I'm lovin my PS3! (mini-review / first impressions)
Jun 18, 2007 at 3:33 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 50


500+ Head-Fier
Dec 26, 2005
I picked this up Friday at Walmart (Canada) for $660, with a free movie included (Click BD). I bought Oblivion, as I am not crazy about Resistance (I'm not much for console first person shooters), and I didn't want Motorstorm because it had a very low framerate when I tried the demo at BestBuy. I also purchased Casino Royale BD, and a PS2 Memory Card Adapter.

note: I immediately downloaded the 1.81 firmware update before playing anything, to ensure proper compatibility with my 720p projector (displaying on a 100" Stewart Firehawk screen

Honestly, I knew I would enjoy the PS3 in the future, because I love my JRPGs such as Final Fantasy and my J-Action games such as Devil May Cry.

But, I didn't expect to like it so much off the get go.


First off, a slight word about the interface and network capabilities..The XMB interface is great. It's the cleanest and easiest to navigate interface on any next-gen system so far. The PSN store is kind of nice, but it definitely lacks content, and isn't as easy to navigate as the XBOX service.


Oblivion is great, but then again, I have played it to death on the PC. I bought it to keep me entertained until newer titles comes out, such as Ninja Gaiden Sigma and Ratchet & Clank. My main beef with Oblivion, is the bad framerate....but hey, the framerate was bad on the PC, and even worse on the X360. I'd say the graphics and framerate about compare to my E6600, 7950GT equipped PC, though I can't exactly compare the framerates side by side, as I don't have Oblivion PC installed atm.

Anywaysm, I went on a downloading spree, trying several demos.

Wow wow wow!!! Motorstorm is absolutely breathtaking. Whatever framerate issues were present in the BestBuy demo are gone here! It would seem that the demo is comparable to the early Japan release of the game, with a bad framerate, and worse textures. The game now runs at a smooth 30fps, no stutters. The textures are also noticeably better. I can't begin to explain how breathtaking the canyon scenery is on the 100" screen. I will be picking up the full game today! (lets hope they add 2-player multiplayer in an update)

Ninja Gaiden Sigma is also awesome. I have only tried the game on the XBOX, and quite honestly, it's the only game that made me want to get an XBOX. I love these challenging action games, and I can't wait to buy the full game in July. Not to mention it looks pretty darn good, sporting a 60fps framerate at 720p. If only I had a 1080p display, as it also sports 60fps at 1080p!

I still have more demos to try, but so far, those are the 2 that really stood out from the rest.


Well, I haven't had much of a chance to try out Blu-Ray, but from what I've seen so far, it's pretty darn incredible. It's making me wish I had a 1080p projector right now
(I'll probably buy one in a year or two, along with a standalone BD-player).

Casino Royale BD looks noticeably better than it's DVD counterpart, even on a 720p display. The colors just seem to have a much wider range (even though my projector doesn't support Full RGB). The resolution increase is very noticeable on the 100" screen, and I believe it would be more so with 1080p. The audio quality is comparable to DVD at the moment, as my Anthem D1 Statement does not have an HDMI input (and I don't feel like spending $2300 to upgrade it yet anyways), and so I must use a fiber optic connection. This means that I can't really take advantage of Uncompressed PCM, as fiber optic isn't meant to deliver Uncompressed over 5.1 channels.

I also bought my dad the BD version of Planet Earth. If you're ever looking for demo material for your high definition set, this is it! The image quality is absolutely incredible! You don't know how much I want to see this in full 100" 1080p glory right now. For those of you who don't know, Planet Earth is a BBC special, narrated by David Attenborough. It explores much of Earth, from pole to pole, to mountains, to deserts and oceans, along with all the wildlife present in these locations. This is a must buy for any HD enthusiast out there.

So there you have it...I am very impressed by how the PS3 has delivered as a BD player so far.

I haven't had a chance to try upconverted DVDs on it, but apparently the PS3 matches, or surpasses the highly praised Oppo981HD. Not too shabby for a game console. But, I think I'll keep my Denon 3930CI as a DVD player anyways


So there you have it. Just thought I'd give you all an idea on my impressions of the PS3. The PS3 is great news for gamers and HD enthusiasts alike. It will help push the enveloppe on HD gaming, especially with the large storage space provided by BD-ROM (yay for uncompressed audio and textures!). It will also help drive the Blu-Ray market, as it has already helped Blu-Ray overtake HD-DVD at this point. This is good news for all HD enthusiasts, as the earlier the format war ends, the more we can be assured that one of the high-definition formats is here to stay. And hey, 50GB (Blu-Ray) vs 30GB (HD-DVD)....with Blu-Ray emerging the victor, we can only be assured that we're getting the best video and audio quality possible.

Feel free to leave your comments. Tell me what you think of the PS3, or what you think of my views. Any discussion is welcome.
Jun 18, 2007 at 3:38 PM Post #2 of 50
I have a 360 for gaming...I only consider buying a PS3 for the blue ray player on my 1080p a2000 (and maybe a few games should there be any exclusives I can't get on 360)
Jun 18, 2007 at 3:51 PM Post #3 of 50
There are indeed a few games....though most of them aren't out yet.

Resistance (not my cup of tea, but supposed to be good)
Ninja Gaiden Sigma (though it's a remake of an XBOX game)
Heavenly Sword
Ratchet & Clank
Metal Gear Solid 4
Devil May Cry 4
White Knight Story
Final Fantasy XIII

That's a small list of exclusives which should be enough reason to get a PS3 down the road.
Jun 18, 2007 at 4:17 PM Post #5 of 50
I never did call it the victor.

If I had to put down money on it though, I would not hesitate to pick Blu-Ray over HD-DVD.

I think one of two things might happen:

1) Blu-Ray wins and becomes the dominant format
2) Neither format wins and DVD remains the dominant format

I'm pushing for 1), as I prefer to be optomistic about this. HD-DVD had the slight edge with the cheaper players and better selection of movies when it first came out. But exclusive Blu-Ray support is much larger (Disney, Fox, Sony, MGM, etc.) compared to Universal for HD-DVD. Not only that, but standalone Blu-Ray player sales are matching standalone HD-DVD player sales at this point, and Blu-Ray software is outselling HD-DVD more than 2:1. And have you heard that Blockbuster is claiming to have Blu-Ray in over 1700 of their outlets, but HD-DVD in only 250? When the average family walks into Blockbuster and sees Blu-Ray is the only next-gen format, what will they think?

And the PS3 factor was the catalyst that has pushed Blu-Ray recently. It's easy to see:

i. (roughly) 200,000 HD-DVD players sold
ii. (roughly) 150,000 Blu-Ray players sold
iii. (roughly) 3.5million PS3s sold.

Even if only 1 out of 10 PS3 users buys Blu-Ray, the potential is still very much there. That is the prime reason HD-DVD won't survive. Oh, and what parent will even think of buying HD-DVD when you can't get Disney on there? Unless Blu-Ray supporters jump ship, HD-DVD will not win this format war.
Jun 18, 2007 at 4:32 PM Post #8 of 50
Yep....I'm so happy Blu-Ray is going to be winning this one (or is most likely too anyways).

And I mean, what audio/videophile wouldn't want Blu-Ray to win?

50GB Blu-Ray vs 30GB HD-DVD.....that's a no-brainer. Higher disk space means less compression. The new age of high-bitrate video and uncompressed audio will be glorious!

Well, there's also the chance both formats might fail and become niche, but with the overall consumer move to HD, I don't think that's likely. Once people need to buy a set top box and upgrade their sets come 2009, I think many will decide to spend the extra cash and go HD.

Oh...and thanks for the link
Jun 18, 2007 at 5:07 PM Post #9 of 50
Allow me to refresh your memory:


Originally Posted by ex0du5
with Blu-Ray emerging the victor, we can only be assured that we're getting the best video and audio quality possible.

Jun 18, 2007 at 6:12 PM Post #10 of 50

Originally Posted by ex0du5 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Yep....I'm so happy Blu-Ray is going to be winning this one (or is most likely too anyways).

I wouldn`t count on this just yet. From Holiday sales i did read that Blueray was up and over that of HD-DVD. In my opinion this format war is far from over.

Glad to hear you are enjoying your PS3. I have been a sony fan for so time now(PS, PS2 and PSP) and was thinking of trading in my xbox360 after the drive died. Microsoft Customer service seems to be good thought, they are repairing it and shippment was free.
Jun 18, 2007 at 6:40 PM Post #11 of 50
Well I wouldn't trade in a system unless I really was unhappy with it, because you usually get poor resale.

But if you like your 360, go ahead and play that for a little while. PS3 will be getting a full lineup of games from now until the end of the year, so you could probably wait for a late 2007 or early 2008 price drop.

And as for the war being far from over....well Blu-Ray momentum has increased quite a bit, and with studios such as Disney and Fox supporting Blu-Ray exclusively, it's hard to see HD-DVD winning. The Blockbuster thing is just another nail in HD-DVD's coffin at this point.

But still, I agree that it isn't over yet. If any Blu-Ray studios jump ship and support HD-DVD, that could turn the tide completely. I think Disney is Blu-Ray's biggest weapon at this point. With them onboard, I don't see Blu-Ray losing. If they were to split support between Blu-Ray and HD-DVD, then we'd have a very different war on our hands.

If things go as they have for the past 6 months, HD-DVD will be gone by this time next year.


And AuroraProject, what I meant was:

If it is the victor, then we will be getting better video and audio quality as opposed to HD-DVD.

I guess I should have stated it more clearly. My bad on that.
Jun 18, 2007 at 7:07 PM Post #12 of 50
well... according to my suite mate, the one decided the winer of the disk format is actually the **** industry.
Since around 60% of the current DVD flowing around the market is actually ****.

DVD came out to be the winner because the **** industry decided to use DVD. (there was also some other stuff that compete with DVD, but I seriously forgot what was it called)

So, yes, it may sounds said, but the technology tomorrow depends on the decision of the **** industry, and so far, they didn't announce they are going to use HD or BD in the future. So.... who is the winner of the new generation of DVDs is still unknown.
Jun 18, 2007 at 7:13 PM Post #13 of 50

Originally Posted by ex0du5 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
That's a small list of exclusives which should be enough reason to get a PS3 down the road.

Actually, MGS4 and DMC 4 are also coming out for xbox 360. Sony keeps "forgetting" to secure its exclusives, which is gonna hurt in the long run.

I really want to get a PS3 down the road, since I have a PS2 and enjoy playing it. But the $600 tag and pricey games are too much, since I'm only a casual gamer. I don't care about online or media center stuff, hell I still use an old 19" mono TV set. Even if they drop the console to $500, it's still quite much when add tax, an extra controller, and games.

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