If you could choose between the 530's and the PFE's...
Mar 12, 2009 at 5:58 PM Post #136 of 207

Originally Posted by analogbox /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Agreed. I've done some volunteer works in my earlier years and metally challenged people were the most friendliest and caring people that I've ever met. Making fun of such people is just wrong. The person who made that remarks in the picture should really think about his/her moral state.

Couldn't agree more. Also it is against forum rules to insult other forum members even if it is through a distasteful image.


I think we should drop the whole pie throwing thing at this point. I'm seeing more offensive comments against each other than people making negative comments about the items that they never heard in the last few pages of this thread. I'm sure by now the message is crossed and people generally understand each other's position. I for one think that PFE's are such a great product at the asking price, and would whole heartily recommend them to anyone who seeks performance/price IEMs, but what we're doing now is just ruining the reputation of PFE's possibly deterring the people who are thinking about trying them.

Mar 12, 2009 at 6:29 PM Post #137 of 207

Originally Posted by analogbox /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Agreed. I've done some volunteer works in my earlier years and mentally challenged people were the most friendliest and caring people that I've ever met. Making fun of such people is just wrong. The person who made that remarks in the picture should really think about his/her moral state.

Same here, I did some too, and I agree that they're super nice.
I wasen't making fun of them, I was making fun of the "I h8 u for having a different opinion" people.

Arguing about which +$100, $200 or whaterver earphone is the best and attacking someone for having a different opinion is dumb. It all boils down to taste. Please accept that others have different preferences.

I like my SE530 very much and don't need to hear the PFE's to come to the conclusion that I really do like my SE530's. So if anyone asks which IEM is better, I just give my opinion about the SE530 and not disrespecting a IEM I haven't heard.
Also note that the SE530 has been around for almost 3 years now, and still get mad love. Personally, I think that counts for something.
Mar 12, 2009 at 7:07 PM Post #138 of 207

Originally Posted by Bonthouse /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I like my SE530 very much and don't need to hear the PFE's to come to the conclusion that I really do like my SE530's. So if anyone asks which IEM is better, I just give my opinion about the SE530 and not disrespecting a IEM I haven't heard.
Also note that the SE530 has been around for almost 3 years now, and still get mad love. Personally, I think that counts for something.

Yes, I agree that the SE530 is also a wonderful IEM (had it for more than a year) and there's nothing wrong about giving your opinions about it. However, note that this is a comparison thread which involves two different phones, and as you know, you can't compare two different phones if you have not heard of any one of them.

As a comparison I'll write down some of the characteristics of the two:

SE530 -

Very detailed (especially the mid range)
Very Warm
liquid smooth mid
Big, full bass
slightly rolled of high


Very detailed (all across the frequency)
Warm (not as warm as SE530's)
Sparkling treble
Smooth mid (doesn't have the liquidity of SE530's)
Tight bass
Balanced sound signature overall

As I said before, I tend prefer more balanced sound and would trade off a little bit of warmness and bass quantity if have to. YMMV.
Mar 12, 2009 at 7:37 PM Post #139 of 207

Originally Posted by analogbox /img/forum/go_quote.gif
As a comparison I'll write down some of the characteristics of the two:

SE530 -

Very detailed (especially the mid range)
Very Warm
liquid smooth mid
Big, full bass
slightly rolled of high


Very detailed (all across the frequency)
Warm (not as warm as SE530's)
Sparkling treble
Smooth mid (doesn't have the liquidity of SE530's)
Tight bass
Balanced sound signature overall

As I said before, I tend prefer more balanced sound and would trade off a little bit of warmness and bass quantity if have to. YMMV.

Just what was needed, a perfect finish to this thread, IMO.
Mar 12, 2009 at 7:42 PM Post #140 of 207
Right, hopefully it will now R.I.P. since the OP made up his mind long ago.
Mar 12, 2009 at 7:45 PM Post #141 of 207
Thanks for all the responses again. I can't help but feel a little guilty for starting this thread. Nevertheless, I'm glad both parties love their respective IEMs enough to defend them with such vigor. It says a lot, and I feel very proud to (soon) be the owner of one of these earphones, the 530. One day, I really hope to try the PFE's.

Thanks for the excellent SQ breakdown, analogbox. I think we can call this thread closed.
Mar 12, 2009 at 9:20 PM Post #142 of 207

Originally Posted by Nosoupforyou /img/forum/go_quote.gif
As the creator of this thread, I feel it should be closed. It's pretty much going nowhere and is breaking down into the sort of bickering I wished to avoid.

Just to let you PFE-supporters know that I did want to try the PFE's, I walked seven blocks in the cold to get to an audiologist who is the only one who sells them in my area. I could have ordered them online, but I don't know how Phonak ships, and since I'm leaving for Paris on Sunday, I wanted them in my hands ASAP. So, I got there, but the audiologist did not have them in stock. I threw up my hands in despair.

Just to let you 530-supporters know, I did originally feel that the 530's were not a great value for their money. They're so expensive!--and for a marginal increase in performance. But where their strength lies, IMO, is that they have fewer glaring weaknesses. I knew that the q-Jays had slight sibilance, and originally felt that I could deal with that. I couldn't. I'm sorry. I have tender ears. Therefore, now, knowing that I cannot stand sibilance, the 530's are that much more appealing. I'm willing to spend that much more to get the 530's, in order to avoid sibilance. Who knows? I might feel that the 530's are crap too, and return to this forum to start another thread.

I also want to stress that there are several outside reasons why I chose to go with the Shures over the PFE's. One was that I was getting a fantastic deal from Soundearphones. Two was that, if I "traded-up" through Soundearphones to get my 530's, I wouldn't have to pay a restocking fee to return my q-Jays. Three -- and this is important -- Soundearphones does not carry Phonak PFE's. What's a boy to do?

Ultimately, I think it would have been more expensive to go with the PFE's, since I would have had to pay a rather large restocking fee. That's money going straight to waste. And with the 530's, I got two-day shipping for a few extra bucks so that I can have it in my hands ASAP.

Finally, like I said before, I am allowed to have reservations against the PFE's, since it is new to the market. I'm almost certain that the 530's disintegrating-cable-issue (I exaggerate) did not come into prominence within the first few months. I am allowed to be skeptical of the new product, not because it sucks, which I'm sure it doesn't, but because I don't know what problems I might have to face. Of course, the 530 can have random problems as well, but I feel that the bulk of the issues have been listed, and I feel confident knowing what I'm getting myself into.

I appreciate you guys suggesting the cheaper alternative, but if you'd actually read the original post you would have seen that both are roughly the same cost. It's just a matter of where the money is going. With the PFE's, I'd have to pay a restocking fee, which I feel is a bloody waste. With the 530's, I know exactly what each dollar is being used for, and there is IMO no waste.

I hate waste. To have two earphones (which is what would happen if I kept both the PFE and q-Jays) is a waste. To keep the PFE's and return the q-Jays for a restocking fee, that's a waste. Plus, I'd much prefer a more laid-back, bass/mid-centric 'phone than raw treble extension. It's fatiguing!

Final word: everybody just chill. I'm getting my 530's on Friday.

If you like voltage's SE530 "perfect sound" solution, I have 7 brand new pair of yellow Shure foamies to sell you (I kid you not). A great deal. Just PM me. I bought them for the Atrios I used to own, and they no longer work.

Hey, I guess I - I mean Captain BS - missed all the fun. That pie thing was very funny. Lucille rocks!
Mar 12, 2009 at 9:26 PM Post #143 of 207
Bonthouse;5512204 said:
This thread reminded me of this pic:


Just give it a rest.[/QUOTE

The pie cartoon was one thing (it was funny), this is just a pathetic effort at the lowest of lowbrow humor, even if was just to illustrate your point. Why even post it at all? I don't think it was a very effective way to get your message across.
Mar 12, 2009 at 9:29 PM Post #144 of 207

Originally Posted by tstarn06 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
If you like voltage's SE530 "perfect sound" solution, I have 7 brand new pair of yellow Shure foamies to sell you (I kid you not). A great deal. Just PM me. I bought them for the Atrios I used to own, and they no longer work.!

Don't remember if you had the 530s or not, but did you ever try them out with the foamies that voltage mentioned?


Originally Posted by tstarn06 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hey, I guess I - I mean Captain BS - missed all the fun. That pie thing was very funny. Lucille rocks!

Mar 12, 2009 at 9:47 PM Post #146 of 207

Originally Posted by robm321 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Don't remember if you had the 530s or not, but did you ever try them out with the foamies that voltage mentioned?


I never owned the 530s, but I used the yellow foamies with the Atrios and the Sleek SA6s, and also with the W3s, but they are too short for the latter, and I no longer own any other phones with the thin nozzle. So they are on my For Sale list (I posted in the For Sale forum about a bunch of tips I no longer need).
Mar 12, 2009 at 10:16 PM Post #147 of 207
Thread's still alive? Ha!

Damn, I have to say, I am impressed about how well the PFE's are faring in the poll against the 530's. I really expected it to be one-sided towards the 530's... I'm glad I was wrong! Goes to show you how great the $100-150 range is, these days.
Mar 12, 2009 at 10:17 PM Post #148 of 207

Originally Posted by tstarn06 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
If you like voltage's SE530 "perfect sound" solution, I have 7 brand new pair of yellow Shure foamies to sell you (I kid you not). A great deal. Just PM me. I bought them for the Atrios I used to own, and they no longer work.!

I will certainly PM you if I'm interested, my friend. Alas, I haven't even received my 530's yet, as they come tomorrow. Then I'm off with them to Paris!
Mar 12, 2009 at 10:21 PM Post #149 of 207

Originally Posted by Nosoupforyou /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Thread's still alive? Ha!

Damn, I have to say, I am impressed about how well the PFE's are faring in the poll against the 530's. I really expected it to be one-sided towards the 530's... I'm glad I was wrong! Goes to show you how great the $100-150 range is, these days.

I didn't vote because it would be wrong of me to vote for the PFE without having heard the SE530. I think some did vote without listening to the other option on the poll so take the poll results with a grain of salt.
Mar 13, 2009 at 12:05 AM Post #150 of 207

Originally Posted by tstarn06 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Originally Posted by Bonthouse /img/forum/go_quote.gif
This thread reminded me of this pic:


Just give it a rest.

The pie cartoon was one thing (it was funny), this is just a pathetic effort at the lowest of lowbrow humor, even if was just to illustrate your point. Why even post it at all? I don't think it was a very effective way to get your message across.

That's, like, YOUR opinion.

I mean, mentally impaired or people with Down syndrome can't help their behavior to a certain level. We can.
So people with this behavior about disrespecting people with different opinions are in my eyes the ones that are dumb; delayed in mental development. If you can't get your head around the other persons opinion, that's YOUR problem.

And you are right, I should have taken the picture of the kid out and put a big black block in, and avoid all this useless fighting over a picture.
So to sum it up, I posted that pic because of the text that was in it. NOT the kid.

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