Is a quality CD player set up right for me?
Jan 23, 2012 at 5:39 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 1

CC Lemon

100+ Head-Fier
Nov 13, 2009
I realize there are a few of these threads already, but I still can't figure out whether I should be considering a CD player specifically for home use.
To start off, here is the equipment I have/how I use it:
-HeadRoom Total BitHead
-Cowon D2+: Used to pair with the BitHead as my quality portable unit, but I just replaced that with...
-HiSoundAudio Studio-V: Now my main portable DAP. Enjoying it quite a bit more than the D2+ paired with the BitHead. I haven't tested it much, but the Studio actually works fairly well as an amplifier too.
-Pioneer PL-400 paired with TC-750 Preamp: My "home set up" for now. Barely used it in the location I had it, but recently moved it and have used it a little bit more.
I'm considering a CD set up for a few reasons. I do enjoy vinyl but my "collection" is rather small, especially compared to my CD collection. Like I said, I barely used it before and I still don't think it will get often enough. I prefer to get CD's because I can always create files for my computer and portable DAP, I can play them while driving and it's nice to have a (legitimate) physical copy of albums, as opposed to just downloading the files. I know I'll be more likely to buy new CD's instead of spending money on vinyl. I still plan on picking up the occasional vinyl, though. Obviously, I should be able to have CD set up that will sound better than my portable set up.
I know I don't currently have the money to invest in this. I'm looking for input and trying to figure out what I should be considering so I can plan ahead. With that being the case, I don't have a set budget, but I don't see myself wanting to spend more than $500 for my initial set up. I'd prefer to spend less than that, assuming I can still get something decent. I'd definitely appreciate if I could get a few different suggestions for what might be good for a "starter" or "minimum" set up. It's definitely not worth it to me if I wont be able to see a quality difference compared to my DAP. What are a few options of CD players that will be sufficient on their own? Would a cheaper player paired with a decent/good amp be better? I may favor an option with a separate amp as I could use it with other sources and it would be a good excuse to invest in a good amp for home use.
I'm sure some people may recommend giving vinyl more of a try, and I may do that given the fact I'll have to save up anyway. I'm just looking for any advice to help me decide if I should be thinking about this right now or if I should just stick with what I have and maybe upgrade or add to those. I definitely feel like it would get more use than my record player so I'm thinking that would be a better direction for me to put together something for home. Since I already have the record player, I might start by adding a good amp to that if it would also be recommend for use with a CD player. I realize that a good amp is almost always recommended for anything, but if a CD player can do a good job without the need of an amp, that might be a more affordable option as a start. I don't want to be so cheap that I'll need to replace components almost immediately, but I also don't want to invest too much until I know how frequently I'll use it and have a better idea of how much I'd be willing to invest.
I realize I've posted a lot of information (probably some useless), but I want to give as much information as possible to help with advice. Any information on what to expect for costs, players to look for, or advice on other components would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

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