iBasso DX170 You want your Music? It is right here. *** NEW Firmware: 1.06 Apple support and other additions! ***
Apr 19, 2024 at 7:27 PM Post #1,622 of 1,725
Good evening,

Hiby and Sony are the two DAP brands that have almost all of their latest products running Android 12 and 13. For the moment Shanling, Fiio and Astern & Kern are far behind with Android 9, 10 and very little of 11.

Ibasso has all its products released since 2021 which have either been released directly with Android 11 or have had an update to this version. It is the only brand alongside Sony that has massively upgraded its products to more recent OS.

Regarding the frequency of Shifts, that doesn't mean anything. If the Shifts provide OK functionalities, that's good and if there are them often, that's very good. If this fixes Bugs, it's good that the brand corrects them but a lot of updates in this case mean that the product may have been released too early or not very well tested or produced. On the other hand, if the Brand makes updates over several years, it's very good. This means that the brand continues to follow the product. While other brands can very often abandon a model because its replacement has come out…

For me the downside of the Sony is their low output power. If you have headphones with low impedance it works but if you have headphones with
150, 250, 300 Ohms or more the Sony DAP is unable to power it correctly.

Final Points Sony are exclusively DAPs while many of the other brands including the DX170 are DAPs and can also act as DACs.
And unless I'm mistaken, other manufacturers have a system for bypassing Android limits (SRC by pass: AGLO or DTA or Pure Music Mode, etc.) which is not the case for Sony.
Apr 20, 2024 at 10:14 AM Post #1,624 of 1,725
Bonjour les gars, n'hésitez pas à consulter mon test du baladeur Hiby R6 Gen III, j'ai fait un comparatif avec ibasso DX170 :


Et laissez un like si vous avez apprécié la lecture, bravo !:souriant:
Good morning,

Your test, which has the merit of physically comparing different DAPs, confirms what I mentioned. The DX170 has very good sound, very good manufacturing quality and a very fair price but unfortunately because of its processor and the little RAM, it limits its use. Very good for listening to music on SD card but not recommended for those who listen to streaming music.

The R6 III seems to be well born. It has a very fair price. so it's a very good choice.
But personally when I have to change DAP I would rather go for the big brother of the DX170, that is to say the DX 260.
Apr 25, 2024 at 3:13 PM Post #1,625 of 1,725
DX170 New Firmware. This is the local for an SD card and also the .img firmware when using the Tool.
Improvements with this firmware:
1. Support for Apple Music V4.7.
2. Added Google Play, Gboard, and Aptoide APPs. The APPs are user deletable.
3. Improved the parametric EQ.
Instructions For Firmware update:
1. Copy and paste the DX170_full_ota_1.06.490.zip to your SD card's root folder, or the DX170's internal memory.
2. Go to Android OS, press Settings-->System-->Updater-->local update, and tap the zip file.
3. The whole update will take about 10 minutes. Reboot the DX170 after update completed. You can also choose to do a factory reset at this time to clear any artifacts from the previous firmware.
Local using the micro SD card:
.img FW
iBasso Stay updated on iBasso at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
http://www.ibasso.com/ paul@ibasso.com
Apr 25, 2024 at 7:11 PM Post #1,627 of 1,725
DX170 New Firmware. This is the local for an SD card and also the .img firmware when using the Tool.
Improvements with this firmware:
1. Support for Apple Music V4.7.
2. Added Google Play, Gboard, and Aptoide APPs. The APPs are user deletable.
3. Improved the parametric EQ.
Instructions For Firmware update:
1. Copy and paste the DX170_full_ota_1.06.490.zip to your SD card's root folder, or the DX170's internal memory.
2. Go to Android OS, press Settings-->System-->Updater-->local update, and tap the zip file.
3. The whole update will take about 10 minutes. Reboot the DX170 after update completed. You can also choose to do a factory reset at this time to clear any artifacts from the previous firmware.
Local using the micro SD card:
.img FW
I was wondering when will this fw update be available through the Wi-Fi on the dap itself, I'm not too good with understanding how to do the other way, I'm not too tech savvy.
Apr 25, 2024 at 8:05 PM Post #1,628 of 1,725
Good evening,

it's quite simple:
- Download the file to your Mac or PC: - "DX170FW-ota-v1.06.zip"
it is a Zip archive which contains another archive and a text file.
- On your computer you unpack this archive. Inside there will be the file "DX170_full_ota_1.06.490.zip" and the file "readme.txt".
- you must copy the file "DX170_full_ota_1.06.490.zip" to the first level of your SD card or directly to the DX170. Do not put it in a folder.
- For from the menu where we launch the update, that is to say: - "Parameters" application then "System" menu then "UpDater", on the right there are 3 small dots, a menu this deploit "Local update". There is "internat storage" which corresponds to the internal storage of the DX170, and another line which corresponds to your SD card. If the file is copied to the first level, you will see it. You select it and the update starts…
Apr 26, 2024 at 3:26 AM Post #1,629 of 1,725
Good evening,

it's quite simple:
- Download the file to your Mac or PC: - "DX170FW-ota-v1.06.zip"
it is a Zip archive which contains another archive and a text file.
- On your computer you unpack this archive. Inside there will be the file "DX170_full_ota_1.06.490.zip" and the file "readme.txt".
- you must copy the file "DX170_full_ota_1.06.490.zip" to the first level of your SD card or directly to the DX170. Do not put it in a folder.
- For from the menu where we launch the update, that is to say: - "Parameters" application then "System" menu then "UpDater", on the right there are 3 small dots, a menu this deploit "Local update". There is "internat storage" which corresponds to the internal storage of the DX170, and another line which corresponds to your SD card. If the file is copied to the first level, you will see it. You select it and the update starts…
Oh thank you for that, will do, if I have any trouble I'll refer to these instructions, it seems pretty straight forward, much appreciated.
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Apr 26, 2024 at 9:36 PM Post #1,630 of 1,725
Apr 27, 2024 at 7:51 AM Post #1,633 of 1,725
A long wait can be worth it. With the release of the DX260, I had an inner hope that the DX180 could soon be announced. Then I'm looking forward to Paul-iBasso's announcement and the first reviews. In any case, it could be the worthy successor to my DX160.
yeah i feel like the dx170 is a dud. i imagine they'll abandon it soon after 1.5 years.

dunno what i think of ibasso
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Apr 27, 2024 at 9:44 AM Post #1,634 of 1,725
I suspect that the choice of the DAC used and a subsequent exclusive OPAMP may have arisen out of necessity, because I actually thought an output stage was already integrated into the DAC, but with worse values. Remember, this player was created at a time during Corona and the associated delivery difficulties for parts. In addition to the difficulty of replacing the built-in battery, this is also one of the reasons why I wanted to skip the DX170 version. I prefer the shortest signal paths without compromises.

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