I'm A Complete Headphone Newbie...... Help!
Jun 5, 2005 at 1:29 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 11


New Head-Fier
Jun 5, 2005
Hi all

I only came across this site today as I've been thinking about picking up a new set of headphones recently and was browsing around the web looking for reviews and such. I stumbled through Dan's Data where I read some reviews that alerted me to the fact that headphones aren't as simple as I had always imagined and then browsed through the various sets available at places like Headroom and just ended up completley confused.

Currently I just use a really old pair of headphones I got probably 5 or 10 years ago from some random electrical store for no specific reason. I had to look at the side to even find out what they were
(SONY MDR-CD170s with pads that are starting to fall apart

I will be almost exclusively using the headphones that I buy with my PC (through a Sound Blaster Audigy 2 Value sound card) as I don't actually have a stereo and don't like having giant lumps of plastic on my head when I'm wandering out and about with my MP3 player
. Primarily I listen to Rock & Roll (I like 80s stuff quite a bit), J-pop (Japanese pop music, a spin-off from one of my hobbies) and a variety of newer music of the sort that you hear on the popular radio stations, all mainly in MP3 format. I also play games (anything from MMOs to things like Swat 4 or various RPGs) and watch DVD/TV shows on my PC. I may also occasionally plug them into my guitar amp. So I need something that's suitable for all of those things.

When I started looking I was thinking what I needed was loudness (I like having the option of turning up the volume to head exploding levels when the occasion demands it, and my current headphones don't quite seem to be able to do that
), but now I'm thinking quality might be the way to go instead/aswell. I'd prefer something that wouldn't disturb others or let loads of sound in as I live with two other people and don't wan't to give them an excuse to turn their absurdly loud stereo up to counter my choice of music
, which would seem to mean that sealed headphones are the option of choice. They'd also need to be comfortable with glasses.

I don't really want to spend over about AUD$250 or so (US$190ish), and my options may be a bit limited due to being in Australia rather than the US.

Currently I think the UltraSone HFI-550s might be good based on the reviews I've seen and the price, but I decided to post to try to take advantage of all the knowledge and experience that seems to be floating around here

Ideally I'd like to end up like this happy little fellow
whilst listening to my music, watching my shows etc

Any help anyone could offer would be appreciated.

On another note, I also jumped in without thinking and ordered a pair of Sennhesier MX450 earbuds for use with my Creative Muvo MP3 player. Was this a good choice? Or am I an idiot?
Jun 5, 2005 at 1:50 PM Post #2 of 11
You're in Perth right?

Guess what, there is a good headphone shop near you !

Headphonic .

Go there have a listen to some heaphones and grab the one you like. Make sure you bring that 250 bucks you have ok ?
Jun 5, 2005 at 2:54 PM Post #4 of 11
Welcome to headfi and sorry about your wallet!

check out the for sale forum, you can often get good deal especially when you get stuff 2nd hand. Most of the stuff is in excellent condition.

I would recommend ksc-75 for portable/home use. Cheap and good sounding.

If you want isolation, do a search on etymotics or shure.
Jun 5, 2005 at 4:01 PM Post #5 of 11
Welcome to the forum and sorry about your wallet.

First / foremost.... get out there and listen to as many different cans as possible. Let your ears guide you... Senn, Grado, koss, sony, AKG.... give em all a try.

IMHO KSC75 is the best $15 can out there... destroys anything else in the under $55 catagory, at that point it starts to approach K240s and SR60 territory.
Jun 5, 2005 at 4:14 PM Post #6 of 11
KSCs and Grados are great for jpop and old 80s rock/pop . . . but the latter may leak too much noise, depending. BTW the grado sr-325 was my fav for japanese music . . .
Jun 5, 2005 at 6:51 PM Post #7 of 11
hey, I'm in Perth too

I had my senn HD-555 from www.headphones.com.au and got the chance to audition some cans at the shop.

if your budget is about AUD190, i recommend:
1. Beyerdynamic DTX900
2. Alessandro MS-1
3. Senn HD-555 (AUD210)

there is a review on the comparison on DTX900 and HD-555 in this forum, try to do a search.

Jun 6, 2005 at 5:23 AM Post #8 of 11

Originally Posted by kramer5150
...IMHO KSC75 is the best $15 can out there... destroys anything else in the under $55 catagory, at that point it starts to approach K240s and SR60 territory.

I would take this one step further and say that with a 75 ohm adapter my KSC35's rival my SR-80's (w/flat pads).

Jun 6, 2005 at 12:57 PM Post #9 of 11

Originally Posted by dj_mocok
Go there have a listen to some heaphones

I will definately try to do this
, however I work all week and this shop doesn't seem to be open on weekends so this may prove slightly problematic


Originally Posted by PDream
the other two are WAY too expensive, at least, on that site.

From what I've read, some Sennheiser models are more expensive in Australia due to the manufacturer making it compulsory to sell them at a certain minimum price (which seems to be way higher than the price in the US).


Originally Posted by blueice
Welcome to headfi and sorry about your wallet!

Everytime I join a new forum for a hobby that's always a comment I get
(and it's been correct everytime so far

Thanks, for the suggestions guys. Some of the ones suggested seem to be Open style headphones (which from my understanding means they're more likely to let lots of noise out and in?) or possibly a little more on the portable side than what I'm looking for though? Does an open style headphone let a lot of sound in and out (say compared to the ones I already have or any other relatively cheapish types)? Or is the difference not that massive?

I've had a look at the types available at the couple of local (I'd prefer to buy in Australia) sites I've seen (including the one in Perth that dj_mocok very helpfully pointed out). Of the closed style that I've seen (I may also look into the open ones depending on the answer to my question above about open vs closed phones), the following seem to be the main choices available to me:

AKG K55 (AUD$69)
Audio Technica ATH-A500 (AUD$185)
Ultrasone HFI-500DJ1 (AUD$219)
Audio Technica ATH-A700 (AUD$225)
Ultrasone HFI-550 (AUD$231)

I might be prepared to push the price up to around the AUD$300 mark if the phones are really worth it compared to the previously listed ones. The following seem to be my main options in that category:

Sennheiser HD280pro (AUD$295)
Ultrasone HFI-650 Trackmaster (AUD$299)
Beyerdynamic DT250 (AUD$299) (probably the 80ohm version I would think?)
Ultrasone HFI-700 DVD (AUD$299)
Audio Technica ATH-A900 (AUD$299)

Does anyone have any suggestions about which of the above are the best? Are there unusual things I should be aware of about any of them?
Jun 6, 2005 at 1:15 PM Post #10 of 11

Originally Posted by mektarus
I would take this one step further and say that with a 75 ohm adapter my KSC35's rival my SR-80's (w/flat pads).


I would say that they can rival the SR-80's in overall presentation, but they still can't resolve as well, and the bass is still bloated in comparison.
Jun 6, 2005 at 5:45 PM Post #11 of 11

Originally Posted by S_Dedalus
I would say that they can rival the SR-80's in overall presentation, but they still can't resolve as well, and the bass is still bloated in comparison.

I would agree with that (although the 75 ohm adapter does tighten the bass a little). However, I am a self-proclaimed basshead
and for certain music (ie - hard rock) I prefer big ass-kickin' bass over tighter, more detailed bass. My SR-80's aren't really getting much play time right now. I find myself reaching for the KSC35's (w/adapter) for fast, hard music and either my Senn HD590's (w/Equinox cable) or my Philips HP890's (also w/ Equinox cable) for just about everything else.


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