Is a Wooaudio 6 overkill for my needs
May 13, 2007 at 6:08 AM Post #2 of 6

Originally Posted by xcodeguy /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'm seriously thinking about this amp - AKG601, Grado SR60, UE 5c.

Source - MicroDac and AAC 20.

I know the W6 handles a wider range of impedences but could I look at the Woo3? This will be my first tube amp.

I think if you're encoding tracks at 20kpbs, ears are over-kill.

I have a WA6 order in place, but haven't heard it yet. I suspect your over-kill question would apply to the WA3 as much as the WA6, no matter what the answer. I let others who have heard the combos answer that.
May 13, 2007 at 12:19 PM Post #4 of 6
I've read that the Woo 3 isn't supposed to be good for low impedance but I've had very good results with mine.

I don't often use my WA3 for IEMs and I had to try my ER6 just now to test this. I'm listening to some acoustic guitar music on Redbook CD using my Elite player as a transport and the Central Station DAC. It sounds very, very good. I am hearing a noise problem in the right channel that is present with even high impedance cans. I've tested with different tubes and it still remains. The noise is very slight. It also comes and goes. In a couple weeks I'll be adding an isolation transformer to my system which I hope will fix my problem.

My Grado 325i also sound great with the WA3. This is the only Woo Audio amp that I've heard but it does work with low impedance for me.

I've also used my iPod as source using my ALO dock feeding into my Central Station for switching,then to the WA3. I have mostly all mp3 on my iPod from 128 to 320. There's a pretty big difference between iPod as source vs. Redbook CD using my Elite/ CS DAC combo-this should be no big surprise.

For listening to music on my PC I only use my Porta Corda and its USB DAC.

Pre-congrats on your new Woo.
May 13, 2007 at 1:49 PM Post #5 of 6

Originally Posted by GreatDane /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I've read that the Woo 3 isn't supposed to be good for low impedance but I've had very good results with mine.

I don't often use my WA3 for IEMs and I had to try my ER6 just now to test this. I'm listening to some acoustic guitar music on Redbook CD using my Elite player as a transport and the Central Station DAC. It sounds very, very good. I am hearing a noise problem in the right channel that is present with even high impedance cans. I've tested with different tubes and it still remains. The noise is very slight. It also comes and goes. In a couple weeks I'll be adding an isolation transformer to my system which I hope will fix my problem.

My Grado 325i also sound great with the WA3. This is the only Woo Audio amp that I've heard but it does work with low impedance for me.

I've also used my iPod as source using my ALO dock feeding into my Central Station for switching,then to the WA3. I have mostly all mp3 on my iPod from 128 to 320. There's a pretty big difference between iPod as source vs. Redbook CD using my Elite/ CS DAC combo-this should be no big surprise.

For listening to music on my PC I only use my Porta Corda and its USB DAC.

Pre-congrats on your new Woo.

In other words, if the 3 sounds great, then just imagine how good the 6 will sound? Seriously, if you have the money, especially in this hobby, then nothing is overkill.
May 13, 2007 at 2:06 PM Post #6 of 6

Originally Posted by xcodeguy /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'm seriously thinking about this amp - AKG601, Grado SR60, UE 5c.

Source - MicroDac and AAC 20.

I know the W6 handles a wider range of impedences but could I look at the Woo3? This will be my first tube amp.

With those cans you would want the 3+, not the 3.

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