[Impression] Yuin PK3 earbuds : What... kind of sorcery is this ?
Aug 28, 2013 at 11:56 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 10


100+ Head-Fier
Nov 24, 2009
warning: this will be biased


As most of you will know, this is not a new model. This is nothing new.

I always wonder how can people pay for +$100 for the PK1. It looks cheap and I also assumed that earbuds in general simply can't produce a satisfying sound. 

I had the opinion that paying  +$100 for an intraaural earbud  is madness !! madness I tell you !!!!! 


Recently however, the PK3 came up for about $30 on a website I shouldn't mention (I'm sure a lot of you know what website it is).

I thought it's only $30 so why not, let's give it a try, even if it didn't sound good I wouldn't be disappointed.

I wasn't expecting much, I was sure it has major flaws in its sound (it's the lowest end model after all). 


Recently It arrived on my doorstep and straight away I tried it with my FiiO X3 and wow......... I was so wrong! 

Packaging / unboxing :






what.... kind of sorcery is this ?!!


It was only $30 but to my ears (may not apply to everyone) they are better than the brainwavz R1, better than the FXZ100, better than the E4c (sorry i'm really being biased) 

In my opinion it has the lushious, crystal clear and detailed mids comparable to the UE700 and even better, it doesn't have the sibilance ! 

It has (to me) a warm, full bodied bass without leaking to the mids. However, its bass won't rumble like the bass from GR02 or the full sized Denons. 

So yes, it lacks sub-bass but I don't mind it at all, it's an open earbud after all, I never expected it to rumble. 

The highs are smooth and sufficient for me; it's just right, not too much or too little although it can be a tiny bit sibilant very occasionally. 

I paired it with my AUNE T1 tube amp (tube used : telefunken ecc88) and it sounds... even more detailed! No distortion or any weird noises


I never thought I'd hear this kind of sound from a fragile looking $30 earbud....

I always buy low-mid end earphone that people hype just due to my curiosity. 

The Vsonic GR02, Vsonic VSD1S,  FXZ100, KSC75 for example, were bought simply because I was curious, and with everyone of them I was slightly disappointed. 

They were good but they all had some major flaws to me and I ended up trading / selling / giving every single one of them away not long after I got them.

The PK3 however looks like something I'll be keeping for a long time! (hopefully it doesn't break)


The PK3's build quality is very poor and it's just something everyone will have to accept. The sound quality to me though, was enough to make up for this flaw. 

It's also very comfortable (the earpiece is not too big that it hurts after a while or too small that it will fall out).

For reference, I have a medium sized ear, I tend to use small/medium tips for deep insertion and medium for shallow insertion when it comes to IEM.


Again, a reminder this is just an impression, or more like me rambling about how impressed I am with the PK3's sound.


TL;DR = I'm shocked by how good this sound; best $30 I've spent EVER. The PK3 is an impressive earbud with what I'd assume to be a warm and mid centric sound signature. It is able to compete with IEMs that are above the $100 price range when it comes to sound quality. It has poor build quality but the sound signature and price can make up for it.

It is really worth a shot. If you don't want to buy a new one at full price, just wait for a sale or buy a second hand pair. 

Aug 29, 2013 at 4:51 AM Post #2 of 10
Great read!

The PK3 are very nice little earbuds. You should give the PK2 a try. I prefer those to the PK3. I recently discovered a seller on Ebay who makes DIY mods of PK2 and PK3, and his DIY mod of PK2 blows the regular PK2 away. Just search for "Yuin PK2" or "Yuin PK3" and "diy" on Ebay. He puts his DIY earbuds up on auction and I got my pair or DIY PK2 for US$18,50. The DIY PK2 have got a much deeper soundstage than the regular version. The sweet mids from the regular version are pretty much lost, but instead you get a soundstage that can only be rivaled by full size headphones.
If you prefer to stick to regular earbud makers instead of DIY projects, I recommend Sennheier MX985 or any Blox earbud. Blox only make small batches of their earbuds, and they quickly sell out, so you have to be quick to order a pair. I've heard that Blox might come out with a new high end earbud model in the winter. The former high end model, Blox TM7, sounds like full sized headphones, and they are easily worth the retail price of around US$150. Sennheiser MX980/985 are almost as good as the Blox TM7, and you can find the newer MX985 model for around US$150. The build quality is very good and you can see that Sennheiser spent money on developing it.

I've never liked IEM's, mainly because I don't want to stick something inside my ear canals for an extended period of time. Earbuds stay on the outside of my ears and they often have a spacious and airy sound.
Aug 29, 2013 at 11:34 AM Post #3 of 10
Great read!

The PK3 are very nice little earbuds. You should give the PK2 a try. I prefer those to the PK3. I recently discovered a seller on Ebay who makes DIY mods of PK2 and PK3, and his DIY mod of PK2 blows the regular PK2 away. Just search for "Yuin PK2" or "Yuin PK3" and "diy" on Ebay. He puts his DIY earbuds up on auction and I got my pair or DIY PK2 for US$18,50. The DIY PK2 have got a much deeper soundstage than the regular version. The sweet mids from the regular version are pretty much lost, but instead you get a soundstage that can only be rivaled by full size headphones.
If you prefer to stick to regular earbud makers instead of DIY projects, I recommend Sennheier MX985 or any Blox earbud. Blox only make small batches of their earbuds, and they quickly sell out, so you have to be quick to order a pair. I've heard that Blox might come out with a new high end earbud model in the winter. The former high end model, Blox TM7, sounds like full sized headphones, and they are easily worth the retail price of around US$150. Sennheiser MX980/985 are almost as good as the Blox TM7, and you can find the newer MX985 model for around US$150. The build quality is very good and you can see that Sennheiser spent money on developing it.

I've never liked IEM's, mainly because I don't want to stick something inside my ear canals for an extended period of time. Earbuds stay on the outside of my ears and they often have a spacious and airy sound.

Interesting ! The thing I love about the Pk3 is the mids though, I've been looking for something like this in all the wrong spots.
Those DIY PK2 sounds interesting O_O, it's even cheaper than the PK3. Looks too good to be true; I will still take your word however and give it a shot sometime soon :wink:
Is this seller the one from hong kong ? If it is then I can say i'm impressed by the looks of that cable, looks way more durable than the stock.
I don't think I'll be getting those top end ones though, I'm saving up for something even bigger, I don't even know what it will be yet.
I just don't want to make big purchases anytime soon as I just bought the philps fidelio X1 recently haha.
Aug 29, 2013 at 11:56 AM Post #4 of 10
I have been really tempted to try these DIYs after reading your impressions. I'm just a little reluctant because i primarily listen to ambient music at lower volumes while working. I am a little concerned that trading the rich mids for lower end would kind of be lost with the lower volumes right?
Aug 29, 2013 at 12:07 PM Post #5 of 10
I'm not sure if you're asking me or Danneq because my English is actually quite bad, but I'll respond anyway. At the moment I can't say much as I've only got the stock PK3, Danneq will have to answer the last question. 
I must say the PK3 has one of a kind mids that I've always been looking for and you really can't go wrong with it given that you pay only about $30ish
It is really worth a shot in my opinion. 
If you don't like it, you won't lose much money, if you do like it as much as I do then terrific ! :D
Aug 29, 2013 at 12:10 PM Post #6 of 10
I'm not sure if you're asking me or Danneq because my English is actually quite bad, but I'll respond anyway. At the moment I can't say much as I've only got the stock PK3, Danneq will have to answer the last question. 
I must say the PK3 has one of a kind mids that I've always been looking for and you really can't go wrong with it given that you pay only about $30ish
It is really worth a shot in my opinion. 
If you don't like it, you won't lose much money, if you do like it as much as I do then terrific ! :D

Good point! I love Yuins but I've never tried the pk3. I might pick one up for exercising. Thanks for posting your impressions!
Dec 26, 2013 at 10:50 PM Post #8 of 10
You're welcome :)

It was a huge mistake for me to ignore this brand for the past years haha. 

If you like the original Yuin...you will like the DIY Yuin by eBay ie Dasetn and joco70901 ...I have almost all their products except diy MX1.

Its a no brainer ..the cable quality is excellent and definitely sound better than the original. First bought from them from last year and was so impressed with it ...got the DIY YUIN PK3 with the red cable , PK2 with black cable , AP8 red cable and the gem is actually is http://www.ebay.com/itm/1PCS-Dasetn-Audio-In-Ear-R1-Diy-Project-low-bass-Professional-hifi-Earphone-/380666146587?pt=US_Headphones&hash=item58a1786f1b

It is not earbud though but it has become me fav to go iem.

Jan 10, 2014 at 12:42 AM Post #9 of 10
Been using my Yuin pk3s for almost a year now. These goes hard with no problems! Love these, however I'm looking for an IEM with similar sound quality to yuin pk3 and bass; and recommendations? 
Jan 13, 2014 at 5:19 AM Post #10 of 10
Hey there,
I would recommend the HiFiman Re-400. 
It's fairly inexpensive and it has a very detailed and clear sound. It has fast and accurate bass along with highs that are enough to satisfy. 
However, the RE-400 won't be enough for bassheads, it simply doesn't have the capability to produce the 30Hz rumble for long. 
I recommend reading reviews from the multi-IEM review thread started by joker. 

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