it increases the sound level of the music...

...If you're wanting an amp for VOLUME, then fair enough, but if you're after the amp for fidelity - go down that minimalist route I mentioned
Sep 20, 2003 at 6:53 AM Post #3 of 7
It depends on your player. Basically, the audio path in a CD player goes like this (someone correct me if I'm wrong):

[CD reader]-> [DAC] -> [headphone amp] -> headphone out

If you amp the line out, you have:

[CD reader] -> [DAC] -> line out -> [external amp] -> headphones

If you really go crazy and route through a DAC, you have even more control:

[CD reader] -> optical out -> [external DAC] -> [external amp] -> headphones

Most CD players don't have an optical out, or any way to create one. A line out is typically an extra 1/8" jack on the player. It's meant for loads of 10kohm or more. A lot of the older Sonys have very good, powerful headphone amps. You can also amp the headphone out, which can put less stress on the amp.

I say keep your player. On a motorcycle, you probably won't be able to appreciate the extra flat bass response or the slight increase in clarity - and if you're used to it, and it can drive your ER6s loud enough, why change? For your next purchase, a good place to start is Duncan's review thread here.
Sep 20, 2003 at 7:08 AM Post #4 of 7
Duncan, I was just wondering if you can explain the beeping sound. I have some eggos and when I plug them into my PCDP (which is a 2000 junk sony model) I hear a slight high pitched sound coming from the headphones and it's primarily on the right channel....then I have an older Aiwa PCDP (low end model) and I plug in there and there is a slight noise but its even on both channels and it's not a high pitched noise but a hiss. What I've been wondering is whether it's the cheap PCDPs (I know they're horrible) that cause the noise or if it could possibly be the phones. I don't have a headphone amp so I have been unable to listen to the line out on my sony. Any thoughts?
Sep 20, 2003 at 8:08 AM Post #5 of 7

What volume do you listen at? - its certainly possible for it to be that cheap-assed players, using cheap-assed op-amps are causing the sound to be hissy - but its odd that its only one channel apparently on your sony unit...

The other option, like you say - is the eggos - which ones do you have? the D66? - if so, then I can't really see that its them - sure, they have a slightly keen treble... but nothing that bad

...Can you proivde us with any of the model numbers for the three items of kit that you have the issue with?

The noise I was reffering to in m original post was the track access beep, although of course that is defeatable - you can switch it off easily just by removing ALL batteries, then - with the player NOT in hold mode, hold down the stop button, re-instert batteries, let go of stop button, and hey presto... no more beeps
Sep 20, 2003 at 5:31 PM Post #6 of 7
The models are: D66, Sony Player D-EJ611 (it's cheap), and the Aiwa XP-560 (It can drive the headphones loud that's for sure but it's all hissy). Now I did some more careful listening and the high pitched sound definitely is on the right channel when I plug into the heaphone out on my Sony. Concerning the volume...I usually don't listen loud (I save torturing my ears for concerts) about halfway max, mostly around 3 or 4, on the Sony and maybe 1/4 on the Aiwa. But when the music is playing I can't make out the noise on the Sony, only when I'm playing it really quiet or during a quiet passage in the music. With the Aiwa it's just hissy on both channels which I would think is the player. So I would guess that since it's different for both players that at least I don't have a problem with my eggos? I didn't realize that you were talking about those beeps...I removed those long time ago. hehe

So it sounds like I'm gonna have to upgrade. I don't have any money at all. Oh Head-Fi why do you do this to me?
Sep 21, 2003 at 11:20 PM Post #7 of 7
I also have D-FJ210 CD player. I am anxiously waiting for etymotic 4P headphone. Do you think this CD player is not going to produce good sound as some others will? Which portable CD player do you recommend for etymotics? TIA.

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