Kitty Cat Stew !
Mar 10, 2005 at 6:17 PM Post #16 of 33

Originally Posted by earache
I have an audio/cat horror story. Our cat Seena was a really tiny blue point siamese. She loved to climb up on top of my Levinson 335 and sleep on the hot surface. She would just bake on that thing when I was not looking. I would chace her off of it all of the time. Well one night while we were sleeping, she was on top of the amp and started to cough up a hair ball. My wifes woke up hearing the cat coughing and then tossing cookies. A few minutes later my wife wakes me up saying that she was hearing some popping noises out in the den. I stumble out of bed, walk into the den and flames are coming out of the top of my about a foot high. I screamed of course, ran and killed the power. My wife had grabbed the fire extenguisher from the kitchen and was getting ready to douse the amp. Killing the power killed the flames. I couldn't believe what I was looking at. The flames had been coming out of the silver vent slots on top. There was cat puke still visible on the heat sinks. My cat was no where to be seen. The next morning I had to call my dealer and explain the whole situation (they couldn't stop laughing!). To Madrigal's credit, they repaired/replaced the inside boards of the amp and sent it back good as new. We ended up moving the amp to a location not accessible by the cat. I am constantly aware of where the cats are around my equipment now, and pay close attention to the mischeif that they can get into...

Funny story! My cat midnight did the exact same thing with my satellite receiver. Luckily, it didn't start a fire (no one was home at the time), but I did come home from a long day of work, grabbed the remote, and nothing. I thought maybe the batteries died, so I went over to the receiver and saw a few nice clumps of hairy vomit leaking into the vents.
Mar 10, 2005 at 6:20 PM Post #17 of 33

Originally Posted by Bunnyears
How can you think of squirting water at an amp? or a crt for that matter! I don't think that's too safe; my vet had me use noise aversion on my last puppy. He advised me to fill an empty can with metal screws and other clanking objects and shake it at the puppy to keep her away from dangerous things like electric wires, etc. Maybe it will work on cats. It wasn't the most effective way to do things with a puppy, but luckily the house was very child-proofed because the girls were so young.

Right. My solution is to try to keep all the equipment in one place and then use canned air. It really freaks out my two Burmese. After a couple weeks of this treatment, they almost never even "thank aboud".
Mar 10, 2005 at 6:54 PM Post #18 of 33

Fox News is running an article today, where a cat shot his owner with a 9mm handgun...

the mental picture that line gave me of the of my "kitties" in urban cammo and armed to the teeth,fully automatic weapons with bandoliers of rounds criss-crossing their chest like poncho frikin villa scares the bejeezers outta me if they are anything like me in the "payback' department !

Plus they are pushy enough.I can not handle armed cats running wild ;




Everytime they go somewhere they don't belong, squirt 'em. Eventually they will stop


My cats are oblivious to water.

I could throw rocks at these mongo cats and all that would do is piss them off more.
Especially the "twnety pounder",trouble.

RC (Rick's Cat
) is on his way to being "Trouble ll".The new and improved version and taken lessons from Da masta Cat.

Zippo just zips around at speed and where he decides to land is still myterious until he does,for a moment,just a moment,then off he zips again .

"Lumpy' won't even aknowledge I am on the planet earth.He acts as if I am not there and NEVER comes to me.NEVER the POS !
But he is the main culprit on the Klipsch grills.Grills that were manufactured in the 70s and would be hard to match up exactly if i had to do only one.I think maybe he is still p*ssed about my naming of him and the why


How can you think of squirting water at an amp?

Evil thought just popped into my head

[size=small]BZZZZZZZT ! Fried CAT ![/size]

fried tubes too but what the hell,can't have it all


I tuned in hoping this would be a thread dedicated to Martha Stewart jokes.

well.....Martha IS a free woman now and if anyone alive would have an answer it would be she.No WAY she would not have control of any situation and I pity the feline that would even contemplate pissing her off.......(that woman has a damn recipe for everything)


I thought maybe the batteries died, so I went over to the receiver and saw a few nice clumps of hairy vomit leaking into the vents.

don't get me started on cat vomit !
That deserves an entire thread of its own man !


Right. My solution is to try to keep all the equipment in one place and then use canned air. It really freaks out my two Burmese. After a couple weeks of this treatment, they almost never even "thank aboud".

I have yet to see the day i could "freak out" my cats no matter what I tried.They have freaked me out on occasion but so far.....................

(BTW-i finally let the "Castsicles" back in
Mar 10, 2005 at 7:13 PM Post #19 of 33
To keep cats of your equipment try using a polish with lemon. I spray the stuff all over mine, my chairs and computer and anything that they try and make their own. Its the citrus smell they dislike.

I have a 2stone tom that seems to enjoy being painfull, I had to get a bigger coffee table as he was able to lift the end up and let everything slide of one end.

Mar 10, 2005 at 7:23 PM Post #20 of 33

Originally Posted by nic.hobson
To keep cats of your equipment try using a polish with lemon. I spray the stuff all over mine, my chairs and computer and anything that they try and make their own. Its the citrus smell they dislike.

I have a 2stone tom that seems to enjoy being painfull, I had to get a bigger coffee table as he was able to lift the end up and let everything slide of one end.


Really? My cats favorite treat is lemon slushy!?
Mar 10, 2005 at 7:43 PM Post #22 of 33
I'm glad I'm not the only one. My Acoustat 1+1's are on their fourth or fifth set of socks because Mustafa wants to use them as a scratching post. It would just teach him right if he could get a claw far enough inside to reach the diaphram - I know that they've given me some nasty shocks. I guess that the only drawback there would be the resulting non-reparable hole.

<---That's him. Looks pretty innocent, right? Mr. Master of Disguise.

He really likes cherry custard yogurt. Yuck.

Mar 10, 2005 at 7:44 PM Post #23 of 33
I don't know if this is mentioned cause I am in a hurry and I don't have time to read the entire thread right now, but you can try this: Put a thin coat of dish soap on the cable and let it air dry. I had a cat that chewed through $50 of CAT 5 (no pun intended
) but never touched it again after that.

(Sorry about the poor grammar and spelling, I gotta run. )
Mar 10, 2005 at 7:54 PM Post #24 of 33

<---That's him. Looks pretty innocent, right? Mr. Master of Disguise.

aren't they all !!!!!!

the best one is when they give you the "who me ?" look .

Or the "anything you say right now I do not want to hear so I am just going to close my eyes and tune you out"

but my alltime favorite "cat face" is that bug eyed look,what i call the "startle face" they get when they piss me off and I take off after them and they attempt to bolt so fast that their feet slip on the floor just like in the cartoons !

all action and no GO !

While they may be moving full speed they are actually still in the same spot they started slipping and failing to gain traction in the panic i caused !

life does have some rewards even though they be small ones and of course every time i do this it is "patback time" from the cats from hell and i sleep with one eye open !
Mar 10, 2005 at 8:40 PM Post #25 of 33

Originally Posted by rickcr42
but my alltime favorite "cat face" is that bug eyed look,what i call the "startle face" they get when they piss me off and I take off after them and they attempt to bolt so fast that their feet slip on the floor just like in the cartoons !

all action and no GO !

While they may be moving full speed they are actually still in the same spot they started slipping and failing to gain traction in the panic i caused !

lol. This reminds me again of my gf's cat, "gracie," who really likes to mess everything. A while ago i couldn't fall asleep so i decided to stay in the living room and watch some tv. I closed the door to the bedroom. Gracie decided to get on her hind legs and bat at the fish in the fish tank so i picked up the water bottle and squirted her good and she took off so fast that she was literally slipping and nearly slammed into the bedroom door then took off into the bathroom. I was hysterically laughing my ass off.
Mar 10, 2005 at 9:13 PM Post #26 of 33
Remember the scene from Christmas vacation where the cat gets fried from the Christmas lights? LMAO!! And he had an awesome line when they find what's left of him (all you see is a smoking kitty imprint in the floot) "That cat had nine lives...he just spent 'em all!!"
Mar 11, 2005 at 7:05 AM Post #29 of 33

Originally Posted by Edwood
How about wiring up a high voltage low amperage little electric fence for your audio stuff. So when the kitty touches it. BZZZZAAAAAAP!


That's not
! Of course if you did that for your poor dog it might just be a good thing... You'd be putting the poor thing out of her misery.
Mar 11, 2005 at 8:11 AM Post #30 of 33
Hee hee . . . it's so touching how much Rick adores his kitty-witties.

An example of a non-messy, pg-rated cat story (with a good ending): my video card shorted out, and when I took it to the shop, they informed me that the entire inside of the case was stuffed with cat fur. My cat sleeps on my desk/keyboard/mouse/monitor/lap/work, so that powerful fan just sucked it in like a vaccuum. The shop replaced the video card under warranty, which was nice of them.

Getting slightly off topic, I see Rick has a macho kitty. I should show you a pic of my 25-lb monster, normally called "Tubsy-boy", since he is a tubby tabby.

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