If your headphones could talk to you...
May 2, 2006 at 2:19 PM Post #16 of 26
"Screw answering the phone today. Put me on instead, you person."
May 2, 2006 at 4:28 PM Post #18 of 26
O2s: "I can't see a damn thing inside this dust cover, whats going on out there? Are you wearing those damn ugly Floats again Douglas?
Float2: "Lalalalalalalalalalala."
O2s: "Dammit I'm better than him, why do I have to be stuck in this bag?"
Float1: "Pleeease... put me back together again... fix me... I'm in so much pain..."
SR-202: "How come I've not been off this damn banana hanger in weeks Doug?"
O2s: "Shuddup 202, you should resume your pitiful cowering before my bass extension."
Float2: "Lalalalalalalalalalaaaaaaaaaaa."
HD650: "Sup lads?"
O2s: "Yo dude."
Float1: "Hey man."
Float2: "Good to see you dude."
SR-202: *high fives HD650*

O2s: "I wish I was as popular as HD650, everyone loves him."

May 2, 2006 at 4:35 PM Post #19 of 26
HD280: Come...come to the darkside.
SR-60: NO! Back away from the senns!
HD280: Do not listen to them! Come into the dark realm of bass-less cans!
Ibuds: I'm still here
HD280 and SR-60: Shut up.

I fall slowly to the darkside until the Headphone-master HF-1s and DR150s and my ever-lost PX100s come to save from from the HD280s death grip.
May 2, 2006 at 5:12 PM Post #23 of 26
(the departed) HE90: Du bist ein picky person mit ein oversized kopf. I'm the greatest! Don't you know that, you little schweinhund?

Omega II: I knew you'd come back, you headphone hussy.
Qualia 010: You still don't know whether I'm crap or great do you? Muahahahaha!
UE-10: Please wear me more often. I promise to sound better and irritate your ears less...
HD25: Why can't you treat me like the other ones? I get thrown into bags when that stupid Sony phone has it's own little bag.
May 2, 2006 at 5:24 PM Post #24 of 26
SENN 580: I want power. I want power.
May 2, 2006 at 5:27 PM Post #25 of 26
HD-595: "What the...? What am I doing stuffed in a box being shipped to australia? Let me out dangit."

Seriously, I haven't heard this kind of bass out of anything before. This is one awesome song for bass testing.

E4's: "My yellow magically expanding hair needs replacing again."
May 2, 2006 at 5:30 PM Post #26 of 26
"I'm suing for abuse."

I've knocked my HD-580 (and the 280s as well) off my desk more times than I care to admit. Once I stepped on the HD-580 cable without realizing it, stood up, and yanked the cable connectors right out of the cans while they were playing it. I'm slowly trying to improve before Can Services comes to take them to foster care.

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