[Interest Check] Toronto Head-Fi Meet
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Mar 29, 2022 at 6:38 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 26


100+ Head-Fier
Apr 11, 2003
How is everyone doing?

Just because these can take a while to setup I figured I'd start an IC thread and maybe we can have one once COVID settles down!

What are everyone's thoughts? Too soon? Have one anyway and make everyone sign waivers?
I'm personally kind of leery of being an organizer with COVID around, but I did want to feel the room on this.

I kind of lost interest in headphones apart from making those PassDIY headphone amps, but I do want to see everyone and listen to some gear.

Chime in with interest and what conditions to consider if we are going to have a meet. I've always preferred a Winter meet since most venues are cooler and everyone's less likely to sweat, but with COVID I get the sense that a Summer meet is safer.
May 7, 2022 at 11:05 PM Post #2 of 26
I’d be interested. Haven’t really gotten much gear other than the RNHP and a used Hiby R6 (original).
May 26, 2022 at 10:16 PM Post #3 of 26
I'm also interested, been a while since I've been to a meet
Jun 10, 2022 at 7:16 PM Post #4 of 26
How is everyone doing?

Just because these can take a while to setup I figured I'd start an IC thread and maybe we can have one once COVID settles down!

What are everyone's thoughts? Too soon? Have one anyway and make everyone sign waivers?
I'm personally kind of leery of being an organizer with COVID around, but I did want to feel the room on this.

I kind of lost interest in headphones apart from making those PassDIY headphone amps, but I do want to see everyone and listen to some gear.

Chime in with interest and what conditions to consider if we are going to have a meet. I've always preferred a Winter meet since most venues are cooler and everyone's less likely to sweat, but with COVID I get the sense that a Summer meet is safer.
Hey greyhorse,

It's been quite awhile since I've been at a meet {last time was at Pavels apartment before he moved}.
I'd love to attend a headphone meet - - with a caveat. My COPD has progressively worsened and I recently had a minor stroke
--- so it will be dependant on my health at the time of the meet.
I recognise some old friends on your thread and would love to 'catch up' with everyone and share a libation.

Best to All
Jan 14, 2023 at 5:16 PM Post #5 of 26
Annual BUMP!

Anyone else feel safer about having a meet? Please chime in on your thoughts.
Yup COVID's still out there, but I get the sense that this is getting to be less of a consideration than it was last year.
Just want to feel the room on this.
Jan 15, 2023 at 8:40 AM Post #6 of 26
Would love to join.
Jan 15, 2023 at 11:10 AM Post #7 of 26
Jan 18, 2023 at 5:45 PM Post #8 of 26
So any preference for a rough date? I wanted to at least reach out to see about getting some quotations for room pricing. I'm assuming if I agreed to host and set some kind of date this thread would get more interest. If not there's no way the 3 or 4 us of are footing a $600 bill... Alternately if it was a really small meet maybe we could go the route of a much cheaper venue like the TPL. I dunno, just thinking out loud at the moment.
Jan 20, 2023 at 5:55 PM Post #9 of 26
Depending on date & location I could be interested. New to the hobby so I'd love to have a listen to a broader range of gear.
Jan 22, 2023 at 7:38 PM Post #10 of 26
I’m thinking closer to spring or even summer. More time to organization
Apr 14, 2023 at 7:38 AM Post #11 of 26
Apr 14, 2023 at 5:08 PM Post #12 of 26
Hi Thomasr:
I can symphasize with your frustration. It's not the same as when we had our resident Russian Pavel hosting most meets
at his central condo location. (those were the days!) Ever since he moved several years ago we've had difficulty getting someone to host and deliver a meet.
Keep dropping by to see if a meeting date/location and host has been posted.
Apr 17, 2023 at 5:51 PM Post #13 of 26
Hi Thomasr:
I can symphasize with your frustration. It's not the same as when we had our resident Russian Pavel hosting most meets
at his central condo location. (those were the days!) Ever since he moved several years ago we've had difficulty getting someone to host and deliver a meet.
Keep dropping by to see if a meeting date/location and host has been posted.

Sorry for the lack of response on this. After SO long without a meet I really wanted to host this year and get the ball rolling again but work has been insane. I haven't had a weekend off this year and by the looks of it that's not going to change until... next year. Or maybe the year after that. Anyone else interested in hosting? I just can't commit to hosting a meet when I really don't know for sure what my schedule even looks like from month to month.
Apr 18, 2023 at 6:03 AM Post #14 of 26
I can find a community centre and book a room, the issue is that I’m in york region and there’s very little public transit here. But if you guys don’t mind I will look for a Markham spot, book a room and go from there.
Apr 18, 2023 at 5:21 PM Post #15 of 26
I can find a community centre and book a room, the issue is that I’m in york region and there’s very little public transit here. But if you guys don’t mind I will look for a Markham spot, book a room and go from there.

I know it's a bit of work but can you find a suitable venue and post the details?
I can't commit to anything, but I can still chip in for the room rental.

I figured there would be a lot more interest it being AGES since our last meet, so hopefully everyone's still alive and kicking.
Looking at all the other meets taking place around the world I feel like we're letting down CANADA not being able to put a Toronto meet together.

Options I looked into so far...
-6H for the Holiday Inn Toronto Downtown Centre have gone up to $750 (excl. taxes) for the 6H I booked last time, so it's now a bit out of our range at around $22/person.
-Initially I thought a cool venue might be the community centre on Waterfront. The medium assembly room was around $390 for 6H, and I see around 10 outlets in the 360 degree view of the room. Outlet layout isn't as good as the Holiday Inn, and parking is likely to be an issue but probably most important is how unsafe it might be. It's only around $10 a person if 40 people attend though.

That's about as far as I went. Anyone know any good office space rentals with a lot of outlets and also near public transit?

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