Impressed with my new ATH-AD700, but want an upgrade!
Apr 3, 2010 at 10:42 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 16


Headphoneus Supremus
May 1, 2007
Portage, Michigan
Last night I found a place that could send me some Audio Technica ATH-AD700's for Saturday delivery. Amazon was able to do it and it was actually quite cheap! I only paid around $109 with overnight Saturday delivery.

I read a few negative reviews of these headphones, but at the same time I felt like they would be something i'd like. I love my Shure SRH-840 and Triple Fi 10.

I have to admit I was immediately impressed with these headphones. I try hard to not to have this happen at first, because headphones in the past have fooled me somehow and the next day they sounded half as good! That happened to me with the Sony MDR-V6. They sounded great the first day and then the next day I realized something was missing.

To my ears, the sound coming out of these things with an amp is crystal clear. Probably the most clear sound i've heard. I've heard this a million times and I get sick of hearing it, but I seriously felt there was a few things in my music i've never heard before.

In one of my favorite songs I heard breathing before they started singing. It's amazing how many times I've heard what sounds like a very weak hum in a lot of songs with these headphones. It sounds like some type of recording device. It's NOT my headphones or my amp because it's only on some songs, but it's extremely rare.

The bass is extremely low, but it's definitely there. Sometimes I felt like some instruments didn't have enough "oomph" to them. You just didn't feel it like you did with the Shure SRH-840. It seems like if these had maybe 5% more bass these would be absolutely PERFECT. I used my Ipod Touch's "Bass Booster" EQ setting and it made it better, but by a bit too much. So, for me the EQ does help, but not in the way i'd like. Something just didn't seem right.

So anyway, these have the most detail out of anything i've heard. The sound is crystal clear. I read a review about five minutes ago that these excel with female vocals and I couldn't agree more!

I actually used these for two hours straight today. I usually listen to songs for a few minutes when trying new headphones, but with these I found myself wanting to listen to the entire song.

I can definitely see how some people would hate these headphones. People who love a lot of bass would HATE these obviously. Some music would sound terrible out of these I'd imagine.

The fit is pretty poor on me. I guess I didn't realize they're not very adjustable. I don't feel like I have a small head, but they're just sitting on my head and feel extremely loose. It feels like they're just hanging off my ears. I don't see how people with a very small head could wear these!

So here is my question. What has a better, more secure fit from Audio Technica that sounds the same in a way, but with a bit more bass. Even if it's just 5% more bass, or a slight improvement, that would be good with me. I need something that would still work out of an Ipod Touch, but would be even better with an AMP.

I think since I like these so much I might upgrade to the next step up with the hope that they'd fit better. I think Audio Technica might have my preferred sound. Do most of their headphones have a similar sound or does it vary alot between them?

BTW for those that don't know, my current favorites are the Shure SRH-840 and UE Triple Fi 10. That's the kind of sound I like. I'm liking these so much that I want to try out some other Audio Technica headphones that fit better. I might just deal with the poor fit, but that's one reason I bought these after already having the SRH-840! The SRH-840 are also a poor fit for me.

EDIT: Price should be under $250 if possible and work with an IPOD without an amp. Requiring an amp to sound best is ok since I have one.
Apr 3, 2010 at 10:47 PM Post #2 of 16
K701 + a hybrid/SS desktop amp > AD700
Apr 3, 2010 at 10:54 PM Post #3 of 16
Sorry, I was actually just looking for an upgrade of an Audio Technica model due to poor fit and a bit of lack of bass.

I also require something that doesn't always need an amp.

BTW I do love the AKG 701. Before I got my Triple fi 10 it was by far my favorite pair of headphones. I sold them when I got sick of always hauling around an amp.
Apr 3, 2010 at 11:02 PM Post #4 of 16
I agree with you that they feel very loose, although I personally didn't find that a problem. Are you trying to use these on the go? That definitely would not work for me, and I don't see how anybody can use the AD700 like that with their fit.

Anyways, sorry I can't really help out but I'll just chime in and say I also loved their sound signature! It's such a joy to listen to some music with these headphones, and if the lower end had a bit more oomph they would be the only headphones I needed.
Apr 3, 2010 at 11:24 PM Post #5 of 16
I too had this very same issue. I love my AD700s, but I hate the fit, and lack of bass.

So what did I get? The Beyerdynamics DT880/32ohm.

Holy crap. Improvement in every sense of the word, though they have about 9/10 of the soundstage. Still a big soundstage, and better at Dolby Headphone processing. And they have the punchy bass that the AD700s were missing.

I paid $290 for them. Is the sound worth $200 more than the AD700? No. Are they better? Hell yes. I paid the premium because I wanted a clear upgrade to the AD700s that was as easy to drive, and had better fit/comfort (I HAAAATE the AT's wings). The DT880/32 will NOT disappoint.
Apr 3, 2010 at 11:34 PM Post #6 of 16
You can bend the top "wires" for a better fit. You know, the two things that run over the top of your head. Those can be bent inwards giving a slightly tighter fit. Be careful with it and do it in small increments though, as you don't want to have to unbend them.
Apr 3, 2010 at 11:38 PM Post #7 of 16
He can also place a rubberband under the wings for a tighter fit (which is what I did).

In the end, it was still loose enough that it made it uncomfortable. The cups are incredibly large so any neck movement will make them slide slightly out of place.

I love the AD700s but the design leaves something to be desired. I dunno what the hell people see in the wing design. It's atrocious.
Apr 3, 2010 at 11:47 PM Post #8 of 16
I might try all these ideas. It's not an extremely poor fit I guess, just a bit annoying. I was reading reviews of them on Amazon and all the negative reviews are from people who hate the fit or the poor bass. Someone even mentioned that'd it'd be a better fit for a Hippo. Another person even said that they even fit fine on their 4 year olds head. Yeah right! Doubt that.

I've had the Beyer Dynamic DT-990 in the past. Are they basically the same as the DT-880? I remember the DT-990's were a bit difficult to drive with my Ipod back when I had them. I even had the DT-990 version that was supposed to be easier to use with an Ipod. I sold my DT-990 when I got the AKG 701.

So are the DT-880's similar (or better) then the DT-990 or about the same?

The DT-990 also get my vote for the most comfortable headphones ever made by far! If I could have any headphone back again it would be them.
Apr 3, 2010 at 11:51 PM Post #9 of 16
Wow, Audio Technica only lists the Ad700 and AD-5000 on their website from what I can tell. THE AD5000 is listed as $1300+, so i'll pass. I was also surprised at the increase of the price of the AD700 to the AD900. The difference was like $150. I think I read somewhere that the bass was a little better on the AD900, so maybe that's one I could try.

I actually didn't realize they have so few models. I haven't found the AD2000 listed anywhere yet.
Apr 3, 2010 at 11:57 PM Post #10 of 16

Originally Posted by tdockweiler /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Wow, Audio Technica only lists the Ad700 and AD-5000 on their website from what I can tell. THE AD5000 is listed as $1300+, so i'll pass. I was also surprised at the increase of the price of the AD700 to the AD900. The difference was like $150. I think I read somewhere that the bass was a little better on the AD900, so maybe that's one I could try.

I actually didn't realize they have so few models. I haven't found the AD2000 listed anywhere yet.

I have read that AD1000 and AD2000 are very different sounding then the AD700 or AD900. The AD900 supposedly has a slightly tighter fit and a bit more bass. The upper midrange is also more forward on the AD900. How much of a difference there is I do not know though.
Apr 4, 2010 at 12:15 AM Post #11 of 16
Would like to note that Audio Technica's sound varies a lot between their headphones. The AD700 doesn't sound anything like a lot of their other headphones, not even like the A700.

Hard to find a direct upgrade to the AD700 with more bass. I haven't heard one. Someone mentioned the DT880, not sure if that would work since Beyers tend to lack in mids and that's something the AD700 had in spades. Have not heard the DT880 per se though only the DT770. The only upgrade I would think to the AD700 is the AKG K701, similar qualities except depth of soundstage is far, far deeper, and a little deeper bass. But you have to live with the amp necessity. But both don't have the "warmth" that I am looking for. The perfect headphone for me would be something like the K701 with the drivability of the AD700 and the bass warmth of the DT770.
Apr 4, 2010 at 12:56 AM Post #12 of 16
The DT880/32 are easy to drive, and to me are a CLEAR upgrade to the AD700s in every respect. They have a great soundstage, though the AD700s reach out a little further. Still, it's no comparison.
Apr 4, 2010 at 1:07 AM Post #13 of 16
I was able to adjust the headphones to fit a little better. They probably fit now about 25% better. They now fit better then my SRH-840 which never fit well at all. Now if I don't move around much the AD700's won't fall off as easily like the 840's did. I like how my entire ears can fit inside these earpads, unlike some others i've tried where they just barely fit.

I bent the two gray headband wires together a bit. It was scary because I wasn't 100% sure if they're metal inside, but i'd assume so! I don't suggest anyone do this unless you want to risk it! It works somewhat well though. They're now much more comfortable and now more secure.

If I move around a lot, they still are not secure, but better then before. I also tried a few other things, but this seems to work the best. I haven't tried the rubber band trick yet, however that works.

Some people mention the pads are too scratchy to their skin, but it doesn't seem to bother me. They seem pretty soft to me, maybe Audio Technica upgraded the pads and just didn't tell anyone?
Apr 4, 2010 at 1:12 AM Post #14 of 16
If you want a tight fit, you could get the AD2000

The pads are the same, they always have been. Some find them itchy, others don't. I don't like the ones on the AD900 and below because they are itchy to me.


Originally Posted by VALIENTE /img/forum/go_quote.gif
K701 + a hybrid/SS desktop amp > AD700

Have you heard either of those two set ups? I find it amusing that you could recommend something you haven't heard over something else you haven't heard.
Apr 4, 2010 at 4:48 AM Post #15 of 16

Originally Posted by Mad Lust Envy /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I too had this very same issue. I love my AD700s, but I hate the fit, and lack of bass.

So what did I get? The Beyerdynamics DT880/32ohm.

Holy crap. Improvement in every sense of the word, though they have about 9/10 of the soundstage. Still a big soundstage, and better at Dolby Headphone processing. And they have the punchy bass that the AD700s were missing.

I paid $290 for them. Is the sound worth $200 more than the AD700? No. Are they better? Hell yes. I paid the premium because I wanted a clear upgrade to the AD700s that was as easy to drive, and had better fit/comfort (I HAAAATE the AT's wings). The DT880/32 will NOT disappoint.

Thanks for the info!

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