It's official... iPad!!
Jan 28, 2010 at 3:06 AM Post #76 of 379
The same iPhone OS, lack of flash support, no multitasking is a massive fail in Apple's department. They're also making the ipad the next ebook reader, but who in their right minds would read off a backlit LCD screen (not even OLED screen) ? Although, it may be colored. E-Ink has it's purpose of being easy on the eyes.
Jan 28, 2010 at 3:16 AM Post #78 of 379
I dont see how your argument regarding screens holds up for 10" of screen real estate.

You dont need touch with netbooks, they have keyboards and mouse pads, I have yet to see any screen of any technology on any device that isn't fit for purpose so I am again unsure as to the cheap screen comment, although again, as highlighted, £250 for a netbook with all the functionality of a desktop, the screens may be financially cheap, but I can read off them, type on them, watch movies, etc etc everything you would expect to do in a domestic setting let alone a mobile one.

The ipad is a testament to style over substance.

It really does thus far seem to be so niche as pointless, limited storage, limited functionality, it sits between smart phones and netbooks because theres no other place a device with so little going for it can sit, re on its own trying to straddle two clearly defined segments and failing in both.

It is, lets face it, a glorified web browser, and for that kind of money id expect it to be much much more innovative, spec'd and functional.


As for having to accessorise: that is fine with me. We accessories our portable audio: amps, cables, carrying cases, elastics: why not a netbook?

But that is the point, a netbook doesnt need accessorising, its all contained within a very nice, protective, functional clam shell design with the same footprint as the ipad and greater functionality.

They are trying to answer a question that would never get asked.
Jan 28, 2010 at 3:48 AM Post #79 of 379
Waiting for krmathis to get in here and freak out

I'll definitely be thinking about it... No USB, small hard drive... eh. We'll see. I'll set aside some money for it I guess.
Jan 28, 2010 at 4:02 AM Post #80 of 379
This may not have everything that I was expecting but I still think it's a pretty cool little device and wouldn't mind picking one up eventually. The two main things that I would want it to do that it doesn't as of yet is have flash support and allow multitasking. I've read that whenever OS 4.0 comes out for the iphone is should support multitasking and hopefully Adobe and Apple will have come up with a flash plugin that works. I'm sure that if the iPhone gets it, the ipad will also get it, so a few of the shortcomings like this might be fixed in a future software update.
Jan 28, 2010 at 4:21 AM Post #81 of 379
Chances are it will never get full Flash support like the iPhone/Touch. That would allow would be developers to entirely eschew their apps system and provide content directly, which could make a big dent in profits.

In fact I think this is about the point where Apple's closed system design will really show its limitations. While people are willing to pay extra for fringe features on a smartphone device like an iPhone, I think they'll be less willing to do so on something that approaches a full fledged PC.

Also from a geek stand point, the platform seems like it will either be crippling for a PC-like device, or will require a fair bit more than the $499 introductory price to get the features that you'd expect. I'm quite interested in slate device, but I think I'll wait for HP, Asus and other competitors likely to come out with their own variants to see if there's something out there that would offer more functionality. 10 hours of battery life is great, and I'm sure it has a great deal to do with them offering their own OS rather than simply installing OS X, or as competitors have done with netbooks, Windows 7 Starter, but personally I'd gladly settle with 5 hours for a much more broad platform.

As far as games go, a bigger screen and a faster chip is great, but with touchscreen controls I can't imagine anything other than distraction games being on there, although that's probably the target audience.
Jan 28, 2010 at 4:38 AM Post #82 of 379
The Ipad intro video almost seems like a parody of Apple. Like if SNL did a skit on apple it would be the Ipad intro video.

This thing is a horrible useless mess. Any 250$ netbook is alot more useful. I have an 8.9 inch Asus netbook which I upgraded with 2GB ram and a 7200 rpm 250 GB hardrive and it blazes on Win 7 ultimate. I can play Flash video on the web to kind of amazing now isn't it? Oh get this it also has 4 usb ports wow talk about innovation.

This thing screams big useless over priced brick
Jan 28, 2010 at 4:43 AM Post #83 of 379

Originally Posted by swanlee /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The Ipad intro video almost seems like a parody of Apple. Like if SNL did a skit on apple it would be the Ipad intro video.

This thing is a horrible useless mess. Any 250$ netbook is alot more useful. I have an 8.9 inch Asus netbook which I upgraded with 2GB ram and a 7200 rpm 250 GB hardrive and it blazes on Win 7 ultimate. I can play Flash video on the web to kind of amazing now isn't it? Oh get this it also has 4 usb ports wow talk about innovation.

This thing screams big useless over priced brick

IMO there is one big problem with your netbook..... It's running Window's...There I said it.
Jan 28, 2010 at 4:45 AM Post #84 of 379
Gonna skip it and wait for iPad 2nd generation or 3rd.
Jan 28, 2010 at 4:56 AM Post #86 of 379

Originally Posted by Luckyleo /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Go to the Apple home page and watch the video. You'll see that this is much, much more than an Itouch. This is a new category of product. Also, opening it up to developers much like they did with the Iphone will result in an explosion of gaming apps that will be truly amazing. This will be a first class gaming platform. It's definitely going to make the Kindle obsolete (too bad as I love my Kindle). Boys, this is a game changer. All you Sour Apple Pusses will be eating your words in 12 months. The docking station and blue tooth keyboard option will be a must have for many.

You've seen the future, and most of you think it's crap. Well, we'll see soon enough. Time will tell.

Exactly. You really can't get a sense of this thing till you see the video. I'm seriously thinking this is really going to shift things in the tech world and open a floodgate of innovation as others try to copy and outdo the look and feel of this thing. Even if you hate it, its going to be good for everyone in the end I think.
Jan 28, 2010 at 4:58 AM Post #87 of 379
Just because you dont have a need for something like this, doesnt mean that no one will. I certainly feel that i could use one. The only thing i do with my computer is check email and mess around on the internet and watch stuff i download, like anime. But i can easily just keep my current laptop for anything i download to watch at the odd time, and use this for everything else. I can definitely see me ponying up for this in the next several months.

Now it would be even cooler if i could use it to control my iTunes on my laptop...

EDIT: also it does have the ability to import photos with accesories for a sd card reader and a usb port for pluggin the camera in.
Jan 28, 2010 at 4:59 AM Post #88 of 379

Originally Posted by adrift /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Exactly. You really can't get a sense of this thing till you see the video. I'm seriously thinking this is really going to shift things in the tech world and open a floodgate of innovation as others try to copy and outdo the look and feel of this thing. Even if you hate it, its going to be good for everyone in the end I think.

well, any competition and new innovation is good for consumers. This, however, seems like Itouch in steroid, nothing more.

I think they rushed the product little too early. I think they can do better with casing, might be thinner too, and get rid of iPhone compability, even with OSX Lite running in behind.
Jan 28, 2010 at 5:01 AM Post #89 of 379

Originally Posted by SoupRKnowva /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Now it would be even cooler if i could use it to control my iTunes on my laptop...

It should be able to do that. There's an app that can turn the iPhone/iTouch into a remote to control iTunes wirelessly.
Jan 28, 2010 at 5:03 AM Post #90 of 379

Originally Posted by Lil' Knight /img/forum/go_quote.gif
It should be able to do that. There's an app that can turn the iPhone/iTouch into a remote to control iTunes wirelessly.

Little different question, but can it stream the musics from the iTunes on another server? Like sharing..

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