IMR Audio : Sonic Adventures & Impressions

Future of IMR threads

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Jan 15, 2024 at 3:38 PM Post #16,336 of 18,894
I don't recall Rock Jaw crowdfuned for any open/close headphones. But Trinty Audio (same owner) did VARIO model Kickstarter. It was cancelled after collecting around 25% of the pledged 100K. Don't know if money was ever refunded.
Trinity also never delivered their Phantom Air TWS after collecting double their £65,000 goal.
Jan 15, 2024 at 3:40 PM Post #16,337 of 18,894
IMR special builds terms and conditions covers all these aspects.
I don't think it's necessarily true. For starters conditions on website can (and were) be changed at any time. And there are laws setup to protect consumers. I am not a lawer, but you cannot just fraud people by using some terms and conditions. They have to be upheld in court. In Bob's case regardless of whatever he wrote on his site there has to be a product. If he collects the pay check and never delivers I am sceptical those term and conditions would count for much.
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Jan 15, 2024 at 3:45 PM Post #16,338 of 18,894
I don't think it's necessarily true. For starters conditions on website can (and were) be changed at any time. And there are laws setup to protect consumers. I am not a lawer, but you cannot just fraud people by using aome terms and conditions. They have to be upheld in court. In Bob's case regardless the has to ve a product. If he collects the pay check and never delivers I am sceptical those term and conditions would count for much.
Agreed, but the issue is who is going to fight this in the court. I personally believe a social boycott is more effective than to fight this in a court. This needs to be spread in every online audio commnity. This will ensure more chance of getting a refund and not to be sucked into IMR dubious pre-model ever again.
Jan 15, 2024 at 3:55 PM Post #16,339 of 18,894
I kind of still was. I mean after all the BS it still surprised me that Bob would send a "gift", specifically tell @paggio that he is sending enigma and do that. It makes absolutely no sense to me. It feels pathological. Why would you do it? What's the point? The only result is pissing off an already pissed off customer even more. Where is the benefit?
He did almost the same with me afte i got my refunds for the EH.

From his mail after this 25th of sep 2023:

Also I have your free iem ready now.

I shall get that in the post tomorrow.


With that reaction, for me it was clear that he has some kind of serious problem.
With all the BS and lies.

I posted this on this thread before to give everybody a chance to rethink doing buisiness with Bob.
But was called being just negativ……. Nobody should be surprised. Sorry!
Jan 15, 2024 at 4:46 PM Post #16,340 of 18,894
Unless consumer law works very differently in the UK, then IMR's terms and conditions notwithstanding, any such special rules of conduct cannot be less beneficial than regular consumer rights under the law in force. If there is a consumer protection authority in the UK, it might be a good idea to report IMR to it, or at the very least ask them to consult on IMR's terms and conditions.
Jan 15, 2024 at 4:52 PM Post #16,341 of 18,894
Unless consumer law works very differently in the UK, then IMR's terms and conditions notwithstanding, any such special rules of conduct cannot be less beneficial than regular consumer rights under the law in force. If there is a consumer protection authority in the UK, it might be a good idea to report IMR to it, or at the very least ask them to consult on IMR's terms and conditions.

I think this could apply perfectly:

You can also tell them about a business if:
  • they scammed you - for example, you paid for something online that you didn’t receive and you couldn’t contact the seller
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Jan 15, 2024 at 6:13 PM Post #16,342 of 18,894
Jan 15, 2024 at 6:54 PM Post #16,343 of 18,894
My bad, it was the Sentio from Rockjaw, not the Vario.

Similar outcome though.

He definitely has a vision of making an over ear headphone that is both closed and open back.

The Trinity version that never came to fruition:

And of course the Event Horizon that has only been seen in broken pieces:
Jan 16, 2024 at 1:23 AM Post #16,344 of 18,894
It's rather sad to learn of the enigma development... I was completely shocked when I realized the CM photos Bob took was his own CM instead of enigma, and since then I think I more or less lost all hope and wonder how he managed to do something as low as that... While I did not order the Nale or Zion, the IMR page said it was supposedly completed today and to be shipped tomorrow, I hope all fellows who are waiting for them would get them eventually, same to the enigma, hope some miracles happen.
Since I have given up all hope, I dived into other gear, this AllenRibbonHeadphone is really cheap, USD$200, which comes with an amp, and they sound really really good for the price!
Jan 16, 2024 at 4:45 AM Post #16,345 of 18,894
Got the iBasso 3T-154 last week... While the EA1000 was very impressive, My preference goes to the 3T154, they have a full body sound signature, emotional vocal, surprisingly extended highs but not fatiguing, and the bass is on the tight side but with authority. I like them very much, and always have been a multi driver person, these DD iems really really surprise me. The EA1000 is great too, but a bit thin by comparison to my ears, but can be top notched depending on the type of musics. They are both really worth it to own, they are top tier at their price range.
O, it's also worth to note, the factory cable that comes with the iBasso is so good... the first time i actually didnt switch a factory cable:ksc75smile:
Thanks man! Now that's tempting, just need a lil bit more money for that gem
Jan 16, 2024 at 7:03 AM Post #16,346 of 18,894
I am sorry for everyone who is experiencing the ongoing problems with IMR. Fortunately I had my NaLe refunded before the curtain of silence fell.

I haven't previously wanted to post the following links, for hope Bob might deliver on his promises, but for those outside of the UK looking for an authority to contact, the following links to Citizens Advice and Derbyshire Trading Standards will be helpful.

For reference, IMR provides the following physical address at the end of their emails IMR ACOUSTICS, Suite 2B North Mill, Derbyshire, United Kingdom. This address is shared with Hyphen Creative -

I really hope everyone who has outstanding orders gets the result they want very quickly.
In 2021 I've checked out hyphen creative site or fb page, they have made graphics for IMR site and logo if I'm not wrong. However they are connected.
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