iBasso DX100:24 bit for bit, PG 1> Reviews & Impressions, Downloads, VIDEO, NEW Firmware 1.4.2.
Apr 2, 2012 at 8:54 AM Post #3,646 of 13,503
In the spirit of DigitalFreak's post, I've had the same thoughts but am willing to allow ibasso some time to implement some firmware updates. 
To add my own dose of frankness, while I like the DX100 and it looks like it could replace an H140 as a digital transport...I am stumped by many folks assertions that this is the best portable sound ever.  I admit mine is not burned in yet, and accept that it may change later...but right now with 20 hours on it, I cannot see how it can transform enough to change my impressions 
I am convinced that the amp (as far as hardware) is this device's weakness.  It does not compete with my Hiflight topkit D12 or SR71b.  I find the sound directly out of the DX100 to be good, but comparatively flat with missing bass depth, imaging, soundstage and overall impact.  I am perplexed that so many are having such a different experience than me.  I was hoping that the DX100 would provide an all-in-one solution...but it appears it will only replace one of my components (source), or perhaps two as I am still testing the DX100's DAC which appears to be very good.

I find that strange too, because for me the sound stage, separation, and detail are the defining characteristics that make this thing sound as good as it does. It outclasses my PB-2 in all those regards. Makes you wonder if the same hardware can output such a different sound, or if it's our own perceptions that cause it.

DigitalFreak here .... DigitalFreak out.

Thanks for the psychoanalysis, LOL. :D

It's a shame that so many seem to having serious issues with their DX. Frankly I'm amazed at the number of unhappy people. It makes you wonder what changed between the 1st and 2nd batch - because there didn't seem to be this level of disappointment from the early adopters. My own works almost without issue. I have put less effort into organizing and tagging my music with art etc on this then I did with itunes and my nano.

Keep in mind iBasso didn't charge $800 for a buggy interface. The DAC and amp in here are fantastic - compare it to equally capable portable amps that have no UI and see how it stacks up. Software/Firmware can be continually updated. To anyone who is dissatisfied with the DX and who hasn't tried Poweramp (provided you're not focused solely on 24/192) really really do yourself a favour and try the two week free trial (I actually haven't bought the unlocked app yet :xf_eek: , but will do so without a doubt).

It's clearly not a perfect product, but before you start lecturing us about denial keep in mind this is the real world we live in. It should be perfect, but then so should the Hifiman players, iPods should play FLAC files, Windows should work my way - not me having to adapt to MS's way of doing things, I should be able to copy music from my iPod to my computer without having to buy a separate program, and on and on.

For those whose player isn't functional I hope iBasso gets you sorted in short order - I have quite a lot of confidence in them as far as customer service and good faith goes. For those who don't have the player, I wouldn't write it off just yet - well I wouldn't write it off at all as mine has turned out to be the best DAP I've ever had by a large margin.

DigitalFreak I hope you find the perfect product that does things seamlessly and perfectly, the way you want it to do things and sounds better than anything else out there. And when you do, don't wake up! :wink:
Apr 2, 2012 at 9:30 AM Post #3,647 of 13,503
Anybody have ATH-W3000ANV and DX100? I got my ATH-W3000ANV at a very good price and waiting for my DX100 to arrive.
Been shipped on friday.I hope the wait is worth it.

I am typing this while listening to them right now.
IME the W3000ANV and the DX100 are not a good match.
For some reasons, I never had luck with iBasso amps driving Audio-Tech cans and the DX100 is no exception. I have had AD900, A1000X, ESW10JPN and W1000X previously running on the P3+ and P4 and they don't sound good at all. This trend doesn't change with the DX100.
Apr 2, 2012 at 10:06 AM Post #3,648 of 13,503
I have found a bug, not going to drive me mad but......

With the stock player, I find that everytime I reboot the DX100, the EQ. will revert to the default Android boasts, but on this player every thing is boasted by +3
 if I remember correctly.
Not too much of a hassle but just need to reset every time after a reboot. May download the Equalizer app and see if it will keep the freq. flat after a reboot!
Apr 2, 2012 at 10:45 AM Post #3,649 of 13,503

I walk 2.5 hrs day and I will carry this imperfect bring because of one thing - It sounds great!
What a very refreshing wake up call. Thank you, DigitalFreak, for posting this; nothing you've mentioned is incorrect and I 100% agree with every point you've made.
[rant]This high-end, high-priced, product should have been R&Ded extensively, and the UI be perfected to an extent that isn't this troublesome, before the DX100 was released. It's unacceptable to price units slightly lower and use the customers as guinea pigs to do their bug testing for them. No matter how good the DX100 sounds, a DAP is only successful upon its ability to execute. Sure, it has good internals, but no matter how good they are, if the UI is a complete piece of sh**excuse the language, the DX100 only gets classified as, "just another DAP." Some of you can argue all you want, but the truth is that nobody deserves this kind of treatment and unfinished product for such a high price. You say the sound is all that matters because this is an "audiophile" DAP. Would you like to pay $200,000 for a V12 engine with a metal frame and a seat to sit in, but with absolutely no design, luxury, or any features. for a super-car? Or the other way around, pay $200,000 for a Lamborghini and have the engine be a V4 you find in a 98' Honda? You're paying the premium for the whole package, not just one aspect. I understand that some of you bought this DAP purely for the sound; however, this does not mean that everyone should be the same as you.
I'm just relieved that iBasso's working hard to put out their next firmware to fix most of these issues. I applaud them for their effort, but I cannot do the same for their mistake of putting out such an incomplete product just to meet the deadline. [/rant]
However, the sound of this DAP amazes me every time I put on my cans. 



Apr 2, 2012 at 11:19 AM Post #3,650 of 13,503


I am typing this while listening to them right now.
IME the W3000ANV and the DX100 are not a good match.
For some reasons, I never had luck with iBasso amps driving Audio-Tech cans and the DX100 is no exception. I have had AD900, A1000X, ESW10JPN and W1000X previously running on the P3+ and P4 and they don't sound good at all. This trend doesn't change with the DX100.

That.... is slightly depressing. : (
Apr 2, 2012 at 11:28 AM Post #3,651 of 13,503
I use my ESW10 JPN frequently and enjoy the sound. Good top to bottom. YMMV. 
Apr 2, 2012 at 11:34 AM Post #3,652 of 13,503

Why is that? Because its too what or not enough of?

I am typing this while listening to them right now.
IME the W3000ANV and the DX100 are not a good match.
For some reasons, I never had luck with iBasso amps driving Audio-Tech cans and the DX100 is no exception. I have had AD900, A1000X, ESW10JPN and W1000X previously running on the P3+ and P4 and they don't sound good at all. This trend doesn't change with the DX100.

Apr 2, 2012 at 11:39 AM Post #3,654 of 13,503
In my world, of commercial photography, there are parallel developments and product releases as a result of savvy manufacturers developing products on the cutting edge of technology and pushing the envelope there.  Any of you who are involved with photography are no doubt aware of these developments and products, for which there are currently long waiting queues on a huge backorder list in the case of the one mentioned in the vid I'll share (which is coincidentally named quite similar to the one here).  In the spirit of DigitalFreak's recent post, and some observations of my own in being involved in this thread and this little community that's evolved from it, I'm going to share a hilarious animation my buddy sent.  It is not at all a reflection or my take on iBasso's product because the parallel does not exist - what they've been trying to accomplish here is quite unique and is indeed pushing the envelope as far as a one-box solution DAP goes.  Sony is, of course, doing similar things with their Z series.  I for one appreciate that there are companies who will put the effort and significant risk into our little demanding niche market to produce unique products like this.  Though I respect the decision of those of you in this Beta program (not identified as such, but really, that's what it has become) to embrace what is good about it, I clearly fall more on the side of Digital Freak's observations as my posts would probably indicate.  My unit is heading back to iBasso today.  So my buddy sent me this animation, and I have to say it could be applied to any cutting edge tech product out there, and would probably get laughs on many forums such as this (for those able to laugh at themselves).  Again, this is not meant as comment on iBasso - I think they're doing the community a great service in supporting such a tiny market of people willing to pay for quality.... but I do think they should have waited to release a more fleshed-out product that worked properly and provided the support of at least a manual and current firmware downloads (still don't know if what is up is current, but according to a recent post it is not).  No, this is more about us, as a voracious consumer of the latest and greatest with blinders on and...well, you'll see.  The ultimate fanboy:

Apr 2, 2012 at 11:56 AM Post #3,655 of 13,503

Well I am not a fan of any company. What I was after was one unit to carry on me that will provide me the best sound. I walk 2.5 hrs with a backpack that weight over 30 pounds so weight is an issue. Cause I coach baskeball which means I am running and standing then taking a bus and train then walking weight is an issue and so I wanted one device for good music. The Dx100 for now is a great device and it sounds great and even though it is heavy and weighs like five of my favorite Cowon D2s I am willing to carry it because it sounds so good. If another company makes something better I will get it right away. For now I dont see one that can compete. Yep Dx100 aint perfect and I cant make a play list and I have to keep browsing the files but I will do it cause the sounds is so good. I do it for the sound!
In my world, of commercial photography, there are parallel developments and product releases as a result of savvy manufacturers developing products on the cutting edge of technology and pushing the envelope there.  Any of you who are involved with photography are no doubt aware of these developments and products, for which there are currently long waiting queues on a huge backorder list in the case of the one mentioned in the vid I'll share (which is coincidentally named quite similar to the one here).  In the spirit of DigitalFreak's recent post, and some observations of my own in being involved in this thread and this little community that's evolved from it, I'm going to share a hilarious animation my buddy sent.  It is not at all a reflection or my take on iBasso's product because the parallel does not exist - what they've been trying to accomplish here is quite unique and is indeed pushing the envelope as far as a one-box solution DAP goes.  Sony is, of course, doing similar things with their Z series.  I for one appreciate that there are companies who will put the effort and significant risk into our little demanding niche market to produce unique products like this.  Though I respect the decision of those of you in this Beta program (not identified as such, but really, that's what it has become) to embrace what is good about it, I clearly fall more on the side of Digital Freak's observations as my posts would probably indicate.  My unit is heading back to iBasso today.  So my buddy sent me this animation, and I have to say it could be applied to any cutting edge tech product out there, and would probably get laughs on many forums such as this (for those able to laugh at themselves).  Again, this is not meant as comment on iBasso - I think they're doing the community a great service in supporting such a tiny market of people willing to pay for quality.... but I do think they should have waited to release a more fleshed-out product that worked properly and provided the support of at least a manual and current firmware downloads (still don't know if what is up is current, but according to a recent post it is not).  No, this is more about us, as a voracious consumer of the latest and greatest with blinders on and...well, you'll see.  The ultimate fanboy:

Apr 2, 2012 at 12:04 PM Post #3,657 of 13,503
Funny...For some of us the DX100 represents an all in one devise that has exceptional sound while for others it is simply an unresponsive clunker. For those of us who don't need cover art and or customized play lists the IU gets the job done: go to the album you want hear and push play. (although there seems to be a solution for the cover art) To call out those of us who fall into the former category as fan boys or mutants who are in denial is laughable. I hope Ibasso can solve some of interface problems so that this player can be enjoyed by all, but given the track record of all of these Chinese daps, I wonder if they have the technical expertise. The SQ, is another story all together.

Apr 2, 2012 at 12:14 PM Post #3,659 of 13,503
OMG the DX100 with the JH16 is.........................so detailed , the treble and the bass...I am flying/dancing. I was not listing to music before, my ears can't handle such refined technicalities and pure sound. I want to learn sign language, as I will never take them off.
Thank you Harvey. If I die today, I will be a happy, crazy head-fier.
Remind me why I hated the Dx100...forget it , I am now in a new dimension, thank my fellow Head-fiers..
............I have been waiting for you...ain't nobody loves me better...hope this night will last forever....
Apr 2, 2012 at 12:16 PM Post #3,660 of 13,503
OMG the DX100 with the JH16 is.........................so detailed , the treble and the bass...I am flying/dancing. I was not listing to music before, my ears can't handle such refined technicalities and pure sound. I want to learn sign language, as I will never take them off.
Thank you Harvey. If I die today, I will be a happy, crazy head-fier.
Remind me why I hated the Dx100...forget it , I am now in a new dimension, thank my fellow Head-fiers..


Pfffffft ...de-LUD-ed!

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