Just spent 2hrs with K701 - what are you guys on?
Jun 22, 2009 at 2:25 PM Post #181 of 197

Originally Posted by Acix /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The K-702 are not the K-272...

They all look like they have the same design-rounded cans compared to oval Sennheiser ones.
Jun 22, 2009 at 3:53 PM Post #182 of 197
The K701 is where the HD800s will end up. Over hyped in the beginning, then put down for being hot in the top end and analytical sounding. You heard it here first

You have to realize that the majority of what is said at headfi isn't necessarily what is reality. The GS-1000 and K701 have been treated like disasters and neither are (although I've heard them both sound that way with the wrong set up). Professional reviews and members with credibility and a good system front to back have appreciated both of them. It's the noobs that tend to hype the new stuff HD800 and bash the old stuff K701, and for some reason Sennheisser always gets a pass.

The HD650 was defended over and over until the HD800 came out, then they admitted their was a veil and the "balanced solves everything on the HD650" arguments died down.

AKG and Grado and Beyer always get bashed. You just have to sift through 90% of "the phone I own is the bestest of the best and all others suck" to get to the 10% of the truth which is about the sound signature you prefer. Too much detail comes with a price like the Qualias and stats. Some are ok with that sound, some don't like it.

The K701 is a good headphone for it's price and provides a unique sound that will either be your preference or not. Modded they will definitely scale.
Jun 22, 2009 at 4:34 PM Post #183 of 197
I didn't find k701 or hd 800(tested it today) to be harsh/hot in the treble(and i'm pretty sensitive to sibilance,i sometimes just can't stant these ksc75 with my portable cd player,these sssss are painfull)
Jun 22, 2009 at 5:04 PM Post #184 of 197

Originally Posted by estreeter /img/forum/go_quote.gif
fwiw, if Head-Fiers in North America/Canada can get the 701 for USD300 as mentioned in this thread, I am not sure why interested parties wouldn't at least audition a pair. Given the problems identified in matching them to the right amp and the extensive burn-in period, it may not be the best introduction, but what is the worst that can happen ?

(Aussie buyers pay roughly 475USD if we buy a pair of 701s locally)


AKG K701 - CompUPlus Direct

$200 or less used here.
Jun 22, 2009 at 6:01 PM Post #185 of 197

Originally Posted by john53 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I didn't find k701 or hd 800(tested it today) to be harsh/hot in the treble(and i'm pretty sensitive to sibilance,i sometimes just can't stant these ksc75 with my portable cd player,these sssss are painfull)

Neither do I. There is plenty of natural treble sparkle after burn-in. However, most higher end stand-mounted speakers probably have more treble extension. There is a hint of roll off in the highest highs of the K701, but overall resolution, imaging, timing and tonality(not as grossly tonally wrong as some think) are first rate.

And I never heard a trace of sibilance on my K701. NEVER.
Jun 22, 2009 at 6:04 PM Post #186 of 197

Originally Posted by robm321 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The K701 is where the HD800s will end up. Over hyped in the beginning, then put down for being hot in the top end and analytical sounding. You heard it here first

You have to realize that the majority of what is said at headfi isn't necessarily what is reality. The GS-1000 and K701 have been treated like disasters and neither are (although I've heard them both sound that way with the wrong set up). Professional reviews and members with credibility and a good system front to back have appreciated both of them. It's the noobs that tend to hype the new stuff HD800 and bash the old stuff K701, and for some reason Sennheisser always gets a pass.

The HD650 was defended over and over until the HD800 came out, then they admitted their was a veil and the "balanced solves everything on the HD650" arguments died down.

AKG and Grado and Beyer always get bashed. You just have to sift through 90% of "the phone I own is the bestest of the best and all others suck" to get to the 10% of the truth which is about the sound signature you prefer. Too much detail comes with a price like the Qualias and stats. Some are ok with that sound, some don't like it.

The K701 is a good headphone for it's price and provides a unique sound that will either be your preference or not. Modded they will definitely scale.

Excellent my friend. You will be proved right.................
Jun 24, 2009 at 12:15 AM Post #187 of 197
A headphone newbie checking in again after a few more days on the 702s, a day on a new iBasso P3+, and a brand new Blue Dragon headphone cable and LOD to mini and...

I have to suggest that the AKG 70x bashers stop smoking crack, it's obviously bad for the hearing!


Though I am new to headphone tweakery, I've been an audio nut long enough to know when something is giving me an honest(ish) take on my various recordings and the associated gear in the chain, and these cans are doing just that. They sound great for the money, and this is with an average source (iPod Classic).

This isn't to say that these phones are perfect. I can hear how some folk would press valid criticisms, but some of the outright bashing I've smelled on this board has the odor of sleeper Sennheiser employees!
Jun 24, 2009 at 12:33 AM Post #188 of 197

Originally Posted by NewAKGGuy /img/forum/go_quote.gif
A headphone newbie checking in again after a few more days on the 702s, a day on a new iBasso P3+, and a brand new Blue Dragon headphone cable and LOD to mini and...

I have to suggest that the AKG 70x bashers stop smoking crack, it's obviously bad for the hearing!


Though I am new to headphone tweakery, I've been an audio nut long enough to know when something is giving me an honest(ish) take on my various recordings and the associated gear in the chain, and these cans are doing just that. They sound great for the money, and this is with an average source (iPod Classic).

This isn't to say that these phones are perfect. I can hear how some folk would press valid criticisms, but some of the outright bashing I've smelled on this board has the odor of sleeper Sennheiser employees!

Smoking crack?

I think maybe AKG needs to give out a free fleshlight with every pair of 701's so they can get rid of all the old headphones and make room for some new ones.
Jun 24, 2009 at 1:31 AM Post #189 of 197

Originally Posted by olblueyez /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Smoking crack?

I think maybe AKG needs to give out a free fleshlight with every pair of 701's so they can get rid of all the old headphones and make room for some new ones.

That's just nasty. Real nasty. But I do agree, AKG should come up with a new, nicely balanced headphone
Jun 24, 2009 at 1:04 PM Post #190 of 197

Originally Posted by olblueyez /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I think maybe AKG needs to give out a free fleshlight with every pair of 701's so they can get rid of all the old headphones and make room for some new ones.

Now that's pretty f'ed up! *funny*, but messed up.... Olblueyez, I didn't think it was possible, but you've taken the K70x bash\hate to a new low!!!
Jun 24, 2009 at 1:23 PM Post #191 of 197
The K701's are superb analytical phones. If you want that kind of sound and amp them properly you will be well rewarded. If neither of these criteria are meet then yes I can understand the slagging it can get. Just don't blame the phones.
Jun 24, 2009 at 2:17 PM Post #192 of 197

Originally Posted by Morph201 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Now that's pretty f'ed up! *funny*, but messed up.... Olblueyez, I didn't think it was possible, but you've taken the K70x bash\hate to a new low!!!

Its just a gag.
Jun 24, 2009 at 2:33 PM Post #193 of 197

Originally Posted by olblueyez /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Its just a gag.


*kiddin* ..I know, it was pretty damn funny! did ya know the fleshlights come in custom molded designs?
Okay, this is going waaaaaaaaay off topic!
Jun 24, 2009 at 2:36 PM Post #194 of 197

Originally Posted by Drosera /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The low price might be both a blessing and a curse. Because it's affordably priced compared to the top-of-the-line models from other companies, it becomes the first serious headphone-purchase for many people starting out in this hobby. Consequently they run a certain risk of being very disappointed with them. Not because of their sound signature, but because of inadequate source (and source material)/improper amping/misguided expectations. This could actually be the cause for some of the very vocal K701-hate around here.

Yep - imagine if the HD800 was readily available at the $4-500 mark : some of the posts on various forums, including this one, would be from extremely disappointed people.
Jun 24, 2009 at 3:16 PM Post #195 of 197

Originally Posted by olblueyez /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I think maybe AKG needs to give out a free fleshlight with every pair of 701's so they can get rid of all the old headphones and make room for some new ones.

Dammit, if it were ever to happen I'd be the first one in line to get a second pair of 701's just to get them super sexy flashlights with the three ring logos, finally something my wife can use.

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