im starting to get the feeling that head fi is mostly dudes..
Feb 8, 2011 at 6:26 PM Post #31 of 76

If I said no your head might just explode?


so youre saying you dont hate demons souls, or going virtually 200mph on le mans?


haha probably so

It's that way in everything. Religion, politics, Facebook. The top 5 or 6 Web companies like Facebook have no (that's zero) women on their boards. That's not even tech jobs! But if men are running the tech stuff and games, it's worse in music. Take rock at its pinnacle - progressive rock or whatever it is/was called. How many women there? Besides "Heart", just about zero. Blues and Jazz? Very few. Women are relegated to the back of the bus in pop music. In indie-pop there are/were bands like Third Sex, Tiger Trap, and Sleater Kinney, but those bands are unheard of by 99 percent of American youth, who can't hear them on their radio stations. On Internet radio, I haven't ever found a station that would play the girl bands similar to what I mentioned, without being surrounded and overwhelmed by male bands. Not one single station on planet Earth.

this is making me sad, slash making me want to go listen to nite jewel beach house and grouper, though this new peaking lights track is pretty great.

Feb 8, 2011 at 6:33 PM Post #32 of 76

Yes and I wouldn't attribute that to womens lack of interest in these areas-we still live in a world where gender stereotypes still generally rule (take one look at this thread even if a lot of it is people joking around) and there's still plenty of sexism to go around. 
It's that way in everything. Religion, politics, Facebook. The top 5 or 6 Web companies like Facebook have no (that's zero) women on their boards. That's not even tech jobs! But if men are running the tech stuff and games, it's worse in music. Take rock at its pinnacle - progressive rock or whatever it is/was called. How many women there? Besides "Heart", just about zero. Blues and Jazz? Very few. Women are relegated to the back of the bus in pop music. In indie-pop there are/were bands like Third Sex, Tiger Trap, and Sleater Kinney, but those bands are unheard of by 99 percent of American youth, who can't hear them on their radio stations. On Internet radio, I haven't ever found a station that would play the girl bands similar to what I mentioned, without being surrounded and overwhelmed by male bands. Not one single station on planet Earth.

Feb 8, 2011 at 7:44 PM Post #33 of 76
Most of the gals I know hate headphone. They either mess their painstakingly well-groomed hair up, or they get too uncomfortable with those dangling earrings they wear. And the way headphone make them look geeky cause them to squirm everytime I mention headphone. 
Feb 8, 2011 at 9:09 PM Post #36 of 76
It's not Gender-Fi, so nobody cares. From time to time someone does care and the only result is this kind of threads. There are women on the interwebs.. big deal.
Feb 8, 2011 at 9:11 PM Post #37 of 76
The internet - where the men are men, the women are men and the children are law enforcement officials. Just start a thread titled '13 year old girl looking for headphones' and see how many replies you get. Oh, wait ....
Feb 8, 2011 at 9:42 PM Post #39 of 76
You guy are being myopic... headphones aren't the problem, it's internet forums in general. And it has nothing to do with men/women. Since many of you are not very familiar with the human race, let me explain...
In general, socially-well-adjusted people prefer to spend their time talking face to face with other socially-well-adjusted people. Sometimes, they get together places where alcohol is served, or at sporting events, or cultural events. They tend to enjoy participating in shared experiences with their peers. What they do not enjoy is spending time on internet forums - the isolation and lack of direct human contact is off-putting to them.
For various reasons, partly due to genetics (the male:female autism rate is 4:1) and partly due to socialization (men will talk to even the shyest woman while shy men are easily ignored), most women emerge into adulthood socially-well-adjusted, while a significant percentage of men do not.
Simply put: there are more male than female nerds. 
Feb 8, 2011 at 9:47 PM Post #41 of 76

Can someone help me interpret that last post?

I got what he meant, but that's probably a cultural thing. Here in the States we have a television program called "To Catch a Predator" that does sting operations to catch pedophiles in chat rooms looking for underage girls (and, less commonly, boys). They have an agent act like a typical teenager and see who bites. They lure the pedophile out to a specific location, then the host, this guy named Chris Hansen, comes out of hiding and confronts the person. The perpetrator leaves and is then surrounded by law enforcement, who haul him off to jail to await trial.
The thing about women being men, I think, refers to online dating sites and the general anonymity of the Internet, where people can portray themselves as someone completely different from what they actually are (e.g. a different sex, age, etc.). Also, a lot of guys have pictures of attractive women or anime girls as their avatars. I might know a little bit about that.
The 13 year old girl thing, of course, refers to the infamous post here on Head-Fi where a 13 year old ended up with a pair of HD650 donated by a very kind Head-Fi'er.
Feb 8, 2011 at 10:07 PM Post #42 of 76
the infamous post here on Head-Fi where a 13 year old ended up with a pair of HD650 donated by a very kind Head-Fi'er.

Wow did this really happen?
You should've said it earlier!!

Feb 8, 2011 at 10:12 PM Post #43 of 76
Oh God, I can't wait for the countless threads made by 19 year old girls desperately seeking audiophile enlightenment and maybe some Grados, if you're done using them.
Feb 8, 2011 at 10:24 PM Post #44 of 76

Oh God, I can't wait for the countless threads made by 19 year old girls desperately seeking audiophile enlightenment and maybe some Grados, if you're done using them.

Funny thing you mention it, I'm a girl, barely legal, and I find men using some Audez'e LCD-2 headphones to be really hot.

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