iRiver or iPod
Dec 17, 2003 at 4:25 PM Post #91 of 121
Screw feature comparisons, this is a question which can only be solved by revolvers at dawn.

Personally, I want to see iRiver and iPod fanboy guts on the lawn by 8am tomorrow morning or I'm going to be very angry at myself for having wasted precious minutes of my life reading through this whole thread.
Dec 17, 2003 at 5:46 PM Post #92 of 121
You should read this thread. There are disgruntled iPod owers and moderators getting into a heated war of words!

is this a good deal?

Dec 17, 2003 at 11:23 PM Post #93 of 121

Originally posted by Redefine
umm OK. Clearly you misunderstood what I wrote as I said you can do the exact same thing with windows explorer at any time.

With the ipod you can make these selections on the go, with no pc or mac required.

I've tried many of the hd-based players out there, and indeed bought the first hd music playing device on the market.

Nothing beats the ipod in terms of ease of use and file organization. nothing. The scroll wheel alone makes 3000+ song playlists no longer a pain. Add in the genre/album/artist selector and the on-the-go playlist and you hardly need to connect the ipod to a machine once the songs are loaded.

Other features may be fine and dandy, but things like an audio recorder do not enhance a devices file playback ability.

The ipod charges fast (80% charge in an hour) and can suck power from any 6-pin firewire port. I have yet to have my ipod run out of juice, and I listen quite a bit. How hard is it to charge the thing every night? Just slot it into the base and leave it.

The buttons are great, backlit and nonmoving.

Another benefit to the ipod is that due to its market penetration there is a flood of 3rd party software tools for it, and apple releases new things quite often. (like podquest)

Besides, how can you beat breakout with the scrollwheel?
Dec 18, 2003 at 3:34 AM Post #94 of 121
Well, at page 3 should be about enough information for you to make your decision...

The only thing about the iPod that seems to be really bothering you is the battery life...
But 5 hours of continuous use can't be that comfortable to your ears...
AFter about 3 hours of listening to some music with decent volume, my ears tend to create a whole crapload of heat and start melting the paint on my earbuds.

If the iRiver's features don't matter much to you, then it's probably out of the question...

Rio Karma is ok, but it's swamped with bugs and a whole crapload of other firmware defects and stuff.
Kinda chubby as well... (shorter than iPod, but thicker)
The wheel the side will screw with you while in your pocket, so you have to lock the player a lot...

Zen has the best size/cost...
Really good sound quality (or so says the guy at gear.ign, "the sound quality is second to none")
But it lacks a lot of features that can make certain people scream and rip their hair out while on an airplane...
It's also a bit large... ("beast")

Just go with the iPod...
I don't really know how you could use up 5 hours of battery life while at home (unless you don't have some sort of home speaker system)...
You've already got most of the setup for it anyways...

Just my 2 cents...

I'd personally get the Zen cause I'm a cheapass.
Dec 20, 2003 at 7:35 PM Post #96 of 121
Well I've owned both for a considerable amount of time now, and I can honestly say the iPod get's used a hell of alot more than the iRiver. At first when I was looking for a HDD based MP3 player I had a couple in my mind, the iRiver iHP-120, the iPod G3 10GB, and the Nomad Zen Xtra. After comparing the spec's I decided that the iRiver is the outright winner, it has the most features and a long battery life. I used it for about a month and then one day I strolled into my local PC World and saw an iPod on display. I was curious and I had never seen one in real life before so I walked over and took a peek. I was VERY impressed on the first look at it, it's a was a little thinner than my iRiver and I really liked the overall sleekness and minimalistic look of it. It's like a peice of art, it has style and elegance. The iRiver just looks like any old MP3 player, their's nothing unique or different really, it doesn't stand out. On closer inspection I noticed how cool the back is too (although it's abit of fingerprint magnet) it's very unique and there's no other MP3 player like it. So asthetic's wise, I was VERY impressed. Of course, looks aren't everything so I then turned the iPod on, and started to mess around with the menu's. Now this is where the iPod really is in a place of it's own, there is NO other MP3 player that could ever match the interface of the iPod. This thing is SO easy to use, not only is it easy to use it's a joy to use! It's not tedious like my iRiver. The touchpad is quite unbelivable, I had no idea it would be so sensative. You just literally just glide your fingers around the touchpad or over the buttons and they react instantly, there's also minimal delay in the menus. Only occasionally when the disc spins up is there ever a slight pause. In terms of ease of use the iPod is just miles ahead of the competiton. Anyway, I just had to have it so I went up to the counter and gave my wallet a beating, getting the 10GB and a Firewire card. Installing it all was simple, the firewire card was installed in about 5 minutes, no software neccesary, just plugged it in and turned on my PC and that was that! iTunes is an absolute joy to use, I had about 50 CD's ripped in a couple of minutes and then when I plugged in my iPod they were all transferred in a matter of seconds. While they were transferring the iPod was being charged by the firewire so I don't have to worry about the battery running out in the middle of transferring songs. Soundwise I couldn't be more pleased, I was a little disapointed with the EQ at first, but after a friend recommended me MP3Gain, and I had used MP3Gain on my MP3's, I found that there was no distortion whatsoever at high volumes with the EQ on. I was also very impressed at how the iPod sounded without the EQ on at all. Now the battery, I really have no problem with the battery at all. I never listen to my iPod for more than 6 hours a day, and when I get home I just plug it in to charge and I can listen to it while it's charging if I wish, then the next day it's ready to go again. I usually charge the battery about once every 2 days. I really don't find the battery life a problem, and to be honest the iRiver's battery life isn't THAT much better, plus I'd rather sacrifice a few hours of battery life for the more powerful amp and slimmer size.

Sure the iRiver may have a few more features, but you need to ask yourself "are you going to use them?" if you are then iRiver is the obvious choice, but if you just want something simple, something that takes no effort to do what you want it to do, something's that's a pleasure to use, then the iPod is the way to go. I'm not a robot I don't like navigating through a mass of options and menu's and I don't want or need half the features of the iRiver. The layout and feel of the buttons on the iRiver don't make it any easier either. The only reason I'm keeping it is because I have backed up my entire minidisc collection onto it via the digital in and it's also handy for getting minidisc's onto my PC in MP3 format. It was also a gift so I'm not losing anything by keeping it either. If I had paid out for it, I would probably sell it.
Dec 21, 2003 at 8:55 AM Post #98 of 121

Originally posted by darkfusion
my iPod is in my pocket rockin' out some Metallica. I guess that says it all really.

LOL! Coolness man \m/ MetallicA!

I thank you all for contributing this this huge thread. Suprisingly I read it all. Despite the slight eye strain, I've learned a great deal of info hehe. I'm quite lucky to have read this.
Dec 24, 2003 at 5:30 PM Post #99 of 121
Same here.
And I bought the iPod. Thanks guys!
Dec 27, 2003 at 3:51 AM Post #102 of 121
I am cheap person, so I went with the 10 GB. I do have a slightly smaller iPod, and maybe better battery life.

Ordered it @ the online Apple Store. $269 with education discount (one that is deserved, my mom is a guidance counselor at a school). Added the USB cable for $17.10. $286.10 is pretty good, seeing as the 10 GB alone @ Amazon is $299.

Waiting for it to come. It is customized with my name, so that takes a while longer, right? It says the est. shipping date for the cable is on or before December 30, and the est. shipping date for the iPod is December 31. (So I have to stare at the cable until the iPod arrives, #### them!)

The wait begins...
Dec 27, 2003 at 5:11 AM Post #103 of 121
I read it too...And now my head is atop a shelf collecting dust while my IHP is plugged into the mains with repeat on playing Metallica....

Just kidding, metallica really sucks. That, and wow...that was a REALLY painful thread. I sincerely hope it's over. If it's not, then let me reiterate...PLEASE EVERYONE IN THE WORLD...BUY AN IPOD.

Because there's really no other way to stop the madness. I love you all. Happy Quanza.

Oh and a really huge thanks to Aimx, for making me laugh my ass off every time I read your posts. They were MUCH needed.

And lastly, I'd like to thank my agent, without whom I wouldn't be here. Yes, the original agent of evil, a little someone I like to call..........Dad.
Thanks man.
Feb 16, 2004 at 2:06 AM Post #105 of 121
read this and bought the ihp...

i'm not the type of person who can easily find out a song and search daily for music... i need FM radio... listening to power/kiis/fish/beat/and kroq really helps me choose music.. including some of thsoe independent radio stations...

i'm a techy guy... so i can deal with not having scroll wheel... and wheel is pretty useless if the device is in my backpack as i go to school... an LDC remote iriver is much better fit for my needs...

sound quality seems to be equal with majority to say ihp is better.. but not much... so i say equal so i dont get flamed anyone... so considering this as THE #1 MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR... i found the two devices very similar... as noted 100 times in this thread...

plus with amazon's great deal.. i got the ihp for 100 dollars less then the cheapest store selling ipods after shipping and tax... atleast for my location...

i use winamp and love the playlist tehre so its simple as just moving it on over...

people have different needs... illmatic obviously liked the idea of having a good device to store 10gs of music and easy to use as he holds his ipod around... he doesn't need battery and FM... and he rather sacrifice 10gbs of space for the price factor... so he got what he wanted...

and i got what i wanted

there are two choices... and those two choices fit different people... with one similar need (good music from HD player that is very compact)

i wish more people however were more informed cuz my friend has two players... one mp3/cd and one mini pod... cuz he needed fm with mp3 and a small device for a large amount of music... i just told him.. it would have been a lot cheaper and easier to get ihp... he replied "what's ihp?"

so obviously there are a lot of unimformed buyers who go and get ipod and don't know about iriver's product just because they think ipod is the only good hd mp3 player...

as long as u get all the info down.. and get what u need and going to use... your fine...

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