Ideal Headphone (HD800/Audeze) music, suggestions,please

Nov 17, 2016 at 12:21 PM Post #376 of 443
I really like, Just to listen - Ensembles in 1 bit. Well produced and definitely feels like your there. Heres a link for it.
They also have a new album out called Raizes, but some of the vocal sections aren't recorded as well.
Also, if you are a fan of jazz and live performances you have out check out jazz at the pawnshop. Well recorded and an experience that really sounds like you are there.
Nov 18, 2016 at 10:44 AM Post #377 of 443
One of my favorite test albums is Doug MacLeod's "There's a Time" published by Reference Recordings.
Reference Recordings has this title available on a DVD-R as high resolution WAV files encoded at 176.4KHz/24-bits.   Details Here  

Check out the bit depth, sample rate and dynamic range statistics.  

The music is simple guitar blues.   Here's a preview from a live session.  
Nov 18, 2016 at 11:37 AM Post #378 of 443
I got most of his albums, including There's A Time, really nice. Just look at the dynamics:
Nov 27, 2016 at 6:07 AM Post #379 of 443
  I got most of his albums, including There's A Time, really nice. Just look at the dynamics:

At the Linn forum the McLeod album is getting high marks as well;
4. Doug Macleod; There's a Time
5. Minnesota Orchestra; Symphonic Danses
6. Albert Fuller Bach and Rameau
Equally good are Keith Johnson's Reference Recordings.
These were my top audiophile musics until Sound Liaison came along.
The Doug MacLeod album has a similar sound as Carmen Gomes "Thousand Shades of Blue"album, deep, warm and very natural. If it wasn't for the fact that Doug's voice is moving ever so slightly from left to right in the stereo image, that album would have been at no. 1 or 2 together with Carmen Gomes.
The Minnesota Orchestra's recording of the Symphonic Dances is simply the best recording of a Symphony Orchestra that i own.
Albert Fuller's lovely recording of Bach and Rameau's Harpsichord music is also on the list. I f you think that you do not like the sound of a Harpsichord, check this one out, you'll be surprised.

1. Andre Heuvelman; After Silence 
2.Carmen Gomes; Thousand Shades of Blue
3. Paul Berner Band; Road to Memphis
After some consideration I decided to be bold and put three of my Sound Liaison Studio Master downloads at the top of my list.
These 24/96 Hi-Res WAV files has a depth and a natural decay combined with a warm wide sound stage, which none of my other recordings can touch. Not bad for small independent label.
  Andre Heuvelman's After Silence is a stunning prove that he most be one of the worlds foremost trumpet players. I only have this download for a few days now, but it is so convincingly recorded and produced that I had to put it on top.
  Carmen Gomes knows how to move you with out having to use any of the cheap effects so many singers are constantly using putting them self above the music, not here, this is straight from the heart. She turns Chris Isaac's ''Wicked Game'' into a hauntingly beautiful song of desperate love and despair. True Mastery.
Monty Alexander trio alumni, Paul Berner, has made an achingly beautiful ''Americana'' jazz album, with reed player Michael Moore in top form, practically speaking to you with his clarinet and saxophone. The album employing two guitars and no drums makes Bill Frisell come to mind. The interplay between the two guitars is incredible.
Sound Liaison;


Dec 14, 2016 at 6:08 PM Post #381 of 443
One of my favorite albums is on special offer this week at
Highly recommended.
 This month Paul Berner Band returns to the studio to perform live in front of a studio audience.
To promote the concert we are having a sale on his first Sound Liaison album; Road to Memphis.
For a limited period here is your chance to save 33% on the Flac or PCM(WAV) files and even 40% on the DSD files.
....a unique sense of depth, placement and separation of the instruments but with a sound that gels.
Computer audiophile

....Paul Berner, has made an achingly beautiful ''Americana'' jazz album, with reed player Michael Moore in top form. 
Linn audio 

….The Monty Alexander trio alumni is visiting his roots with this instrumental Elvis Presley saga, a top audiophile download.
What’s best audio

....Her er vellyd, dynamik og et swingende band så det er en fryd! (great sound and dynamics, and a swinging band, a great joy!)
NoMono, Denmark 

....Elvis en zijn muziek worden hier op een bedje van rozenblaadjes gelegd. En de luisteraar uiteraard ook. (Elvis’ music put on a bed of roses, and the listener as well)
Jazzenzo, the Netherlands

  Just posted this on the other HD800 thread;
This one is rather good too;
And what a story:
[size=10pt]Paul Berner's masterpiece ''The Road to Memphis, The Devil and Elvis Presley'' [/size][size=10pt]is the Soundtrack to the movie that still has to be made.  A movie about Elvis, focusing on the saga of a country boy becoming a king, [/size][size=10pt]a movie that find Elvis standing on the same cross road where blues singer Robert Johnson had been standing some 30 years before. [/size][size=10pt]And there, on that crossroad, 'en route to Memphis, the devil in the form of colonel Tom Parker appears and buys Elvis' soul in exchange for fame and wealth.[/size]

  But on the other hand when one listens to track 6; ''The Colonel '' another more complex picture of Tom Parker emerges, that  of a man in pain and remorse.
Was he the Devil? Just before the melody enters you hear small squeaks from dried monkey hands and a voodoo priest blowing smoke, trying in vain to undo the whole deal.



[size=10pt]Paul Berners masterpiece ''The Road to Memphis, The Devil and Elvis Presley'' [/size][size=10pt]is the Soundtrack to the movie that still has to be made.  A movie about Elvis, focusing on the saga of a country boy becoming a king, [/size][size=10pt]a movie that find Elvis standing on the same cross road where blues singer Robert Johnson had been standing some 30 years before. [/size][size=10pt]And there, on that crossroad, 'en route to Memphis, the devil in the form of colonel Tom Parker appears and buys Elvis' soul in exchange for fame and wealth.[/size]

Feb 19, 2017 at 1:47 PM Post #386 of 443

I really like that album too. One of my favorite renditions.
Here is a new release with another baroque chamber orchestra and with an even more impressive Sound Quality. And I tend to agree with the leader of the orchestra  that Bach has to swing and they sure do these Scandinavians. Highly Highly recommended.
These musicians play straight from the heart, enthusiastic, swinging and in complete agreement with the music.....if this level can be kept on future releases I will be first in line….
...This is a conductor on mission with Bach’s music!......
Review by Bach expert Knud Svendsen in danish organ society magazine

Mar 5, 2017 at 8:33 AM Post #388 of 443
  I really like that album too. One of my favorite renditions.
Here is a new release with another baroque chamber orchestra and with an even more impressive Sound Quality. And I tend to agree with the leader of the orchestra  that Bach has to swing and they sure do these Scandinavians. Highly Highly recommended.

Oh yes, Enghave Barok really knows how to play Bach. And the recording is endorsed and released by the S.L. label and with good reason. I agree with their description;
 The sound of the recording was immediately engaging. It had a presence and intimacy that I had not previously experienced in classical recordings.
The recording had a sense of depth that reminded me of what Frans is realizing with our recordings; an almost three dimensional sound stage. I know first hand, that the only way to achieve that is through real knowledge of microphone placement and a deep understanding of phase.

Mar 12, 2017 at 8:31 PM Post #390 of 443
  I really like that album too. One of my favorite renditions.
Here is a new release with another baroque chamber orchestra and with an even more impressive Sound Quality. And I tend to agree with the leader of the orchestra  that Bach has to swing and they sure do these Scandinavians. Highly Highly recommended.

Only three days left of the sale;
and a very interesting news letter;
  We should like to share with you one correspondence in particular from Billy in Pasadena, California and the reply from Enghave Barok director Christian Denh Bang ;

Greetings All at Sound Liaison,

I have just purchased and downloaded your Enghave Barok - Bach Live HD Edition 1 recording.  It is phenomenal.  Thank you so much for producing such masterpieces in performance and audio quality.

Is it possible for Torsten Jessen and/or Christian Dehn Bang to provide us with an Illustration or Photograph depicting the "Stage Map" which shows the actual Size and Layout of each Musician/Instrument and Vocalist on the recording "stage" in the church and also their placement within the church?

I am hearing an incredible "Sound Stage" and ambiance of the "room" with this recording, and would like to have an actual Reference to compare and confirm the "image placement" and depth of each instrument and vocalist, in order to properly set up and "fine tune" both my main Hi-Fi playback system and Neumann studio monitors in my home studio.

Thank you for your time and interest.

Sincerely, Billy


Dear Billy!

Thank you so much for your kind email and interest in our recording – we highly appreciate your feedback!

Here’s 3 drawings showing Cross-sections of Enghave Church – at the one with the floorplan we have placed icons for the instruments and singers showing their position at the recording of Bach Live HD Edition 1. Hope that this was what you was asking for. Unfortunately we haven’t any pictures from that project. But you can find pictures from a school concert at our Facebook It’s a different setup – but it will give you a pretty good idea of the stage. Later this year the church will undergo a major rebuild that, among other benefits, makes it an even better place to perform Bach.

Best wishes, Christian Dehn Bang

Bach Live HD Edition 1 Stage Map (High resolution pdf):

Enghave Church Drawing 1.pdf (High resolution pdf):

Enghave Church Drawing 2.pdf (High resolution pdf):


Gentlemen, Thank you so much.  The PDF illustrations that you have provided are perfect and beyond my expectations!  This is greatly appreciated.

I would look forward to hearing more recordings from the "new and improved" Enghave Church, so please contact me when you have new recordings available.

Thank you again!

Best regards, Billy


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