IMR Audio : Sonic Adventures & Impressions

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Feb 21, 2024 at 4:16 PM Post #17,401 of 18,894
How would the Enigma sound with the eros s 8w ?
The eros s8 is a fine cable, neutral with a tad warmth. I bought it some time ago for my mest mkii but felt the mest sounded better with the stock cable which is really amazing for a stock cable. So I enden selling it. Since I bought it new back then, I found it a bit less than what I expected for what I paid. I am currently using the mest cable with many iems. I also came recently across Wywires, the red series is really a catch for the price, especially if bought used. Very nice and light weight cable and sounds great.
Feb 22, 2024 at 2:54 AM Post #17,402 of 18,894
After reading about 3k cable, I want to share an earbud that I have been thoroughly enjoing for like a month now. Yincrow X6.

Got it for 15 EUR (including delivery). It made me realize, that it's the music I enjoy and not the gear. Not saying that objectively it's has some crazy technicalities or whatever. But it simply don't get in the way and I can listen to my favorite tunes all day long and not think about the gear used for it once.

Originally got it just to test the fit of the shell, before going for top of the line options. But it cured (at least for now) my urge for anything else. So at the moment I returned back to the camp of "normal" folk, who don't sweat over the gear and just enjoy their favorite music 😄

So if you feel like you are spending way too much and collecting dozens upon dozens of iem/cables/daps - may be try something super cheap, just to see how you feel.
Feb 22, 2024 at 3:39 AM Post #17,403 of 18,894
After reading about 3k cable, I want to share an earbud that I have been thoroughly enjoing for like a month now. Yincrow X6.

Got it for 15 EUR (including delivery). It made me realize, that it's the music I enjoy and not the gear. Not saying that objectively it's has some crazy technicalities or whatever. But it simply don't get in the way and I can listen to my favorite tunes all day long and not think about the gear used for it once.

Originally got it just to test the fit of the shell, before going for top of the line options. But it cured (at least for now) my urge for anything else. So at the moment I returned back to the camp of "normal" folk, who don't sweat over the gear and just enjoy their favorite music 😄

So if you feel like you are spending way too much and collecting dozens upon dozens of iem/cables/daps - may be try something super cheap, just to see how you feel.
Very wise indeed.
Feb 22, 2024 at 6:42 AM Post #17,404 of 18,894
I'm using the liquid links Martini cable on my Titan and it sounds sublime opening up the soundstage without loosing too much bass making It very spacy sound signature. Before I was using the Eros S AE which now has the Fiio FH9 attached.
Feb 22, 2024 at 2:10 PM Post #17,406 of 18,894
After reading about 3k cable, I want to share an earbud that I have been thoroughly enjoing for like a month now. Yincrow X6.

Got it for 15 EUR (including delivery). It made me realize, that it's the music I enjoy and not the gear. Not saying that objectively it's has some crazy technicalities or whatever. But it simply don't get in the way and I can listen to my favorite tunes all day long and not think about the gear used for it once.

Originally got it just to test the fit of the shell, before going for top of the line options. But it cured (at least for now) my urge for anything else. So at the moment I returned back to the camp of "normal" folk, who don't sweat over the gear and just enjoy their favorite music 😄

So if you feel like you are spending way too much and collecting dozens upon dozens of iem/cables/daps - may be try something super cheap, just to see how you feel.
I couldn't agree more. I got my Yincrow X6 for just $10 last year and I absolutely love it. A very musical mild V sounding earbuds.
Feb 23, 2024 at 3:32 PM Post #17,408 of 18,894

May I ask you a favour?

With your IMR Enigma+

1. Can you please listen to the song "Seven" from Fever Ray (album: Fever Ray) and, without reading the lyrics, tell me what does it say after:
I know it
I think I know it from.... ? [complete the sentence]

2. Can you please turn up the volume a bit and listen to the song "Aeon" from Koan Sound (album: Chronos) and describe the bass?

Thank you!
Feb 23, 2024 at 8:26 PM Post #17,409 of 18,894

May I ask you a favour?

With your IMR Enigma+

1. Can you please listen to the song "Seven" from Fever Ray (album: Fever Ray) and, without reading the lyrics, tell me what does it say after:
I know it
I think I know it from.... ? [complete the sentence]

2. Can you please turn up the volume a bit and listen to the song "Aeon" from Koan Sound (album: Chronos) and describe the bass?

Thank you!
1) I listened to the top selection from YouTube. I cannot clearly hear the specific words in the vocals. Sounds like "trauma himma". I'm sure it's something related to the song, but the specific words escape me. (EDIT: I looked them up. It's "from a hymn", which does NOT sound like the vocal inflections.) When she says "hymn", she says "himma", which leads me to believe it's two syllables. Also, she does not say "From", she has a distinct "T" sound at the beginning, which makes no sense. I did hear the "M" at the end of the first word, but I couldn't decipher the word. It's very confusing and I do not like how the vocalist is articulating the words.

I will say that the DEPTH of the music is amazing in that track and you can clearly distinguish between the close-up and far-away tones. It's a nice track overall with good imaging, but the frequency range of the vocals is too intermixed with the background music (which is also too prominent) to really make out the words. It's a nice track, but not well mixed.

2) The bass has terrific impact, superb sub-bass presence, and a wide-ranging effect. Very ambient-like, with plenty of sub-20Hz rumble, yet clean and distinct, not floppy or wooly. Definitely no localized thump or directional bass sounds, either. Virtually all eardrum-vibrating bass throughout, especially after the 2-minute mark. More of a sensation than "notes". Terrific separation between bass/sub-bass and mids. Very nicely mixed track. Right up my alley.
Feb 24, 2024 at 3:04 PM Post #17,410 of 18,894
1) I listened to the top selection from YouTube. I cannot clearly hear the specific words in the vocals. Sounds like "trauma himma". I'm sure it's something related to the song, but the specific words escape me. (EDIT: I looked them up. It's "from a hymn", which does NOT sound like the vocal inflections.) When she says "hymn", she says "himma", which leads me to believe it's two syllables. Also, she does not say "From", she has a distinct "T" sound at the beginning, which makes no sense. I did hear the "M" at the end of the first word, but I couldn't decipher the word. It's very confusing and I do not like how the vocalist is articulating the words.

I will say that the DEPTH of the music is amazing in that track and you can clearly distinguish between the close-up and far-away tones. It's a nice track overall with good imaging, but the frequency range of the vocals is too intermixed with the background music (which is also too prominent) to really make out the words. It's a nice track, but not well mixed.

2) The bass has terrific impact, superb sub-bass presence, and a wide-ranging effect. Very ambient-like, with plenty of sub-20Hz rumble, yet clean and distinct, not floppy or wooly. Definitely no localized thump or directional bass sounds, either. Virtually all eardrum-vibrating bass throughout, especially after the 2-minute mark. More of a sensation than "notes". Terrific separation between bass/sub-bass and mids. Very nicely mixed track. Right up my alley.
I believe you've probably spoken about this before (excuse my lazyness to look back on this thread), but seeing that you sell your Titans I am curious about what characteristics of Enigma won you over?
Is it vocals' presentation?
Because you know, listening to mine (Titan) I can imagine a thing or two which could be improved (a bit more polished treble eg- maybe can be achieved by change of filter) but to be honest there aren't much.
This is the most competent IEM I've ever listened to. Not the best considering ALL audiophile spots to consider but by any means, a hard to beat HiFi powerhouse.
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Feb 24, 2024 at 4:03 PM Post #17,412 of 18,894
I decided to put the eBay return fiasco be me and give IMR another go. So I got one of the b-stock dawns for £80. It was posted within 20 minutes of paying and despite a postman leaving it a front window sill, it was still there when I got home. I’m very impressed with the sound straight out of the box! Especially with how small each bud is! Definitely worth the £80. I also can’t find anything to make me feel that they are actual b-stock.

So at the moment I’m glad I gave IMR another go.
Feb 24, 2024 at 5:32 PM Post #17,413 of 18,894
I believe you've probably spoken about this before (excuse my lazyness to look back on this thread), but seeing that you sell your Titans I am curious about what characteristics of Enigma won you over?
Is it vocals' presentation?
Because you know, listening to mine (Titan) I can imagine a thing or two which could be improved (a bit more polished treble eg- maybe can be achieved by change of filter) but to be honest there aren't much.
This is the most competent IEM I've ever listened to. Not the best considering ALL audiophile spots to consider but by any means, a hard to beat HiFi powerhouse.
Very, very small differences. Could be all in my head, I don't know. But I detect a bit more clarity in the midrange and slightly smoother treble. I'm using the same filters on both. Red lower and green upper.

Bob warned me they would be virtually identical, with slight differences in presentation. I think he's right, they're like nearly identical twins.
Feb 25, 2024 at 3:12 AM Post #17,414 of 18,894
I understand.

This is interesting considering the difference in driver combination.

It might be the case then that the DD does 90% of the job with the other drivers conferring minor strokes .

In this quantitative logic, NaLe must be 90% as good as the flagships + a DD variant of BC.

Of course, it might be this minor strokes which make all the 'magic' happen with better spatial representation and separation, sculpting out details and sense of depth.
Feb 25, 2024 at 12:25 PM Post #17,415 of 18,894
In this quantitative logic, NaLe must be 90% as good as the flagships + a DD variant of BC.

Of course, it might be this minor strokes which make all the 'magic' happen with better spatial representation and separation, sculpting out details and sense of depth.
Been listening to NaLe mostly last few weeks and have found it has a very clear and unobstructed 'CNT' characteristic sound : fast transients, clean, accurate, precise layering & imaging. Maybe the widest of instrument placements of any of the IMR's ? There is certainly a massive amount of space around the vocals. Instruments also.
Im not sure if the BC adds anything to the sound itself but the soundstage is huge and instruments can sometimes appear way outside even behind the head at times
Its great to have another IMR with unique sounding characteristics. I think Bob has tuned the NaLe to really showcase the qualities & characteristics of the CNT driver. IF that was the aim then they get 10/10 for it

Listening to Elan+ which has CNT + ADLC to compare, there is a noticeable increase in warmth and musicality. Soundstage is more closed in but still has really nice separation, all be it in a more warm fuzzy sort of way. To add I dont have any hot treble at all on my E+ although they have had many 100's of hours
In terms of @fablestruck points above I [think!] i can hear the extra 'creamy-ish' clarity of the armatures and perhaps a better ability to perceive 'textures' of instruments from the BC driver directly but also from the extra holographic space the BC motors seem to provide.
I can hear why and how the Elan+ are priced above the NaLe but for instrument separation, imaging & clarity the NaLe are hard to beat :)

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