Just ordered an iModded iPod from RWA
Jun 29, 2006 at 6:13 PM Post #16 of 57

I couldn't find a definitive answer in the forums as to the difference in sound quality between the modded 4G iPod lineout and the 5G lineout

The difference is notable. The 5G sounds blurry with a long and flat soundstage by comparison. The Imod is clear but not harsh or etched with excellent depth of soundstage. It's hard to listen to other players once you get used to it. I also run it out of an SR-71 and it sounds fantastic with ETY 4 P's, very natural and detailed, clear, very slightly warm with plenty of air and excellent instrument placement.
Jun 29, 2006 at 7:28 PM Post #18 of 57

Originally Posted by kiwirugby

I really like the SM IV. I have graduated through many versions of the SM, but this one is truly the best of them all. The soundstage is amazing. I also like the ability to use the four switches for the different configurations. For example, the bass boost helps with my AKG501s and the impedance switch with the KSC75s.

Of course, truth be told, it's hard to say what really contributes to what in a multi-component rig, even a trasportable one. At least it is for me!

Where can you buy SM IV. It sounds like its amazing amp. What op amp chipset do you have in your SM IV
How does compare to little dot micro+ and pint amps?
Jun 29, 2006 at 7:40 PM Post #19 of 57

Originally Posted by Skylab
Yay, looking forward to receiving mine and using it with my iMod iPod.


What op amp chipset did you order for you smiv, OPA2134 AD8397?

What is the difference between them?
Jun 29, 2006 at 8:04 PM Post #20 of 57
OPA2134, since Xin said that was the warmer, smoother sounding op amp.
Jun 30, 2006 at 1:39 PM Post #23 of 57
Any recommendations for good travel speakers or good travel headphones to match up with an iModded iPod and an SR-71?
Jun 30, 2006 at 1:40 PM Post #24 of 57

Originally Posted by dc_guy
Any recommendations for good travel speakers or good travel headphones to match up with an iModded iPod and an SR-71?

Yeah - for Travel I use the Senn HD25-1 with my iMod iPod and Xim SM3V6. GREAT combo.
Jun 30, 2006 at 2:05 PM Post #25 of 57

Any recommendations for good travel speakers or good travel headphones to match up with an iModded iPod and an SR-71?

I use ETY 4's with this setup and they sound excellent. They match well with that combination.
Jun 30, 2006 at 6:15 PM Post #26 of 57

You're going to really like how well the SM IV goes with the iMod. Get yourself a good mini-mini if you don't have one already. Also, if you don't have a bag, I have found the Headroom gigabag to work quite well. The IC does stick out of the top a bit, but to put the iPod and SM IV together in the bag is a really good fit that protetcs your gear well.

Let us know what you think of the combination when you have some time.

All the best!
Jun 30, 2006 at 7:21 PM Post #27 of 57
Howdee-well I bought a brand new 4G 60GB Photo Ipod last Feb and sent it to Vinnie for the Redwine Imod and to my ears as a source it sounded nealy as good as my Ah' Njoe Tjoe CDP w/upsampler. Which is nice since the Ah' new is $1200 I bought it used off Audiogon for $800. Well due to mounting bills I sold my high end system and the Redwine Ipod.But when a Redwine Ipod showed up in the Head-fi classfieds I jumped on it ,a week ago,so now I'm back in action.
The Redwine Ipod is my main source other than FM tuner and I'm loving it mated with my Fisher 400 (bizzy bee modded) tube receiver and www.thehornshoppe.com speakers. Plus I'm using my Redwine Ipod as a portable source with a Portaphile Maxed out V2 amp and cardas mini cable Senn PX-100's for portable and AKG 701's for home use.
Well heck fire to see if the grass is greener,I ordered a XIN SuperMacro IV this morning,and if the Xin sounds better than my Portaphile,I'll sell the Portaphile.
But as I have posted in the past,the Redwine sounds better than a 5G Video using the headphone jack on the 5G or using a Turbodock II.
Just my 2-cents.
Happy July 4th to all and be sure to salute the flag.

Jul 3, 2006 at 8:12 PM Post #28 of 57
Thanks for everyone's impressions of the iMod's sound.

Do people have any particular preference for what they use to transport their iMod/amp setup? I've been looking at bags on Headroom (the Micro strap bag w/ the stand for a portable player) as well as iPod desk stands that put the iPod's screen facing you)...any opinions?
Jul 4, 2006 at 12:59 PM Post #29 of 57
Howdee-I'm using a Headroom micro bag w/belt clip,inside it is my Redwine Ipod with Vaja case,Portaphile V2 maxxed amp and 6 inch cardas mini cable all fit very nicely. I also use a ZCover clear poly zippered bag to cover my vaja case. This system is great for walks and at the YMCA. Using Senn PX-100's for outside and AKG 701's for home. Also one of those clear plastic Ipod stands from Pod Holder works great I have one.

Jul 5, 2006 at 10:06 PM Post #30 of 57

Got to Xin's website to buy; fixup.net. There's also a lot of discussion of various configurations, opamps, buffers, and so on. These discussions may help.

I ahve the opa627 in mine, but that's because it has been in my previous SMs and sounds just right to me.

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