LETSHUOER S12 - Next big planar? (Impressions & Discussion)
Oct 5, 2022 at 6:56 PM Post #1,351 of 1,909
I just got the Pro version yesterday. Bought it for a discounted price of $94 via Shopee.

Running it on a Q5K as USB-DAC on Hiby R3.
Still waiting for my orders of whirlwind and clarion tips.
They look good in real life! That color scheme works well.

Btw, what an interesting contraption you have there as your source. Why do you need to pair Q5k with R3? I thought R3 is already strong enough?
Oct 5, 2022 at 8:38 PM Post #1,354 of 1,909
I just got the Pro version yesterday. Bought it for a discounted price of $94 via Shopee.

Running it on a Q5K as USB-DAC on Hiby R3.
Still waiting for my orders of whirlwind and clarion tips.
how is the sound quality? esp in mid and treble.

i already had s12 OG. so many peak on upper mid., beacuse that imaging is blurry for me. how about the pro version ? any different SQ esp on imaging. or still same with OG ver
Oct 6, 2022 at 2:22 AM Post #1,355 of 1,909
Had a good listen last night, and these are very detailed. Once you get the right fit, I must have tiny ear canals.

They also take power amazing.

I use a fiio KA2 DAC into a ifi zen can amp, I tried just with the DAC and they were tiny, lacking, with the amp, set on gain 2 they come to life

Modded my hp stand too.

The new tips should be here today, got, ss, sm ,ms
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Oct 6, 2022 at 3:38 AM Post #1,356 of 1,909
I just saw the S12 Pros for the first time in person and I have to say I'm not really a fan of that blue color (no offence to anyone who has them, to each their own). In person it's even more purplish to my eye and in comparison to the understaded, utilitarian chic nebula grey or even the somewhat shiny silver the S12 Pros are just too...flamboyant? I'm not sure if that's the word I'm looking for.

Let me put it this way, I don't mind IEM shells that are colorful if they are beautiful or artistic and I actually quite like many of them. However, shells that are largely one single bright color tend to either look gaudy/flamboyant or like a child's toy to me. As I mentioned before, that's just me and I'm all for people owning what they like so I hope no one takes this the wrong way.

I also had a brief listen and I didn't notice any significant difference in the tuning in general or the treble specifically, but it was done with someone else's DAP and music, and an unfamiliar pair of tips so there may be a difference. That said, I have a pretty good ear and if there is a difference in the treble's tuning it is very subtle.

I'll have a chance to listen tomorrow with my favorite tips, on my Kann Alpha, with my own music, and for a reasonable session length (I only listened to 2.5 songs as the owner and I were both on our way to other obligations). I will post the impressions from that session later on for anyone who's interested.
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Oct 6, 2022 at 3:41 AM Post #1,357 of 1,909
I just saw the S12 Pros for the first time in person and I have to say I'm not really a fan of that blue color (no offence to anyone who has them, to each their own). In person it's even more purplish to my eye and in comparison to the understaded, utilitarian chic nebula grey or even the somewhat shiny silver the S12 Pros are just too...flamboyant? I'm not sure if that's the word I'm looking for.

Let me put it this way, I don't mind IEM shells that are colorful if they are beautiful or artistic and I actually quite like many of them. However, shells that are largely one single bright color tend to either look gaudy/flamboyant or like a child's toy to me. As I mentioned before, that's just me and I'm all for people owning what they like so I hope no one takes this the wrong way.

I also had a brief listen and I didn't notice any significant difference in the tuning in general or the treble specifically, but it was done with someone else's DAP and music, and an unfamiliar pair of tips so there may be a difference. That said, I have a pretty good ear and if there is a difference in the treble's tuning it is very subtle.

I'll have a chance to listen tomorrow with my favorite tips, on my Kann Alpha, with ny own music, and for a reasonable session length (I only listened to 2.5 songs as the owner and I were both on our way to other obligations). I will post the impressions from that session later on for anyone who's interested.
I would love to hear your impressions specially compared to the original S12. I want to buy the S12 and confused if I should go for the pro or the original.
Oct 6, 2022 at 3:43 AM Post #1,358 of 1,909
I just saw the S12 Pros for the first time in person and I have to say I'm not really a fan of that blue color (no offence to anyone who has them, to each their own). In person it's even more purplish to my eye and in comparison to the understaded, utilitarian chic nebula grey or even the somewhat shiny silver the S12 Pros are just too...flamboyant? I'm not sure if that's the word I'm looking for.

Let me put it this way, I don't mind IEM shells that are colorful if they are beautiful or artistic and I actually quite like many of them. However, shells that are largely one single bright color tend to either look gaudy/flamboyant or like a child's toy to me. As I mentioned before, that's just me and I'm all for people owning what they like so I hope no one takes this the wrong way.

I also had a brief listen and I didn't notice any significant difference in the tuning in general or the treble specifically, but it was done with someone else's DAP and music, and an unfamiliar pair of tips so there may be a difference. That said, I have a pretty good ear and if there is a difference in the treble's tuning it is very subtle.

I'll have a chance to listen tomorrow with my favorite tips, on my Kann Alpha, with my own music, and for a reasonable session length (I only listened to 2.5 songs as the owner and I were both on our way to other obligations). I will post the impressions from that session later on for anyone who's interested.
The audio geek network around you must be strong for an obscure product like S12 Pro to appear that fast. So I guess just a new colour way and a new cable.
Oct 6, 2022 at 4:14 AM Post #1,359 of 1,909
The audio geek network around you must be strong for an obscure product like S12 Pro to appear that fast. So I guess just a new colour way and a new cable.

I actually host mini CanJams at my house at least once a year and sometimes more. The one I had this summer right before I started actively posting on head-fi had 37 headphone/IEM/earbud aficionados (and their at it with all manner of gear and such. I definitely intentionally cultivate a circle of friends, friends of friends, and acquaintances who are into head-fi gear and even hifi speaker setups.

Being a professional musician I probably meet significantly more of these types of people than your average joe. For example, over the last few weeks recording at a studio my band and I have never recorded at before, I have become friends with the audio engineer and a studio tech that both have some pretty nice gear and collections.

The guy who owns the Pros is a session guitarist that I used to work with pretty frequently when I was making my living doing session drumming. He was entering the studio complex as I was leaving and I noticed the Pros he was wearing because I can't help but check out people's head-fi gear when I'm out an about (it's a compulsuion). After I asked him how he liked them and if he has listened to the OG version he let me have a quick listen because he knows I'm a gear collector too and we set a time for a lunchtime meetup and listening session later today (it's 1AM here) so he can try my OGs while I try his Pros. It's like the audiophile circle of life or something...😂
Oct 6, 2022 at 5:36 PM Post #1,361 of 1,909
For @TIEM and @o0genesis0o and anyone else who might be interested I just spent a little over an hour listening to the S12 Pros on my own A&K Kann Alpha with my favorite tips that I use on my S12s and music I know like the back of my hand. I also had a the S12 Pros owner there listening to my OG S12s because he's also and IEM aficionado and an "audiophile" though I don't think of myself that way.

Anyways, this is going to be very short because the impressions are essentially very easy to describe. On most tracks, the vast majority of listeners would not be able to tell the OGs and the Pros apart. They have an absolutely identical tuning and presentation from the low end through the mids. Both myself and the owner of the Pros felt that on certain treble heavy tracks we could notice a very subtle/slight difference with the Pros having just a hair less treble.

I cannot over emphasize to you just how tiny and subtle this difference was and on your average everyday pop or rock track it was essentially unnoticeable. Songs that occasionally exhibit sibilance with the OGs also tended to exhibit sibilance with the Pros with one single exception.

Out basic conclusion was that there is a very slight difference in the treble tuning, but that it doesn't change the fundamental character or properties of the OG S12s versus the S12 Pros. These are simply the observations of two guys so use it, ignore it, take it with a grain of salt, etc. I will say that he and I both have good ears (I am a pro drummer and saxophonist and he is a pro guitarist) and I think our characterization is accurate on this one.

Anyways, I hope this helps anyone trying to decide whether to purchase the Pros or the OGs.

Edit: I also wanted to add an interesting tidbit I picked up from the S12 Pro owner. He says that Letshuoer has been approaching N. American based artists to offer them free CIEMs to try from their high end models as if the are trying to build a bigger presence here with artist-endorsees to legitimize it. That would be quite interesting if it comes to fruition. As an owner of the EJ07M, I could see them finding plenty of interested artists to use their IEMs for monitoring.

Edit 2: I changed a couple spelling mistakes and wording of one sentence without changing the meaning of what was said.
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Oct 6, 2022 at 11:45 PM Post #1,363 of 1,909
Thanks! I guess I’ll go for the s12 pro for the better cable. I am okay with the color of the pro but if cable is better I’ll go with the pro.

I think the stock cable that comes with either version is great and I liked the modular version on the Pros, but the modular cable is actually the one thing I have seen two complaints on about the tips quickly failing after being changed a few times. I will say that it seemed solid enough to me as far as build quality and design goes. I didn't think it was cheaply or poorly done and I didn't notice anything that would make me think this modular cable could fail any sooner than any other modular cable I have seen or used.
Oct 6, 2022 at 11:48 PM Post #1,364 of 1,909
For @TIEM and @o0genesis0o and anyone else who might be interested I just spent a little over an hour listening to the S12 Pros on my own A&K Kann Alpha with my favorite tips that I use on my S12s and music I know like the back of my hand. I also had a the S12 Pros owner their listening to my OG S12s because hes also and IEM aficionado and an "audiophile" though I don't think of myself that way.

Anyways, this is going to be very short because the impressions are essentially very easy to describe. On most tracks, the vast majority of listeners would not be able to tell the OGs and the Pros apart. They have an absolutely identical tuning and presentation from the low end through the mids. Both myself and the owner of the Pros felt that on certain treble heavy tracks we could notice a very subtle/slight difference with the Pros having just a hair less treble.

I cannot over emphasize to you just how tiny and subtle this difference was and on your average everyday pop or rock track it was essentially unnoticeable. Songs that occasionally exhibit sibilance with the OGs also tended to exhibit sibilance with the Pros with one single exception.

Out basic conclusiong was that there is a very slight difference in the treble tuning, but that it doesn't change the fundamental character or properties of the OG S12s versus the S12 Pros. These are simply the observations of two guys so use it, ignore it, take it with a grain of salt, etc. I will say that he and I both have good ears (I am a pro drummer and saxophonist and he is a pro guitarist) and I think our characterization is accurate on this one.

Anyways, I hope this helps anyone trying to decide whether to purchase the Pros or the OGs.

Edit: I also wanted to add an interesting tidbit I picked up from the S12 Pro owner. He says that Letshuoer has been approaching N. American based artists to offer them free CIEMs to try from their high end models as if the are trying to build a bigger presence here with artist-endorsees to legitimize it. That would be quite interesting if it comes to fruition. As an owner of the EJ07M, I could see them finding plenty of interested artists to use their IEMs for monitoring.

Edit 2: I changed a couple spelling mistakes and wording of one sentence without changing the meaning of what was said.

How does the EJ07M compare against top dogs like Andro and 64 audio stuffs? Can it compete in resolution, staging, and air?

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