Ivy League Colleges
Mar 4, 2006 at 8:28 PM Post #181 of 184

Originally Posted by Oistrakh
wow, getting into MIT must not be that difficult if they allow people with GPA of 3.5 I thought you had to have GPA of 3.9 or 4 ro get in...

For the 100th time, these schools look for RAW TALENT and MOTIVATION over grades and scores.


Regarding the college GPA requirements, do AP courses get a 0.5 bonus or was that just a thing at my school?

It varies from high school to high school.
Mar 4, 2006 at 8:32 PM Post #182 of 184
Are you guys still talking about this? Anyways, here's a quick run-down:

- Yes, it's true, going to an Ivy League school will get you that first job. Most employers will favor you over any other equally inexperienced person from a no-name college. But of course, it won't magically make you a competant employee, so from there on it's all up to you.

- This advantage is equal to the advantage you have when your dad is golf-buddies with your prospective boss. It's all about getting your foot in the door, and it's how most people get their first job. Do not spend $160K just for this advantage!!

- The real reason to go to an Ivy is because you love learning, and want to be around people who challenge you. No, not professors - like at any other school, they could give a rat's ass about you. They're just as bad at teaching, but they're more famous. Do not go to an Ivy for the professors!!

- If you were bored to tears everytime your highschool friends started talking about their 22 inch rims, or 1337 computer skillz, or who would win in a fight between Ron Arteste and Allen Iverson, etc... and wished you could talk about that book you read in English without using the words 'gay' and 'lame', then that's the reason you should go to an Ivy. You go because you want to meet some of the most interesting people in your age group.

- If you go only wanting the fancy dimploma and the $250K a year job at Goldman-Sachs, you will get it. But you'd probably get it no matter where you went because you're probably a driven person. There are more than a few people like that at the Ivies, but they're not a hit at parties. You will be ignored because you have nothing to say, and will hang out with the rest of your kind, talking about what kind of car you're going to buy once you get your loot, or who would win in a fight between Alan Dershowitz and Donald Trump.
Mar 4, 2006 at 10:45 PM Post #183 of 184
Oistrakh, just because eric had a 3.5 doesn't make MIT 'easy' to get into by any stretch of the imagination. Running a company like his, Audiogeek, is something that few teenagers can claim (note that some of his products have gotten rave reviews on this forum, impressive considering how critical and demanding Head-Fi members can be). Teerawit is right, eric demonstrates a special talent and motivation to do and pursue what he loves. spaceconvoy is spot on with his comments as well
Mar 4, 2006 at 10:48 PM Post #184 of 184

Originally Posted by Oistrakh
wow, getting into MIT must not be that difficult if they allow people with GPA of 3.5 I thought you had to have GPA of 3.9 or 4 ro get in...

Wow, you really are an idiot.

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