if the iPod is $100 cheaper would you pick it over the iHP-120?
Mar 17, 2004 at 6:30 AM Post #31 of 36

Originally posted by Sweet Spot
Dude. You are looking in the wrong direction here...the word dumb doesn't always have to be associated with the horrible afflictions which you mentioned that occur in humans that are sometimes born with particular types of retardisim. So stop breaking my heart.

dumb: To keep delaying; to continue to hinder; to prevent from progress; to render more slow in progress; to impede; to hinder; an abnormal slowness of thought or action; also : less than normal intellectual competence usually characterized by an IQ of less than 70 b : slowness in development or progress

My apologies. Many times, the way it is used is a reference to mental retardation despite not understanding what exactly is being said in just that one word. It pisses me off quite a bit when there are other words one can use without stooping so low when it is the intended meaning (ask 90% of the idiots that say it, they can't tell you the IQ of less than 70 part, they mean mentally dumb but will be embarassed to spell it out).


Originally posted by Sweet Spot
Well, this may not be true for some people though. Yes, I'm with you...we're talking about those specific features I mentioned right ? Sound and build quality. But to some, including myself, the sound quality may be perceived to be better and worth the extra bill. The sound quality also has to do with the availability of a line out on the IHP. You can't ignore its presence, and the difference it makes. That right there may just be enough to put a lot of people over the top. But even putting that quality aside, and going back to my OP, the iPod STILL doesn't have the features I want, so price is moot.

First about sound quality. It's pretty hard to say it's better or worse, especially since no consensus can be made. Some say it sounds better, some it sounds worse. Is the guy with the Sony V300 who loves the strong bass any more right or wrong than the guy with the Ety ER-4P who claims the highs to be tinny and unnatural? That's why I avoided making any comparison. It's much more agreed upon that the iPod sounds good, once again not better or worse, which can be stated without getting into the comparison.
Regarding the line out, that's why I mentioned it later


Originally posted by Sweet Spot
If you want to get really technical, do any of us really NEED a DAP ?

Of course not


Originally posted by Sweet Spot
But Ok, I'll go with what you say, because it SORT OF follows the OP's line of reasoning. Actually, my "straightening" is meant to zap us back into the realms of reality. Because the iPod is NOT $100 cheaper.

It is in the subject of this topic, which is in reality. Of course it isn't in the majority of places. I got my iHP-120 for the same price as the 15GB iPod. But, I'm assuming anyone who uses the search function or happens to read this anyway can see I'm replying to the question regarding a situation where there is a $100 price difference. Heck, I could ignore it (especially since we're talking about Canadian dollars, what are those worth anyway
), but that would be going off the topic and not help the person who asked the question.


Originally posted by Sweet Spot
But ok. let's keep it as it was intended. In that case, you're right....it's more a matter of need. But you also have to care more about price and features more than price and sound quality.

I'm sorry, I thought that's what I did. The way I see my original post:
Do you need these key features the iHP offers over the iPod? If not, it's not worth the $100.
If I was somehow saying something else, I'd like to know how because I just don't see it. I made a comment about iPod being simpler and had it blown up like a balloon (by people arguing the iHP is easy to use AND by people arguing it's hard to use). What I don't get is why people here are arguing that the iHP is simple to use, but don't argue that the iPod isn't simpler. I by no means called the iHP difficult to use, yet it was taken as that by some who seem to be sick of hearing it...yet I've never said it before, so why do I get the flak?

OT, cute cat in your avatar.
Mar 17, 2004 at 7:09 AM Post #32 of 36
Damn, it's really hard to fall asleep when listening to Jeff Buckley's album "Grace" on the IHP and V6's !
Just sounds so amazing !

You missed one very important thing I said, which you actually quoted too...So, this is a quote of you quoting me:


But to some, including myself, the sound quality may be perceived to be better and worth the extra bill.

Key here is the word perceived. Never stated a definite ...I can't speak for everyone. That's it.

Oh, and thanks...now my cat thinks she's really freekin' special because her doofy face is plastered as an avatar on 2 forums.

P.S. That penny arcade comic is hillarious !
Mar 17, 2004 at 6:57 PM Post #35 of 36
please stop this sillyness.

i don't possibly see how the ihp-120 interface is counterintuitive.

anyone with half a brain can figure it out without looking at the manual. you just won't know all the cool shortcuts

so bitches please stop this silly arguement.
Mar 17, 2004 at 10:18 PM Post #36 of 36

Originally posted by PYROTAK
i don't possibly see how the ihp-120 interface is counterintuitive.
anyone with half a brain can figure it out without looking at the manual. you just won't know all the cool shortcuts

I can't resist, even though the ihpheads are as bad as the ipodheads.. (wait, I own an ihp. does that make me psycho crazy about it? I hope not..)

Short click on the little red record button, all by its lonesome, during regular playback to cycle between eq settings (and SRS and WOW). Not intuitive. Maybe that's one of the shortcuts.

- I can't stop - here's one more.

In study mode, the fast forward on the remote goes like normal, but on the main unit it gives you the study jumps. But on the remote, you can now use the rec switch to fast forward with study intervals.

Guys and girls, here's the disclaimer: I love my ihp, yes I can figure it out, no it's not easy and takes a few minutes, not that hard either. Just counterintuitive in spots.

(bring the pain)

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