KARMA HEADPHONES! Etymotic ER-6 Isolator or Shure E3c?
Dec 9, 2004 at 2:23 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 7


New Head-Fier
Dec 7, 2004
Hi all,

I have been looking on CNET (yea, no flames plz) at different headphones within the ~ $100-150 range. They had a few different pairs, including the Shures, the Etymotics, and some Sony one. I despise Sony

Anyway, I looked at these two pairs for a while, and I am leaning toward the Shures. I will mostly be using them at home and school and wandering around outside... and the music i listen to is mostly modern punk-pop, rock, hard rock, and techno.
On the other hand, someone could prove me totally wrong and i might get some huge ones like the Triports for instance. Yea... I really have no idea.... HELP! thanks

AND, if you couldn't tell, i am a headphone n00b and if anyone has tips on like "calibrating" or "auditioning" my new headphones or w/e, that would be awesome. I just don't want to screw them up the first week.

EDIT: I've also heard that earbuds like the two i mentioned lack a lot of bass, which i like.... I would appreciate it if someone who has these headphones would give me their opinion on this.
Dec 9, 2004 at 2:37 PM Post #3 of 7
From what I've heard, the shure e3c would probably be better. The etys have a somewhat thin sound to them.
Dec 9, 2004 at 4:40 PM Post #4 of 7
Yeah, based on your comments alone about the bass, I think the E3 would suit your needs nicely

(Btw, Jude, when can we have a Shure smilie!)
Dec 9, 2004 at 6:41 PM Post #6 of 7
Guys.. your missunderstanding him here, he _likes_ it when they lack bass, then ER6 would suite you much better then E3C which is suppose to have lot more bass then ER6. As a ER6 owner I don't really think they lack as much bass as some people say they do, it really depends on the shape and form of your ear canal and learning how to possition the headphone in your ear.

The reason why more ppl like Shure E3C is beacause they think ER6 lacks the bass that the E3C has. But I've read that ER6 is more detailed and has a clearer sound to them.
Dec 11, 2004 at 5:14 AM Post #7 of 7
i'm in a similar position.

right now, i have sony mdr-v6s. i got them here from jodiuh, and they're great.. they've got the beyer pads, so they're very comfy.

most of my headphone use now is walking to/from class, though, and some earphones would be a bit more convenient.

how fragile are the er6i's? would pocket storage be a problem? what about the e3s?

i'm not a big bass kinda guy (sony mdr-v6's..), so the extra detail of the etys sounds good to me. if they'd break in my pocket, though.. that defeats the purpose of switching from headphones to earphones

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