iTunes EQ settings to imitate SoundCloud EQ?
Jan 5, 2017 at 4:18 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 4


New Head-Fier
Jan 5, 2017
South Africa
My audio setup is a very simple M50X + Asus U7. They sound pretty good with iTunes with Apple Music (90+% of my listening) and I leave the rock EQ setting enabled as it seems to work acceptably well with any genre. I also listen to SoundCloud, and these headphones have absolutely phenomenal bass there. Countless tracks have bass that is truly mind-blowing to my ears, whereas nothing in iTunes has ever sounded so good to me with regards to bass heavy music. The few times a track has been available in Apple Music to compare against, it hasn't had bass anywhere close to that on SoundCloud, even when using the bass booster EQ preset.
My query is whether anyone else has found the bass in iTunes lacking and experimented with the EQ. The people at SoundCloud have done something awesome to their music, and I wish I could replicate it in iTunes.
Thanks in advance for any info.
Jan 5, 2017 at 10:46 PM Post #2 of 4
Maybe the volume between platforms is not consistent or they use a different mastering for different platform? I don't believe that SoundCloud uses any EQ at all but I could be wrong. Could you give me an example of a song in Apple Music and SoundCloud where it sounded different so that I could test it out for you?
Jan 6, 2017 at 6:46 AM Post #3 of 4
  Maybe the volume between platforms is not consistent or they use a different mastering for different platform? I don't believe that SoundCloud uses any EQ at all but I could be wrong. Could you give me an example of a song in Apple Music and SoundCloud where it sounded different so that I could test it out for you?

The first comparison I pulled up was this (not easy to find SoundCloud tracks on other platforms):
Audiophonic, Split & Jaxta - Omega (Audiophonic vs. Split vs. Jaxta)
It drops around 1:35.
Apple Music:
Much to my embarrassment, it definitely sounds better in iTunes to me.
I'll have to compile a list of tracks to find better examples, or really play around with the EQ in iTunes to bring out good bass. Perhaps that track just happens to hit the low frequency levels that my M50X headphones perform best at.
Jan 6, 2017 at 10:50 AM Post #4 of 4
It definitely is different but I have no clue why. I suspect it's a different master. It could be because SoundCloud streams at 128kbps unlike Apple Music which is 256kbps AAC however I highly doubt it because it sounds much too different to just be because of bit rate to me.

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