kit for an interactive pedestrian.
Aug 27, 2004 at 5:21 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 7


100+ Head-Fier
Aug 13, 2004
Vienna, Austria
About a month of reading these boards and all o' youse are turnin' me! Just bought my first amp, off of head-fi, too, and I'm now I'm eyeing up other headphones.

I really like the E888s, but while I'm waiting for them to come in from Bluetin, I'm running a pair of Mx500s, which sound great through the amp and an ipod. Thing is, I walk everywhere in the city, and it seems as if every five mintues I stop to talk to somebody, or I enter a store or something where I want to take off the phones for a minute. This wasn't a problem with the 888s because of the neck-chain cord, but it's getting annoying with the MX500s. I've been tucking them between myself and the strap of my messenger bag, but then I wonder if that's not good for the cord.

So, considering that I've wrecked one pair of 888s, I'm in the market for a new set of headphones. Something for mainly everyday portable use (although a nice fit with home/office equipment is nice, too), preferably a little more durable than the 888s, and something that can go unamped or could be used well with a Xin Super Mini. (the guy I bought the amp from was selling Grado 125s, too, which I acted too late on, but he said that the difference btw. the 125s amped and unamped would be negligible anyway) And something that I can pop on and off easily as I coast through the city. Not necessariily neck-chain earbuds -- I've been looking at the Grado SR80s, if I'm gonna go 'up', or maybe in the other direction in terms of cost, Sony E931s. Any suggestions?
Aug 27, 2004 at 5:32 AM Post #2 of 7
Grados aren't exactly what you call "portable" in the well-known sense. The cable is very durable, but the phones themselves are big, slightly uncomfortable, and leaks massive sound to the outside world (and vice-versa). Not to mention look funky as hell (I like the look actually). Sounds great though.
Aug 27, 2004 at 6:14 AM Post #4 of 7
yeah, I gotta admit, part of the thing about the Grados is that I *do* like the way they look. Like I should be back in grade school sitting by an scratchy old Califone turntable reading aloud with Frog and Toad...

Haven't thought of the around-the-neck ones ... I kinda thought it might be weird with a ball cap, but I guess maybe not. but now I'm thinking about making a point of wearing a ball cap next time I head to the audio store. And up until now I didn't even think of the fact that I commute in the cold weather -- coming sooner than I'd like to admit -- and I guess I'd be looking for something that can work with a winter cap, too. I don't know if earbuds are the exclusive domain of cold winters...

Damn. Now I can imagine why everybody here has so many different headphones.

as for pausing the ipod, I have that, but sometimes I just don't want to pull my whole kit out of my pocket. And I like the MX500s b/c I can just drop the volume off the cord. But for me, if I'm interacting with someone I just like to take the earbuds out.
Aug 27, 2004 at 6:21 AM Post #5 of 7

Originally Posted by terrymx
you probably want an overhead headphone that you can let hang on your neck

duh. why didn't i fully understand that the first time I read it? Yeah, I think that's what I want...
Aug 27, 2004 at 7:03 AM Post #6 of 7
I'm in the same situation you are. I usually just use the volume control on the MX500s. Taking the iPod out of my pocket is just way too annoying and time consuming. Another thing you might want to think about is just playing your music at a lower volume so you can still talk/interact with people, which is what I usually do, though this might lower your enjoyment, since you'll be able to hear more ambient noise. I think that there's gonna be a certain level of inconvenience no matter what you choose that you're just gonna have to deal with. Personally, I think it's easier to take out/put in earbuds than put on/take off full cans, but that's just me.

btw, nice avatar. I'm a big fan of the Boondocks. The best comic strip that's out right now, imo.

the Judge
Aug 28, 2004 at 6:51 AM Post #7 of 7
thanks for the input, as well as thiose who posted on the other recent threads for portable headphones...

I got a new set of E888s in the mail today, which should sate my desires for a little while. But I'm already thinking that I've come up with a short list for the over-the-head kind -- D66 Eggos, Portapros, or Grado SR-60 or 80s. I think I got a thing for the Grados. Plus, and this must be an old, old joke already, I doubt I'd get mugged for them. As for sound leakage, that doesn't bother me too much; when I first got 888s I almost got whacked by a bus driver intent making/bloiwng a light, so I kinda like hearing the outside world a bit.


Originally Posted by Judge Crandall
btw, nice avatar. I'm a big fan of the Boondocks. The best comic strip that's out right now, imo. theJudge

thanks for noticing... it's def. the best. McGruder has a non-Boondocks graphic novel that's supposed to be out soon, but I havne't seen it yet. really, though, I'm jealous of MajinWu's avatar. Anybody remember that kid's name, or another lost Boondocks charcaters?

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