IEM considerations (RHA-MA750, RE-400, Astrotec AX35, VSonic VSD1S)
Feb 2, 2014 at 1:53 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 1


New Head-Fier
Dec 5, 2013
I'm planning on purchasing my first IEM soon and have been looking at a few different options but thought that I should post on here to get a more detailed opinion.  
I want an IEM that has good sound quality, good isolation, and is comfortable (I have smallish ears).  I'd also like something that can be used while traveling/moving, possibly exercising.  

The ones I am currently looking at are RHA-MA750, HIFIMAN RE-400, Astrotec AX35, and VSonic VSD1S.  (the vsonics are $50 and that makes them about half the price of the other ones listed, but I haven't heard anything bad about them, so, I'm curious if they could hang with the rest of the lineup. 
I am looking to spend between $50 and $100 USD but want something that covers my criteria, so, if I get all three and it will only cost $50, that's great. 
Thanks in advance. 

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