In search of a Desktop Amplifer for my Father.
Oct 4, 2014 at 1:54 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 11


Feb 9, 2013
So, My Father Has tried Both my ATH-PRO700MK2 and loved it, and now my HD681 EVO and Loved it, though he still likes the ATs more.

Now He's considering buying the HD681 EVOs that I have, off of me. (they modded)

He wants to fully power the HD681 EVOs.

He does NOT need portable amp, He needs a Desktop Amp.

He's not looking for anything Crazy amazing, He just wants something cheap.

Here's what is requested:
- Less then $80, Preferably closer to ~$50
- No Coloration, Except Warm, Warm sound is fine.
- Preferably >300 mW @ 32 Ohms Or As close as possible.
- Subtle Bass boost (like on FiiO E12)

the FiiO E10K is a consideration ATM, Looking for more options, and potentially much better options.
Oct 4, 2014 at 3:21 PM Post #2 of 11
  So, My Father Has tried Both my ATH-PRO700MK2 and loved it, and now my HD681 EVO and Loved it, though he still likes the ATs more.

Now He's considering buying the HD681 EVOs that I have, off of me. (they modded)

He wants to fully power the HD681 EVOs.

He does NOT need portable amp, He needs a Desktop Amp.

He's not looking for anything Crazy amazing, He just wants something cheap.

Here's what is requested:
- Less then $80, Preferably closer to ~$50
- No Coloration, Except Warm, Warm sound is fine.
- Preferably >300 mW @ 32 Ohms Or As close as possible.
- Subtle Bass boost (like on FiiO E12)

the FiiO E10K is a consideration ATM, Looking for more options, and potentially much better options.

For the budget, the E10k is about the best there is.
You said looking for a desktop amplifier, the E10K is a DAC/amplifier.
I would assume a DAC/Amp is ok.
Oct 5, 2014 at 4:33 PM Post #5 of 11
Though you could really hold off on this investment, if the laptop/PC/Mac of your father isn't super crappy audio-wise. The Superlux 681 Evo is not that critical.
Oct 5, 2014 at 4:57 PM Post #6 of 11
You might be surprised how much of a difference power makes after you mod the HD681 Evo :| speaking of which I seriously need to get around to making a thread on this before i hand them over to my Father. (I'm ******* lazy)

Stock, out of the box, I'd agree. Modded, it makes a pretty clear difference.

Anyway, he only has one computer that's decent in terms of sound. even then it still suffers from extreme EMI.
He has a 8-Way Switch for all his computers and Docks. (he works with technology for a living, managing servers for the local football[American} team [chargers]) The Switch has powered USB hub, so he could connect the E10K to the hub and whenever he switches it goes between computers. Cool part about the switches USB hub is it also works as a Signal 'Decrapifier' and will allow Charging always. It does have 3.5mm jacks... but it's just a pass-through, would of been kick ass if it was an amp too.

Also all his computers except his gaming computers have extremely low power output (like worse then line-out/pre-amp kind of power) then his gaming PC has EMI out the ass.

Yeah.... I had to use the 16 dB gain switch on my FiiO E12 just to get it to decent volumes.
Oct 6, 2014 at 5:13 AM Post #8 of 11
I did NOT say it increases the power needs, i just said additional power now makes an audible difference. more power will ALWAYS make a difference but some headphones benefit from amping more than others.

A general Gist of the mod is Changing the porting. The difference is clear as day, and makes them incredibly good.
Oct 6, 2014 at 9:49 AM Post #10 of 11
I intend to make a thread on the mod with picture by picture instructions, It's super simple anyway. I'm just needing to get around to it. If i remember I'll post a link to the thread in here.

(just sayin, when i first got the HD681 EVO... I was disgusted by the bass, the quantity and that it was focused at the upper bass. The slowness bugged me, but it was not deal breaking from the $40.95 that was paid. After the mod, It is not like the slowness is fixed, just not so bad. but that Disgusting over emphasized upper bass was gone, and was left in the Sub Bass- as a nice rumble. And now I often use them to enjoy the music, and leave the analytical sheez to the Pro700Mk2 <-- These headphones... It thinks that whoever wears them is a Backpfeifengesicht. And you will feel it in your ears.)
Jan 28, 2015 at 10:36 AM Post #11 of 11
Well i kept talking about my HD 681 Evo Mod... and will link HERE for those interested but just letting you know, I do not truly know why this works, i can only say it changes the air flow.

To be honest i found this by tearing out the paper over the ports and seeing how it sounded... well i got the sound from the back of the driver, did not like. tried to fix... sounded different... sounded GOOD.

And am now sharing as a mod. :/

( i would like feedback from people who try the mod. I like it, but i don't know about others. )

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