Kill Bill Volume 1
Oct 11, 2003 at 12:34 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 87


Jan 1, 2002
the best movie i have ever seen. i've never actually said that about any movie before, but this is definitely the best movie i have ever seen. lord of the rings gives me goosebumps, american beauty might make me want to cry, but kill bill was just incredible.

the direction was just so incredible. i've been sort of getting into asian cinema recently and this movie is like the perfect mix of tarantino and asian samurai flicks. the action sequences are just incredible, like few others i have ever seen. where michael bay's cgi bad boys 2 crap gives me a headache, the fast camera work and incredible shooting in this movie just lead me to not blink for ten minutes at a time.

what really did it for me was the lucy liu "house of blue leaves" entrance scene. was that an in the mood for love stunt or what? i love the movie so much i went out and bought the soundtrack on my walk out of the mall (i do own the soundtrack for every other one of quentin's films though).

anyway, i'm going to have to think about this further and wait for more people to see the movie before i comment on comparisons to pulp fiction and stuff. either way, i _loved_ this movie and can't wait to see it again.
Oct 11, 2003 at 12:55 AM Post #2 of 87
Far out! I knew it would be at least pretty good since Q.T. has always made movies I like. I'm glad you posted, I was wondering if I should go tomorrow or not. I'm gone for sure now.
Oct 11, 2003 at 3:15 AM Post #4 of 87
Just saw this movie, and while I won't go as far as grinch and say it's the "best" movie I have ever seen, I will say that it was very good. I can honestly recommend this movie without any reservation. Ok, just one reservation, if you


DON'T READ IF YOU DON"T WANT TO KNOW ANYTHING DON"T READ AnY FURTHER This movie was bloody! Not just bloody bloody, but bloody flowing out of cut limbs bloody. Bloodier than any movie I have ever seen. And bloody in a bad way. Some movies lose their entertainment value, IMO, when things get unreal. While the fight sequences are spectacular, the excess blood was just too much making an otherwise very good movie a movie that tries to hard to "shock" you.
Oct 11, 2003 at 3:22 AM Post #5 of 87
Excessive spilling of blood is good. I think I'll buy the dvd. I can't stand neither of the 3 theaters near me (never watched a movie in peace without being disturbed by idiots.)
Oct 11, 2003 at 4:48 AM Post #6 of 87
I agree that this movie was quite an accomplishment. In my humble opinion, and from my limited movie-going experience, I'd call Quentin Tarantino the best director (in his genre, at least) out there. He has such a trademark style, and his writing is always of such high quality that it sets the standard for the genre. Kill Bill worked for me because it was somewhat schizophrenic, with its non-chronological ordering, wide mix of storytelling methods, and overload of gore (I did think to myself it was the bloodiest thing I’ve seen on film.) Also, I can't say I’ve seen anything like it - the closest would be another Tarantino flick! Bravo, Quentin, I can only hope Volume 2 can match this. In all likelihood, it will surpass it. I'll be getting it on DVD, that's for sure.
Oct 11, 2003 at 6:18 AM Post #7 of 87
I really hope it's good. Tarantino is great, even though he's kind of fallen out of the picture for the last five years. I have to say that the trailers really turn me off, though. I'm really bored of kung-fu, HK/Asian action stuntwork. Last night I just yawned my way through every fight scene in "The Matrix Reloaded" on DVD (what a stinker). Kung-fu fighting way back when used to be fresh and interesting (and, of course, you have to remember I grew up in Hawaii where there are many Japanese, so I started watching samurai shows on tv when I was six - that almost forty years ago), now it's just so ridiculously over-choreographed that it reminds me of those Chinese stage pageants from the Mao era when girls in uniforms woulld march around with with flags doing gymnastics. It looks hokey and rehearsed anymore. Hopefully Tarantino has found a way to liven it up a bit. (and from what I'm hearing, that mean LOTSA BLOOD!. Well, whatever...)
Oct 11, 2003 at 8:56 AM Post #8 of 87
i just got back from kill bill. i wasn't as blown away by it as much as with tarantino's other 3 movies, but that's still not to say it wasn't damn good. i would definitely recommend it. there was just something about the other 3 tarantino movies that struck a chord with me that this one didn't. it is definately in a different style though, but still with the tarantino flavor.

but anyways, it might just be my pasadena bias but i really liked the intro to vivica a fox's character. that was fun. oh and did anyone else notice that there were subliminal red dots in the shape of a "t" during the scene in the club with the japanese girl band? i wonder what that was about.

and in closing, uma thurman looked good. really good.

Oct 12, 2003 at 12:01 AM Post #9 of 87
I just read a very interesting article/interview about this movie. Supposedly Tarantino wants B&W prints released in most of the world outside Japan and color prints in Japan. He thinks so much bright red blood will make most audiences uneasy - B&W is easier to stomach - but Japanese audiences are more used to it. Is it true that this is how the film will be released worldwide? Will we be able to get a DVD in color with English soundtrack one day, and how long before someone does a pirate DVD if there isn't one?

Can Japanese audiences really stand more blood than anyone else? Tentacles sure, but there have been plenty of slasher movies in color.
Oct 12, 2003 at 1:11 AM Post #10 of 87
the big crazy 88 fight scene is easily the most gory and longest in the movie (it's in the trailer in color, where uma is in the yellow bruce lee suit with the samurai sword). in the beginning of this scene the color is dropped to black and white, and then at the very end it edges back into color with a close-up of uma's eyes as she blinks.

i keep hearing different stories on that, but i really think he did it to make sure he could get an r-rating in the u.s. i was actually suprised that the mpaa gave it an r-rating with the level of violence in the film. i'm hoping that a "director's cut" will be out with the scene back in full color but i'm really not too sure if that will happen. miramax is usually pretty good with dvd releases though, especially special editions of tarantino's films so i'm really not too worried about it. either way, the scene is incredible and not enjoying it just because it's in black and white would be silly.

pirated dvd? well, there is a workprint out already.. err i mean, even if the r1 release doesn't get the scene in color, i'm sure an r2 release will.

[edit]: p.s. japan has had a history of getting releases that the u.s. has not, from song of the south to friday the 13th uncut. as you can tell by the whining in this thread already, not all of america can handle violence without trying their best to ruin it for everybody else.
Oct 12, 2003 at 3:47 AM Post #12 of 87
Incredible film.
A live action anime!

I thought the B&W was done on purpose and not for any rating reason.

There are so many tributes in this film (and tarantino's other films) that it really deserves a 2nd, 3rd, and 4th look.

Was it better than Pulp Fiction?

For me it was close. Very close.
Oct 12, 2003 at 4:07 AM Post #13 of 87

Originally posted by grinch
what really did it for me was the lucy liu "house of blue leaves" entrance scene. was that an in the mood for love stunt or what? i love the movie so much i went out and bought the soundtrack on my walk out of the mall (i do own the soundtrack for every other one of quentin's films though).

Yeah, that was a great scene.
I will have to pick up the soundtrack also.

I hear that there will be a limited edition vinyl release of the sound track available.
Oct 12, 2003 at 4:40 AM Post #15 of 87

Originally posted by dokebi
Who is Bill?


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