IMR Audio : Sonic Adventures & Impressions

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May 9, 2021 at 2:02 PM Post #2,386 of 18,894
I have an IMR which I really enjoy, does that mean you despise me?
Seems.... I dunno, irrational, when there's so many better reasons to despise me.
If we disagree in a hobby as subjective as audio, that's a non-issue and I've made that very clear over the years.

Personal insults though, completely different. If you haven't made any personal attacks (or "liked" one) then I don't have a problem with you.

You do realize that you have just made a bigger statement about yourself than anyone else, don't you? I've seen the same sort of written volley between you and others on other threads as well. A brand can be destroyed with a single word (and I'm not talking about IMR) ..... Humility goes a long way....

If I am perceived as arrogant because I don't like how people are calling me deaf for not agreeing with them and then willing to call them out on that kind of behaviour, then so be it. I will not practice "humility" if it means being humiliated.
May 9, 2021 at 2:21 PM Post #2,387 of 18,894
I don't see why Crinacle has to suddenly pull his punches when he doesn't like something as a reviewer, as it's pretty much his job to stick to his preferences and be honest about whatever he listens to. It's his opinion, not gospel, so treat it as such. It's fine to disagree, but it's not fine to insult him. Calling him 'deaf' and 'unable to get girls' is a classic example of vitriolic, unproductive ad hominem and reflects badly on this community.
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May 9, 2021 at 2:31 PM Post #2,388 of 18,894
The way some people here have participated in groupthink is off-putting to others looking to join in the conversation with their take on the IEMs. Just because Crinacle doesn't blanket love the IMRs he's heard doesn't mean he hates the company, they just aren't his cup of tea, and that's alright. I love my Opus Mias but that doesn't make Crinacle my mortal enemy, lol. In a subjective hobby, no one is wrong about what they hear, but they are wrong the moment they tell anyone else what they should be hearing. Lighten up folks, it's only some IEMs.
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May 9, 2021 at 2:40 PM Post #2,389 of 18,894
When I first got into this hobby I was relying much on reviews and ranking lists for my target IEMs . Then one after another everything I bought I didn't like or didn't get the same impressions as other people who loved them. So now as I go forward and learn I understand how subjective this is and on different levels too. Sure there are probably out there some people who have hidden agendas . But We can't come to the conclusion that anyone who disagrees with us or doesn't like what we like is like that. Besides someone like Crinacle and his site is good for tthe hobby IMO. You don't have to agree with him , but it's quite useful the work he does.
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May 9, 2021 at 8:23 PM Post #2,390 of 18,894
If we disagree in a hobby as subjective as audio, that's a non-issue and I've made that very clear over the years.

Personal insults though, completely different. If you haven't made any personal attacks (or "liked" one) then I don't have a problem with you.

If I am perceived as arrogant because I don't like how people are calling me deaf for not agreeing with them and then willing to call them out on that kind of behaviour, then so be it. I will not practice "humility" if it means being humiliated.
Humility and humiliation are entirely different things. Humiliation is something one does to one's self through some shameful act. No one can impose it. Indeed, I lived in Asia for many years and have spent significant time is Singapore and I know the culture. Attempting to bring shame on someone else ultimately brings shame on one's self. If you consider someone disagreeing with you as "humiliation", your ego is way to to tender especially for someone who put's himself "out there" with some fairly polarizing views. You may want to think about thickening your skin.

Just for the record, humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking about yourself, less.

I will comment no more, nor will I respond to this topic any further - but it might be worth reflecting upon....
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May 10, 2021 at 2:24 AM Post #2,391 of 18,894
Humility and humiliation are entirely different things. Humiliation is something one does to one's self through some shameful act. No one can impose it. Indeed, I lived in Asia for many years and have spent significant time is Singapore and I know the culture. Attempting to bring shame on someone else ultimately brings shame on one's self. If you consider someone disagreeing with you as "humiliation", your ego is way to to tender especially for someone who put's himself "out there" with some fairly polarizing views. You may want to think about thickening your skin.

Just for the record, humility is not thinking less of one's self; it is thinking about one's self less.

I will comment no more, nor will I respond to this topic any further - but it might be worth reflecting upon....
You're deliberately ignoring everything I've said.

"If you consider someone disagreeing with you as 'humiliation'", no not once have I said this. I quote VERBATIM what I just said:
if we disagree in a hobby as subjective as audio, that's a non-issue and I've made that very clear over the years. Personal insults though, completely different. If you haven't made any personal attacks (or "liked" one) then I don't have a problem with you.

Calling me deaf or unable to get girls, that has gone beyond the realm of disagreement. And when people like you start enabling this kind of behaviour and start victim-blaming for, of all things standing up for themselves, you can see why I have such a poor opinion of you and your community. There is no humility to be had here.
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May 10, 2021 at 3:45 AM Post #2,392 of 18,894
You're deliberately ignoring everything I've said.

"If you consider someone disagreeing with you as 'humiliation'", no not once have I said this. I quote VERBATIM what I just said:
if we disagree in a hobby as subjective as audio, that's a non-issue and I've made that very clear over the years. Personal insults though, completely different. If you haven't made any personal attacks (or "liked" one) then I don't have a problem with you.

Calling me deaf or unable to get girls, that has gone beyond the realm of disagreement. And when people like you start enabling this kind of behaviour and start victim-blaming for, of all things standing up for themselves, you can see why I have such a poor opinion of you and your community. There is no humility to be had here.
At this time I don't currently own any IMR earphones (do have my first set on order) however I have recently started following this thread and have found the advice and comments friendly so I think including the entire IMR community is taking things a bit far.

With regards to the comments made against yourself I will agree that they were uncalled for however I'd like to think there was a bit tongue in cheek in there however if you feel it was too much then people should respect your feelings on the matter.

With many things we buy, we like to think we buy sensibly and don;t like to see what we have purchased getting bad reviews. With iems I do think league tables should be taken with a pinch of salt as there are many variables with tips, music type, source quality and lets not forget the ear itself. I think full reviews are fair enough however to get a better understanding of a product, a number of reviews from difference sources might give a better general picture however unless you can demo a unit you just have to take a gamble.

At the end of the day it's just earphones :beerchug:
May 10, 2021 at 1:05 PM Post #2,393 of 18,894
May 10, 2021 at 1:58 PM Post #2,394 of 18,894
You're deliberately ignoring everything I've said.

"If you consider someone disagreeing with you as 'humiliation'", no not once have I said this. I quote VERBATIM what I just said:
if we disagree in a hobby as subjective as audio, that's a non-issue and I've made that very clear over the years. Personal insults though, completely different. If you haven't made any personal attacks (or "liked" one) then I don't have a problem with you.

Calling me deaf or unable to get girls, that has gone beyond the realm of disagreement. And when people like you start enabling this kind of behaviour and start victim-blaming for, of all things standing up for themselves, you can see why I have such a poor opinion of you and your community. There is no humility to be had here.
I have a question for you in regards to your low ranking of the Semper. Did you spend a lot of time changing out tips and nozzle filters before coming to your conclusion? I have no horse in this race as I don't own the Semper, I'm just curious because I do own a couple IMR IEM's and I always need a week or so of changing out tips and nozzles before I find the right sound for my ears.
May 10, 2021 at 2:20 PM Post #2,396 of 18,894
I have a question for you in regards to your low ranking of the Semper. Did you spend a lot of time changing out tips and nozzle filters before coming to your conclusion? I have no horse in this race as I don't own the Semper, I'm just curious because I do own a couple IMR IEM's and I always need a week or so of changing out tips and nozzles before I find the right sound for my ears.
AND .... No matter one's stance on burn-in There's no one who owns them that can deny that burn in is real on IMR IEMS and it's impossible to evaluate these until they've got a minimum of 150 hours on them. Those units with Planars in them keep refinging well past that mark.
May 10, 2021 at 2:22 PM Post #2,397 of 18,894
I have a question for you in regards to your low ranking of the Semper. Did you spend a lot of time changing out tips and nozzle filters before coming to your conclusion? I have no horse in this race as I don't own the Semper, I'm just curious because I do own a couple IMR IEM's and I always need a week or so of changing out tips and nozzles before I find the right sound for my ears.
If you're genuinely curious, PM me. I'd rather not engage with the others.
May 10, 2021 at 3:12 PM Post #2,399 of 18,894
I know there's a satisfaction when a reviewer gives a good review to something you like. But if not, who cares really . Why this obsession?
Especially when some reviews read so bafflingly different from what you hear they might as well have been written by aliens with bizarre, bizarre ears :rabbit:
May 10, 2021 at 5:42 PM Post #2,400 of 18,894
That is correct. However, the prices in IMR website are the same and include the tax regardless whether you order from UK or from outside of UK. That is not normal and should be fixed. We should not be charged for UK tax and then for our country tax

I just went and asked Bob myself about this taxes controversy, got a prompt response from Bob himself (well, at least that's what it's signed from anyway). I don't really know what to think anymore...

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