I probably shouldn't hang out here..
Jul 28, 2007 at 12:01 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 92


500+ Head-Fier
Jul 12, 2007
I have some controversial opinions and I'm quite good at stating and defending them.

If you check my sig line you will see a quote from Richard Feynman, I believe that wholeheartedly and try very hard not to fool myself.

In the process though I often end up angering other people to the point of irrationality. I just went through that the other night with a dude in Australia who was trying to tell me, among other things, that high quality sound cards do not have a recording volume control. When I scanned the manual for my Audiophile 2496 and circled the part where it stated that there was a variable attenuator on the analog input, he lost it and started cursing me.

On most fora it doesn't take long for people to stop responding to my posts altogether and I would just as soon that didn't happen here.

I'm in a depressed mood today and am feeling very negative. I apologize if I have hurt anyone's feelings in any way. That is not my intention.


Jul 28, 2007 at 12:10 AM Post #2 of 92
Oh, cheer up. I think you'll find that as long as your posts aren't inflammatory or insulting, people here are pretty good at responding to different opinions. It's just the told-ya-so, arrogant, d*cks that tend to irritate people--which I assume you are not.
Jul 28, 2007 at 12:18 AM Post #3 of 92
Oh c'mon , your not gonna let some *****hole prevent you from what to me is probably the most respectful forum online right!, just dust your shoulders off, and maintain that constant money flow outbound from your wallet.
Jul 28, 2007 at 12:25 AM Post #4 of 92
Jon I know exactly how you feel and share many of your opinions. Don't get down.

Life is frustrating for people like us at the moment. I often feel hopeless yet choose to always remain optimistic. The pendulum will swing back soon.
Jul 28, 2007 at 12:38 AM Post #7 of 92
Whoever that was is in no way representative of most folk on here. You shouldn't be so concerned about some people's narrow-mindedness.

And the correct plural is 'forums' according to my dictionary
. 'Fora' is referring to marketplaces in Ancient Rome no?
Jul 28, 2007 at 1:59 AM Post #9 of 92

Originally Posted by 1967cutlass /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Welcome to the internet

ROTFL, I spent over ten years on the usenet political fora and nothing anyone can say here will bother me in the slightest. I just know that I irritate some people greatly sometimes without really meaning to and did not wish to do that here..

I've been online since the days of 300 baud acoustic modems, Atari computers and local BBS's


Source: Jargon File (4.3.1, 29 Jun 2001)

fora pl.n. Plural of forum.

Welcome to the jungle...
Jul 28, 2007 at 2:08 AM Post #10 of 92
My depression has nothing to do with anything that happened today on here, it is to some extent a chemical imbalance (I'm bipolar) and to some extent things that are going on in my life right now..

I just come here and read and post to distract myself from my own problems. I'm a problem solver at heart and right now I can't solve my own so I try to help others with their's.

I'm ok with technical discussions (although I think I upset Duggeh a bit a while ago) but when it comes to other things my opinions often rub people the wrong way. I'm very poor at just backing down and shutting up when I think I'm right (always, in other words
Jul 28, 2007 at 2:24 AM Post #11 of 92
For some reason, I am reminded of this picture:


I feel the same way, though. If I'm right, I'll keep arguing until the other person is convinced...
Jul 28, 2007 at 2:44 AM Post #13 of 92
You're coming off kind of conceited.

Anyways, after a couple years on the net, I learned one thing: screw it.
Jul 28, 2007 at 2:50 AM Post #14 of 92
You should stay. Head-Fi tolerates a surprisingly wide range of opinions. It's one of the best forums in that respect. On one hand you have people who are extreme skeptics, on the other hand you have people who own Brilliant Pebbles, and discussions are largely still very civil.
Jul 28, 2007 at 3:06 AM Post #15 of 92

Originally Posted by Kirosia /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You're coming off kind of conceited.

Anyways, after a couple years on the net, I learned one thing: screw it.

I've never understood why athletes are allowed to brag of their accomplishments and high five each other, do victory dances and so forth and no one thinks anything of it.

But if someone who is intellectually strong does the same thing, he or she is "conceited".

Start an argument with me and see who wins, eh?

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