Life without Head-Fi - it's possible! (but that doesn't mean it's fun)
Jan 23, 2007 at 4:07 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 7


100+ Head-Fier
Oct 29, 2004
Doubt that many people will have missed me as I made a rather hasty and unannounced exit- I decided to join the Air Force and was whirlwinded out of my previous place of residence on short notice.

So, after basic training, I was at my technical training for about 9 months, and spent my time ironing my uniform, polishing my boots, and studying with my iPod/HD-25 and laptop speakers. And for that time, simply having access to music was enough to get me through.

Well, I have arrived here at my first duty station (hurrah!) and just today all of my stuff arrived via government movers and I was able to get everything set up. After a small repair to my CD-E5 (had to replace a circuit board), I'm back up and running and I've had this stupid grin on my face that I'm sure will remain for a few weeks. Very nice to get back to the "good stuff"

I went through a whirlwind of headphones about a year and a half ago, finally settling on the SA-5000 after trying everything but the kitchen sink. My CD-E5 is still serving me very well (despite the minor malfunction), and Mikhail's amp is still amazing. I'm sure everyone says this at some point, but I'm perfectly happy with what I have and don't really have any plan to spend any of my newfound earnings. (yeah right, famous last words, etc, but I really mean it!)

As a second thought, if there are any people here who are considering joining the military, I think my email is in my profile, feel free to ask whatever you want and I'll provide as honest an answer as I am able.
Jan 23, 2007 at 9:19 PM Post #4 of 7
Glad to hear everything worked out. I did my 4 years from '89 to '93 at Offutt AFB. I trained as an EW Tech (SAC) but ended up working as an RC-135 Avionics Tech.

So where did you go for tech school and what did you go to tech school for 9 months for? When I was in, mine was the second longest in the Air Force, only behind ATC Control/Approach radar (one of my roommates was that and he had been at Keesler AFB for over a year in tech school). Luckily mine was only 10 months long!

I got through with a walkman and headphones. No portable cd's or MP3s then. Would have been nice....

Jan 24, 2007 at 1:33 AM Post #6 of 7

Originally Posted by McFortner /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Glad to hear everything worked out. I did my 4 years from '89 to '93 at Offutt AFB. I trained as an EW Tech (SAC) but ended up working as an RC-135 Avionics Tech.

So where did you go for tech school and what did you go to tech school for 9 months for? When I was in, mine was the second longest in the Air Force, only behind ATC Control/Approach radar (one of my roommates was that and he had been at Keesler AFB for over a year in tech school). Luckily mine was only 10 months long!

I got through with a walkman and headphones. No portable cd's or MP3s then. Would have been nice....


I was at Keesler as well, learning how to maintain computer networks. A lot of the electronic/comm maint schools are getting long because of how complicated the equipment is.

I got stationed at Grand Forks- figures, I put all overseas choices and they stick me as far from overseas as you can get in the US

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