IMR Audio : Sonic Adventures & Impressions

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Dec 17, 2023 at 12:18 PM Post #15,916 of 18,894
I apologise for the OFF-TOPIC question but does anyone know what kind of drivers does the 64 Audio Volür use?
I mean, are they Knowles, Sonion, something else?
I will do a bit of digging and finding out for you but I'm 99.9% certain it will be either Knowles,Sonion or Proprietary Drivers like their Tia-Tweeter BA.
Dec 17, 2023 at 12:21 PM Post #15,917 of 18,894
I apologise for the OFF-TOPIC question but does anyone know what kind of drivers does the 64 Audio Volür use?
I mean, are they Knowles, Sonion, something else?

They don't make that info easy to find - they do have a patent on the Tia tubeless BA design, though.
Dec 17, 2023 at 12:40 PM Post #15,918 of 18,894
They don't make that info easy to find - they do have a patent on the Tia tubeless BA design, though.
You are totally right and maybe it's best to take Bk123 advice and ask 64 Audio themselves on here
From what i can find it definitely looks like they use Proprietary Technology to customise there own Balanced Armature's just like their Tia-Technology.
Empire Ears also does this and it's impossible to find out where they source their BA's from!
It would be REALLY funny if they sourced them from Bellsing and i had to eat my words😉
I'm sure they don't actually fabricate there own so they will need to precure them from someone?
I just REALLY hope for the 1000's of $£ they charge it's either Knowles or Sonion?
Dec 17, 2023 at 1:28 PM Post #15,919 of 18,894
You are totally right and maybe it's best to take Bk123 advice and ask 64 Audio themselves on here
From what i can find it definitely looks like they use Proprietary Technology to customise there own Balanced Armature's just like their Tia-Technology.
Empire Ears also does this and it's impossible to find out where they source their BA's from!
It would be REALLY funny if they sourced them from Bellsing and i had to eat my words😉
I'm sure they don't actually fabricate there own so they will need to precure them from someone?
I just REALLY hope for the 1000's of $£ they charge it's either Knowles or Sonion?
Look back in the EE threads and there are posts there confirming the EMP87 (their first custom BA, used in the Zeus) is a Knowles CI model with custom electrical impedance and other characteristics.

That said, EE's parent company is actually a hearing aid manufacturer (believe that was/is Dean Vang's "main" business), so from what I've read, they actually designed and built the Weapon X dynamic driver from scratch in house. EE also do things from the hearing aid world like cost all the inner components in ferro fluid and a couple of other cool things to extend the working life of their products. Spoke to Dean (head designer / co owner) at Canjam years ago about my Zeus-XR and he reckoned to could wear them on stage for 10 years straight performing every night before you would encounter any issues with the drivers.

Do you know if all of Bob's new designs are Bellsing based, just out of curiosity?
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Dec 17, 2023 at 3:00 PM Post #15,920 of 18,894
This is no longer the case with IMR now. Bob again removed Sonion from IEM descriptions. Though NaLe has not been made/delivered yet. But until few months back, the description clearly stated Sonion BC drivers. Now there is no mention of sonion drivers in the description and it is already put under the archieve models :)
There was a shortage of Sonion BC drivers reported at the end of last year and in the beginning of this year. I am not sure if the supply situation has improved or not. But If NaLe would ever be delivered then it would not have Sonion BC drivers for sure.......
Sonion r the only company that make ba bc drivers
Everyone else more less uses a dd style bc driver
Dec 18, 2023 at 8:54 AM Post #15,922 of 18,894
Look back in the EE threads and there are posts there confirming the EMP87 (their first custom BA, used in the Zeus) is a Knowles CI model with custom electrical impedance and other characteristics.

That said, EE's parent company is actually a hearing aid manufacturer (believe that was/is Dean Vang's "main" business), so from what I've read, they actually designed and built the Weapon X dynamic driver from scratch in house. EE also do things from the hearing aid world like cost all the inner components in ferro fluid and a couple of other cool things to extend the working life of their products. Spoke to Dean (head designer / co owner) at Canjam years ago about my Zeus-XR and he reckoned to could wear them on stage for 10 years straight performing every night before you would encounter any issues with the drivers.

Do you know if all of Bob's new designs are Bellsing based, just out of curiosity?
WOW i didn't know that about EE i understand a bit more now why there prices are so high it must cost a fortune in professional labour & materials to make the "Weapon X" DD and other in-house proprietary Technology!
It also makes sense now why they state their BA's are Proprietary and not from elsewhere, i imagine they make them from scratch now considering they make hearing aids which was essentially the technology which Audio/Music Balanced Armature's are based on.
See this is what iv been saying this whole time? It's totally understandable a company charging premium prices when they are using in-house built driver's or paying Knowles & Sonion a pretty penny for their latest & greatest Driver's, but when your changing £500-£2000 for a IEM but your throwing in the cheapest balanced Armature drivers on the market it's unacceptable even "IF" the EM in question sounds great imagine what it would sound like with the latest Knowles or Sonion BA's? I imagine phenomenal! This is where i come back to my original point? When you pay extremely high premium prices you expect EVERYTHING to be PREMIUM from the Drivers to the Cable to the Accessories! Developer's like Empire Ears ect.. need to charge a higher price due to the Cost of Production & R&D add to that the wages they must pay for professional staff?
Another way of looking at it is?
If KZ,CCA, KBear ect.. can turn a profit on IEMS with 1 Dynamic Driver+7 Balanced Armature Drivers for less than £75 imagine the profit using these Drivers and Charging £500-£1.500?
Don't get me wrong I know Bob "Use to" include Filters & Half decent 2 or 3 Cables but, KZ are now implementing tuning switches on Double Dynamic IEM's for less than £20? I'm referring to the new Caster which i now own and is actually quite a good IEM for the price.
And i know what some of you will say? there are two different business models, 1. charge low prices make a small profit on each item and sell thousands in order to turn a profit or 2. Charge high prices with a larger profit but sell much fewer item's, BUT , the later shouldn't use 50% of the formers materials and charge premium high-end kilobuck prices! the difference between the 2 models only works if the later uses much higher quality materials to justify the price hike!
I absolutely HATE knocking Bob he really is a great guy but, finding out they used cheap Bellsing BA's in Elan+(which i payed nearly £500 for) and now the Na-Le & Event Horizon fiasco with buyers not receiving ANY of the items they payed for 1-2.5 years later is TOTALLY unacceptable AND what REALLY done it for me was when i found out IMR were offering a $40 IEM as a replacement for Na-Le which cost $199 absaloutly FLOORED ME!! I know that they made a few changes to Dawn which added IMR branding ect.. but at the heart it is still a monitor which cost a quarter of the price the monitor it is replacing!
I was not there when Trinity Audio went bust and ripped off "literally" 100's of customers! but after speaking to buyers involved and read many posts ext.. i came to the conclusion it was NOT Bob's fault as most people pointed out he was ONLY the designer!
But, and this is a premature BIG but, IF it does and it is looking that way IMR is going down the same route as Trinity with Bob firmly Holding the reigns i am deeply deeply sad, because i know Bob would NEVER have done this intentionally but I'm afraid not everyone will feel the same and will put the blame squarely at Bob which is a REAL shame because Bob is such a great dude with a heart of gold who made some of the finest In-Ear Monitors i have ever owned in my 49 years on this planet😞
My hopes are this is just bad business handling which "Can" be rectified and make all the unfortunate customers who bought Na-Le & EH whole again so Bob can carry on designing and building fantastic monitors?
Lastly in regards to your question is IMR using Bellsing BA's in their latest models? i cannot answer this because i was only inquiring about Elan+, but ask yourself this?
If they used them in a premium product like Elan+ why wouldn't they use them in something like Enigma? I truly hope they dont because even if IEM's like Enigma sound great, which they just might? Imagine how it would have sounded with high-end Sonion or Knowles drivers!
That's it now guys iv done more than enough IMR bashing which i REALLY hate to do! but i thought i should inform people who are saving their last pennies or even getting loans to buy these VERY expensive In-Ear Monitors only to find out they are using the most basic & cheapest Balanced Armature drivers on the market?
My advice from now on in would be to ask Brandon or Bob the "exact" drivers being used BEFORE you part with your hard earned cash, this way you can at least make your own mind up if you think the cost reflects the quality?
And just so everyone is aware? I don't like offering up personal information on public forums! But if anyone doubts what i am saying i can PM you the email containing the above information instead?
Once Again, I wish you ALL a very Merry Christmas & Happy New Years and my Kindest Regards 👍
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Dec 19, 2023 at 12:11 PM Post #15,924 of 18,894
Does anyone have any movement on the Enigma track?
Dec 19, 2023 at 12:32 PM Post #15,925 of 18,894
Does anyone have any movement on the Enigma track?
Lost by RM! With christmas so close, they have to fill up their stash.
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Dec 19, 2023 at 3:20 PM Post #15,926 of 18,894
If Bob is to be believed those are his shipping partners picking up enigmas:


NaLes, Zions and EHs are already in the truck by the looks of it.
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Dec 20, 2023 at 1:49 AM Post #15,928 of 18,894
I have the chinese dawn, and i can listen dawn for fifteen minutes yesterday. I can confirm the previous post. Absolutly the same. 100% identical. You pay the extra for the markings.

But above those two, i really LOVE the CNT version. More revealing and really beautiful sounding. Now i have also the paper+PU versión and It sounds very different, with prominent bass and with less detail, and also a little bit dark. But also very musical and really good for electronic music. But not on the same league as the other two.

But i also have discovered a really serious contender of those dawns: with the paper+PU also picked another iem from the same seller with a 8mm berillyum coated driver (for the same price), and OMG!! What a revelation, and what a new standard for the price!!. Maybe not as resolving, maybe not as detailed, but amazing musicality and tonality!!
Dec 20, 2023 at 2:10 AM Post #15,929 of 18,894
I have the chinese dawn, and i can listen dawn for fifteen minutes yesterday. I can confirm the previous post. Absolutly the same. 100% identical. You pay the extra for the markings.

But above those two, i really LOVE the CNT version. More revealing and really beautiful sounding. Now i have also the paper+PU versión and It sounds very different, with prominent bass and with less detail, and also a little bit dark. But also very musical and really good for electronic music. But not on the same league as the other two.

But i also have discovered a really serious contender of those dawns: with the paper+PU also picked another iem from the same seller with a 8mm berillyum coated driver (for the same price), and OMG!! What a revelation, and what a new standard for the price!!. Maybe not as resolving, maybe not as detailed, but amazing musicality and tonality!!
Thank you for sharing. By more revealing CNT version, do you mean that it has more treble? have you observed any peak between 2 and 10 KHz in CNT version. Are these require more power to drive just like DLC ones.
Would you share pictures of the 8mm berillyum one :)
Dec 20, 2023 at 4:31 AM Post #15,930 of 18,894
Thank you for sharing. By more revealing CNT version, do you mean that it has more treble? have you observed any peak between 2 and 10 KHz in CNT version. Are these require more power to drive just like DLC ones.
Would you share pictures of the 8mm berillyum one :)
Yes, it has more treble. But not in a bad sense. To me DLC lacks a little bit of trebble sparkle. I can hear some peak in 6k but way controlled. In terms of power, I think it demands a little bit more than DLC. In Fiio M15, volume need to be increased 5 points up (out of 100) to equal the volume of DLC.

The new Berillyum IEM is bigger than Dawn, but have detachable cable. Also have three different nozzles. I've only tested silver ones (I dont know the differences between them, as there are any explanation from the seller about their differences):


Those are not my photos, but the ones from the seller's web page.

And yes: the nozzles are interchangeable with the ones from IMR

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