Inexperienced users first try
Jun 7, 2010 at 2:51 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 6


New Head-Fier
Sep 27, 2008
I recently bought a pair of Cresyn c750e. I've never had the in-ear type before and I bought them pretty much on a whim since my old ones died (a pair of old Sonys, I don't know the name of them).
And to me the Cresyn are unusable.
With the medium sized tips I get a seemingly good fit but the cable noise just makes it unbearable. It's literally louder than my music and even my own breath rolls like thunder in my head and every step I take is an explosion in my ear. This I felt while just taking a test-walk. If I sit perfectly still it sounds fine sound quality wise, though I'm not an audiophile by any means. 
With the smallest tips my "inward" noise goes down to an acceptable level but since they now no longer seal my canal the sound quality is horrendous and the bass is completely gone. The largest tips don't really fit and they give the same result as the mid ones.

What am I doing wrong here? I read in a review that the microphonics were low on this model so with no point of reference I'm thinking "wow... if this is low then what's high microphonics gonna be like?"
Is this what all headphones of this type are like or did I just hit a model that simply don't fit my ears very well?

I started looking for a new pair right away and this time being more careful of my choice. But I feel burned by the Cresyn so I would love to hear you more experienced users' thoughts on this.
Jun 7, 2010 at 3:00 PM Post #2 of 6
If this is your first iem, and by the sound of what you are describing, you are experiencing not microphonics but the occlusion effect and bone conduction. You will get used to them and ignore them after some time. IMHO give them some time (2-3 weeks maybe?) both for the iem to open up and for you to get used to the feeling and iem sound signature. I am unfamiliar with the iem you have so I cannot comment on sound or anything else. If you still decide to try something else there are 2 multireview threads which can help a lot.
Jun 7, 2010 at 3:47 PM Post #3 of 6
I agree that a lot of what you are experiencing is bone conduction and if you achieve a good seal, no matter which IEM you are using, bone conduction will always be present.  It's just an inevitable by-product from shutting the external noises out so that the internal noises now have more presence.
However you may be getting some microphonics and if you eliminate any potential microphonics that could help.  How are you wearing the cable?  Do you leave it hanging down from your ear?  If you really are hearing microphonics then you should be able to get rid of most of them by running the cable over and behind your ear instead of just letting the cord hang straight down.  Also a clip that you can use to clip the cable to your shirt would also help.  If you use both techniques your microphonics should be eliminated to nearly 0.
As for the bone conduction you eventually tune it out.  Though I still haven't gotten used to eating with IEMs yet!
Jun 7, 2010 at 4:01 PM Post #4 of 6
Thanks for the replies.
Bone conduction then, yea, that makes sense. And that's going no where then :/.
I've read about the cable around ear trick but the Cresyn have this unusual design that makes that impossible. The design may be part of the problem actually, since the out part of them is so big, they're easier to "disturb" by touch. So by just touching the outer part rumbles my ears in a very unpleasant way, I imagine that at least being a little less problematic with a different model.
I will do as suggested and use these for a while and see if I get used to it. Although I'd rather wish it was something that wasn't an acquired taste but love at first sight ;/.
Jun 7, 2010 at 4:31 PM Post #5 of 6
Here's a review that might help. Mind you average_joe is quite reputable around here so personally I'd take his word. YMMV
Jun 8, 2010 at 6:12 PM Post #6 of 6
I know average_joe quite well and I'd trust what he has to say as much as anyone.  I also know that he wouldn't mind if you PM'd him with any questions.  He's a good guy and would help as much as he could.  I also know that he's currently in love with his Earsoncis SM3 :wink:
I just searched the Cresyn c750e on Google images and I see what you mean about not being able to loop it over your ear.  That's too bad as it's very effective at reducing the microphonics.  I think you should give them some time as well and see if you feel any differently about them.  But if you find you're not liking them maybe you should return them and get your money back if you can.  Then you can look for ones with a more conventional cable and try those.  If you loop them and clip the cable to your shirt and you still don't like them then it's probably pretty safe to say that IEMs just aren't your thing!

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