I've finally been beaten into submission...
May 31, 2007 at 10:50 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 10


500+ Head-Fier
Aug 11, 2006
By Davesrose's gentle but persistent insistence that nothing I could afford tops Senn HD600/650s for classical music. I've paid close attention to his posts because his musical interests parallel my own. However, I've always held back because I've never heard hi end Senns (a HeadFi first?) and feared that notorious veil that allegedly hangs over them like a shroud. Dave pealed the scales from my eyes when he responded to my orgy of 325i love by saying:

I'll make this simple....no the RS2s are not brighter or more detailed then the SR325i. Now Grado fans will say they sound better. In my own experience, the more expensive Grados offer fuller sound. But the SR325i is the most colored Grado I've heard: it's the prime example of the Grado house sound. When you get up higher, Grados start sounding more like Sennheisers I'm a Sennheiser for classical person myself, but for whatever reason you're finding the SR325i natural. I say keep enjoying it! If you want more detail, maybe think about a source or amp upgrade.

That did it! Why spend $200-400 more for RS1/2s when I could have HD600s for a mere (!) $250 more? The up side is I‘ll have both 325is and HD600s in house within their respective return periods so I can compare and return either or both if I don't like them. Because time of the essence, please let's have no talk about the necessity of 200-400hr burn ins.

So thanks to Dave my HD600s will be arriving from B&H (they make me want to be Hassidic) on Monday. I’ll keep in touch.
May 31, 2007 at 11:07 PM Post #3 of 10
Ah; the HD600! My other love!

Here's the scary part: There is room in the heart for TWO sets of phones! Yup, I couldn't imagine a day going by that I don't enjoy one CD with HD600 and another with MS2i. I'm wearing out the headphone jack plugging and un-plugging!

I don't know, of course, how SR-325i and HD600 go with each other, but the Headphone Gods got together and forged a perfect match with HD600 and MS2i.
May 31, 2007 at 11:42 PM Post #4 of 10
As a phonaholic HeadFier (oxymoronic?) two phones will never do. Ten months ago I fell down this rabbit hole while naively searching for opinions on the PA2V2. Little did I know in a few short months I'd acquire 5 amps, ten or so phones and my wallet would rapidly be filling up with helium .
Jun 1, 2007 at 12:04 AM Post #6 of 10
Welcome to the warm and nurturing HD6xx fold!
I bought my HD650 for precisely the same reasons, to listen to classical music. Opera sounds like you're in the audience with these babies, especially after re-cabeling them.
Jun 1, 2007 at 12:13 AM Post #7 of 10
Your're lucky your gas is hydrogen because it eventually (2012?) explodes. Since mine's helium I have nothing to look forward to but tube rolling and mega buck phones. Thank God I love phones more than music. Just image how much more expensive that would be!
Jun 1, 2007 at 12:15 AM Post #8 of 10
You will probably like the hd600 if you like the 325i on your system, although I found the treble on the hd600 to be kinda strange and bass not enough, and much prefered the hd650 instead; both out of my system and a headroom balanced amp. Looking foward to hearing your impressions 325i vs hd600.
Jun 1, 2007 at 1:50 AM Post #9 of 10
That's easy because i bought them just to make Dave happy 'cause my heart will always secretly belong to John Grado. Actually, I feel like a (very good) kid who knows Christmas is just days away.

Do any of you have both phones? I'm of the opinion 325is embody the distilled essence of the Grado's house sound and all the pricier ones merely put more gild on the lily? However, I know if I spent $500 to $1K on these, this is rubbish. But is it really?
Jun 1, 2007 at 2:27 AM Post #10 of 10
I have the HD 650 and RS1. Although some believe you must be true to Senn or Grado I have to disagree.

Depeding on my mood and how involved I want to be will determine which set gets plugged in. So yes, I think they make a wonderful pairing.

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