Ibasso SR2...... 🍀 🇺🇸...here 😳
Aug 10, 2020 at 7:08 PM Post #46 of 917
Better Amp...EVEN BETTER performance.
IBasso...mic drop



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Aug 11, 2020 at 12:00 PM Post #48 of 917
Do they sound veiled, boxed, recessed or distant? Like listening from the back seat? or mid one? Or front row?

Right now listening to LIVE Dead on CD
“The Birth of the Dead”
(The Studio Sides)
You’re right there in the studio

No Veil...not even out of the box before burn in...after a week I’m sold...these are just beautiful.
These drivers are fast and smoothe....they do it to Perfection

...using the Optical to transport to the RME

This is Audio Nirvana


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Aug 11, 2020 at 2:51 PM Post #50 of 917
Right now listening to LIVE Dead on CD
“The Birth of the Dead”
(The Studio Sides)
You’re right there in the studio

Great choice man! all my respect!
I prefer the first CD pressing though, imho.

No Veil...not even out of the box before burn in...after a week I’m sold...these are just beautiful.
These drivers are fast and smoothe....they do it to Perfection

...using the Optical to transport to the RME

This is Audio Nirvana

OK, thanks. So it's more a front row presentation, right?
Aug 11, 2020 at 2:52 PM Post #51 of 917
What an early response. Eyeing these with great interest... Will be curious to hear how these stack up to the Clears.

I would be surprised if the clear is “better”....I know one thing, the clear are WAY more money and their stock cable isn’t in the same neighborhood either...these blew my Auteurs away...on every level
Aug 11, 2020 at 2:56 PM Post #52 of 917
OK, thanks. So it's more a front row presentation, right?
It’s more like “in” the studio...in the music...it’s a really great intimate feel...hard to explain...its big, full, crisp...You’re just THERE...I’m so glad to have received the RME ADI2 Pro...I didn’t think it could get better...but it did. I’m surprised more aren’t using these amp DAC combo.
Aug 15, 2020 at 12:28 AM Post #60 of 917
The only thing that burns in for some is one's brain. I got the Stellia a couple weeks ago and it sounds the same now as it did then. The same for my A2C and Elear. If headphones burned in the way people pretend they do, you'd see massive changes in frequency graphs but you never do.

Regarding cables, it's cool if the cable they provide doesn't have any real level of microphonics and other annoying issues but to imply regular stock cables are junk and this one is amazing is silly since while there can be differences in cables, it is minor unless a cable was built very poorly, not the night and day difference some pretend is there. The funny thing about the cable stuff is people seem to forget or ignore that cheap wire is used inside the cups to connect the drivers and there is going to be cheap wire and other pieces that are cheap in other parts of the chain. Furthermore, it makes no logical sense for headphone manufacturers to provide crap cables that make their headphones sound mediocre out of the box.

Despite the above, nice to see your enthusiasm for these cans even if you're being a bit hyperbolic with the praise and coming off as though these are TOTL level cans for mid-fi level pricing.

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