iGrado Article @ ABCNews.com
Sep 20, 2006 at 3:16 PM Post #2 of 71

The $49 iGrado headphones lack the funky retro vibe of their more expensive siblings, and their sound quality doesn't impress me either......
..... but when I looked in the mirror, I knew I probably wouldn't be taking these out on the town for a spin.........its highs simply don't sparkle, and they actually sound a bit muted.....Also, I think the phones' appearance would improve significantly if it didn't have that annoying, non-moving front hinge. ...... I think the iGrado is one of rare misses in terms of design (not to mention the now-cliched "i" in the name), and the sound just doesn't impress enough to justify it. .....

Sep 20, 2006 at 3:16 PM Post #3 of 71
EDIT : Double Post
Sep 20, 2006 at 3:18 PM Post #4 of 71
I like how he says he's not going to compare them to the sr-60, but then continues to do so throughout the review.
Sep 20, 2006 at 3:31 PM Post #5 of 71

Originally Posted by Turner_Brown
I like how he says he's not going to compare them to the sr-60, but then continues to do so throughout the review.

Yup, sounds and looks like a generic 5-minute review written by someone who doesn't know what they're talking about and overexaggerates everything, especially the styling. I'd take those out over the SR-60's any day. I'll reserve my judgements about the sound until I get them, but obviously I trust people here more than some idiot from PC Mag.
Sep 20, 2006 at 3:33 PM Post #6 of 71
Holy crap... an honest review in mainstream media.... WHOA First ever!!!

IMHO the black ones dont look that bad.
Sep 20, 2006 at 3:38 PM Post #7 of 71

Originally Posted by MD1032
Yup, sounds and looks like a generic 5-minute review written by someone who doesn't know what they're talking about and overexaggerates everything, especially the styling. I'd take those out over the SR-60's any day. I'll reserve my judgements about the sound until I get them, but obviously I trust people here more than some idiot from PC Mag.

um, why is he an "idiot"?

article seemed pretty fair to me. this is a better quote that summarizes the review, "Still, I don't want to sound completely down on the iGrado's audio. It's very good, but it's just not up to the high standards set by Grado's other headphones, or by Sennheiser, for that matter, with its impressive (and cheaper) PX-100. Also, I think the phones' appearance would improve significantly if it didn't have that annoying, non-moving front hinge."
Sep 20, 2006 at 5:33 PM Post #8 of 71
I also think that the review is essentially fair. The treble problem is definitely something I noticed with my pair.

However, I disagree with how the article attributes the changes between SR60 and iGrado to the way the driver housing is designed - the problem, in my opinion, has to do with the ear pads that are supplied with the iGrados which are thick and contribute significantly to the muffled sound signature of these headphones. Yes, ladies and gentelmen, we finally have a heavily veiled Grado headphone!

Luckily the problem can be easily fixed by switching the pads - although the usual Grado flats/bows/yellow senn 414 pads don't fit the iGrados I am very happy with the way they sound with much thinner PX100 pads (although once you use these pads with iGrados for a while they stretch permanently and won't fit the Senns anymore so be careful if you decide to try it out). Quarter moding the original pads might be another viable option for lifting the veil.
Sep 20, 2006 at 5:35 PM Post #9 of 71
i also thought that it was a fair article. he echoed many of the complaints that many of us here have had about them. what's wrong with that? i'm just happy that he was knowledgeable enough about headphones and the grado line to not suggest you run out and get a pair of triports. i totally agreed with his view that the highs were one of the most disappointing qualities of the igrado. unfortunately i didn't have a chance to try cutting a hole in the pads before the right side of mine crapped out. i haven't heard the px100 for sometime now so i can't compare but his suggestion of the px100 or pmx100 also seemed fair. the good thing is that they've gotten some press outside of the head/audiophile community.
Sep 20, 2006 at 5:41 PM Post #10 of 71

Originally Posted by MD1032
Yup, sounds and looks like a generic 5-minute review written by someone who doesn't know what they're talking about and overexaggerates everything, especially the styling. I'd take those out over the SR-60's any day. I'll reserve my judgements about the sound until I get them, but obviously I trust people here more than some idiot from PC Mag.

Yes, he might be from some PC Mag, but I think he made a fair review.
You can't always say good things about a product...
If something sucks about it, you gotta point it out.
Sep 20, 2006 at 5:42 PM Post #11 of 71

Originally Posted by MD1032
Yup, sounds and looks like a generic 5-minute review written by someone who doesn't know what they're talking about and overexaggerates everything, especially the styling. I'd take those out over the SR-60's any day. I'll reserve my judgements about the sound until I get them, but obviously I trust people here more than some idiot from PC Mag.

Generic. It wasn't bad by any means..He was both positive & negative. Gave his opinion on the good & bad.. I guess anyone that doesn't like the Igrado is an idiot to you.. & the author doesn't know what hes talking about cause he doesnt agree with you? Someone who I doubt even tried the Igrados. The author seems to be a big fan of Grado, & seemed very let down by the Igrado's.. I didn't get the feeling, that he got off 'bashing' them..
Sep 20, 2006 at 5:46 PM Post #12 of 71

Originally Posted by gdeth
um, why is he an "idiot"?

Let me show you:


When I found out that the company was going to produce a street-style low-end headphone called the iGrado, I was immediately skeptical. After seeing a picture of the headphones, I was even more suspicious.

In the opening paragraph he says this. I'm assuming he made these assumptions before they came out and before he got them. In that case, what separates him from the users here who bashed the new iGrados before even seeing them with their own eyes, or even seeing a different picture? People did nothing but bash the iGrados based on the original picture and nw that they're out and someone took their Canon DSLR and took some real pics, everyone wants one.


Of course, I have no problem wearing my SR60s or SR80s in public (even though they make me look like I should be waving in jumbo jets on a runway), but these iGrados just don't have that retro-chic look at all.

This guy is either stylistically absent from this world or an attention whore. who would rather take SR-60's (or SR-80's with bowls!) into public than the iGrados? Not me. the streetstyle design is more sleek, and much more secure around the head.


One thing the iGrado has going for it is efficiency; it gives you a bit more volume than the SR60.

Honestly, who cares? The Grados are already a lot more efficient than many portables, and the fact that this guy pays attention to these kinds of things takes away from his credibility in my eyes.

I can say all of this without even seeing them or hearing them or having them myself, based solely on logic. Once I get them, I'll be able to compare them to the PX100's and other portables and see if his judgements on the sound hold up, because it could just be his likely narrow musical selection. I do absolutely respect his honesty, but I think he's just too eager to bash an idea that he doesn't like from the start and won't come to terms with, th fact that Grado did make a streetstyle headphone, and they did aim it directly at the ipod community.
Sep 20, 2006 at 5:56 PM Post #13 of 71

Originally Posted by MD1032
Of course, I have no problem wearing my SR60s or SR80s in public (even though they make me look like I should be waving in jumbo jets on a runway), but these iGrados just don't have that retro-chic look at all.

This guy is either stylistically absent from this world or an attention whore. who would rather take SR-60's (or SR-80's with bowls!) into public than the iGrados? Not me. the streetstyle design is more sleek, and much more secure around the head.

Hey, thanx for calling me a "ATTENTION WHORE". I'd take my Audio Technica ATH A900LTD which is one of the BIG headphones outdoors rather than iGrados..

And yes, I think wearing iGrado is screwing Ugly compared to wearing my full-sized headphone outdoors

Think before you speak......sheesh
Sep 20, 2006 at 5:57 PM Post #14 of 71

Originally Posted by MD1032
I can say all of this without even seeing them or hearing them or having them myself, based solely on logic.

What logic? It's your opinion versus his opinion. Everybody wants one? Puhlease.

I think the review was completely fair. And I actually agree with him, and his justifications for not liking it.

What I got out of it.:
It didn't sound as good as the PX100 and SR60. (seems to make sense to me)
It doesn't look as good either, he prefers the styling of the other Grados. (I still think the iGrado is as ugly as sin)
He likes Grados but he didn't like this one.

Seems like perfect logic to me.
Sep 20, 2006 at 6:10 PM Post #15 of 71
I just don't like the x is better than y takes in audio. Comparring the Senn's to the iGrado's. They are different flava's Mr.ZDnet ...and what kind of muzak are you even listening too in making the judgements/comparrisons.

Its like saying Veggie pizza is better than Pepperoni or Strawberry better than chocolate.

bye the way ...pepperoni is ALWAYS better

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