Is Millett Hybrid Grado's best friend?
Nov 2, 2005 at 2:37 PM Post #16 of 31

Originally Posted by Voodoochile
I look forward to hearing your implementation in Boston... maybe you have hit some certain parts combination that is better still! This is all why I love DIY (and also why it's often frustrating).

I'm afraid that all I might have to offer in Boston is a prototype of the diamond buffer for you to sample. As usual, I haven't gotten nearly as much done as I'd hoped. And my own Millett is still in shambles without a case
. I'm my own worst enemy with some of this...

And I'm looking forward to chatting you up this weekend about sources and such although my wallet and my wife have already told me that I wont be buying anything

On Topic - all of the amps mentioned here would make mighty fine friends for a Grado headphone - given that the can in question is the SR-60s it probably doesn't make much sense to pair it with a top tier amp, IMHO.

Nov 2, 2005 at 2:58 PM Post #17 of 31
im dissapointed with you nate. i woulda thought you realized by now that the end result with diy is only a small part of the equation
, it's the journey that counts so much. who cares if theyre only sr60's, if you have fun building an amp and want to build an amp then it'll be much better value money for you to build an amp then i say kick on
Nov 2, 2005 at 3:28 PM Post #18 of 31

Originally Posted by skyskraper
im dissapointed with you nate. i woulda thought you realized by now that the end result with diy is only a small part of the equation
, it's the journey that counts so much. who cares if theyre only sr60's, if you have fun building an amp and want to build an amp then it'll be much better value money for you to build an amp then i say kick on

Just trying to preach a little balance
- I obviously understand the journey portion of this equation given my non-stop-build status

Nov 2, 2005 at 9:38 PM Post #19 of 31

Originally Posted by motherone
All I can say is that my HF-1's sound great on the millet, but I can't stand 'em on my PPA's

Same here. I sold my first SR225 because I couldn't stand it with my PPA. My PPA is perhaps overly detailed (?) despite the OPA637+627s. Perhaps silver wiring, perhaps diamond buffer, perhaps the ladder attenuator... not sure. But I do know that it kicks large amounts of ass with my 650s, but it's irritating with SR225s.

Presently I have the PPA, the Ear++HD Purist whatever, the Millett, a Dynalo, and a few others; and the 650/equinox, yet another SR225, and the HF-1. The Ear was built after the Dynalo and PPA, and seems to be nestled right between the two. My first Millett was a bit too fat for me, the present one seems pretty good, but still not on par with the Ear. Hey, it's fun to be fickle! The day I can configure a Millett to sound better than the Ear is the day I sell the Ear.


Originally Posted by mrarroyo
My RS-1 sing when driven by the Mapletree Ear Purist + HD100

DRP owns the PS-1 and the Ear++HD. I am looking forward to auditioning this combo in Boston this weekend.
Nov 2, 2005 at 9:47 PM Post #20 of 31

Originally Posted by Voodoochile
The day I can configure a Millett to sound better than the Ear is the day I sell the Ear.

You should hurry. Blackgate stocks are depleting as we speak
Nov 3, 2005 at 12:54 PM Post #24 of 31

Originally Posted by Teerawit
You should hurry. Blackgate stocks are depleting as we speak

My Millett is already sporting 680uF/35v Blackgate N non-polar coupling caps, bypassed with 10uF N non-polars. I'd love to stock up, but one look in my wallet and the answer is clearly "NO".

Nate- I'd love to talk about sources. I was this >< close to getting a nice new source about three weeks ago, when minor disaster struck at home, siphoning off any and all extra cash. I have several ideas, just need more wallet padding. It's nice to dream, though.
Nov 6, 2005 at 11:52 AM Post #26 of 31

Originally Posted by Teerawit
How does the HD100 differ from the regular HD?

Teerawit sorry I took so long to respond. The HD100 has the following additional features:

- Two rca inputs (instead of one) with corresponding selector in front panel.
- Passive output (volume controled by front pot).
- Two headphone plugs low and high imp. The low is attenuated by 6 db.
- Magic eye with its own front panel adjustment.

Here are a couple of pictures : and

Nov 7, 2005 at 12:54 PM Post #28 of 31
The Millett uses low voltage tubes and a solid-state output buffer, so it generates almost no heat. Just a touch warm.

With a normal HV tube amp, the tubes run a lot hotter, and the iron in the PSU also gets quite warm.

As for the sound, you sort of have to hear it yourself. The generic answer is that solid-state is sharp, cold, or analytical, while the tube sound is warm, soft, involving. While I can see where some of this comes from, it is hardly a blaket assumption to be made. I have heard warm and involving SS gear, and also amazingly detailed tube gear, though nothing I would call cold.

The first millett I built was very dark and brooding, the present one is startlingly detailed. I did eliminate the output resistors, and have done some fiddling with bias and output cap coupling, which changes much.

But you have to hear something for yourself, with your cans, your ears, and your source and music selection. The amp is a pretty small cog in the whole picture.

When I built my Mapletree Ear Purist, I was principally interested in trying out the amp, figured I'd have fun putting it together, and wanted to compare it to my PPA. I thought I would enjoy the process, and then sell it afterwards. Well, I built it- expecting a warm, soft, and involving amplifier. I was wrong. It is possibly warm, in the sense that it does not have a overly-analytical feel to it, but mainly, it is an extremely smooth, detailed, and articulate amp- surprisingly fast. I have not sold it, and have no plans to sell it, either. Of course as I said, it also depends on the music. Engineering is all over the map it seems, and some material just sounds nicer on the PPA versus the Ear.

The PPA is also smooth, not granular, yet it has wickedly sharp detail. It's not harsh, but it is can cut like a scalpel. I've described it as being capable of making most of your CD collection sound like crap, but it is intended as a compliment. If you can get your hands on a properly engineered CD, it is truly glorious. I literally get goosebumps while listening. But for the larger availability of questionably produced CDs, the Ear seems to be more pleasing overall, extracting excellent detail, but smoothly handling some of the engineering miscues.

So IMO the Millett follows the Ear moreso than the PPA (of course). It's very nice, and certainly more affordable than the Ear. The Ear is a screaming good deal though, highly under-appreciated. It works very well with cans that do not say 'Grado' as well. The Millett is a better value than most other low-cost amps I have tried, if you want that type of sound. You should try to hook up with a member who has one, and compare with a given source and set of cans. It's the only way to really know what will make you happy.
Jul 17, 2006 at 9:15 AM Post #29 of 31
does millett hybrid with sr-325i is good combination?

my freiend would like to diy the millett,he has HD 595 ,did it suitable millett?

when connect to millett which one will get better sound?

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